100字范文 > 古今汉语比较 comparison between ancient and modern Chinese英语短句 例句大全

古今汉语比较 comparison between ancient and modern Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-17 17:17:55


古今汉语比较 comparison between ancient and modern Chinese英语短句 例句大全

古今汉语比较,comparison between ancient and modern Chinese

1)comparison between ancient and modern Chinese古今汉语比较

2)Comparing between ancient and noadays古今比较

3)ancient and modem Chinese古今汉语


1.The Change of Conceptualization of Verbs in the History of Chinese and Its Effect on Grammar;古今汉语动词概念化方式的变化及其对语法的影响

2.The Differences of Lexicalization Patterns and Its Effect on Grammatical Structure --Take the Motion Event in Ancient and Modern Chinese as an Example词汇化模式的差异对语法结构的影响——以古今汉语运动事件为例

3.Discussing on Gu Jin Zi in Han Yu Da Zi Dian and Han Yu Da Ci Dian;《汉语大字典》《汉语大词典》中的古今字问题管窺

4.Chacracter’s Function In Studiny Chinese-- With A Comparasion Of Ancient And Modern Chinese;汉字在汉语研究里的地位——兼及今古汉语特点的比较

5.Queries about the Present-Day Grammar Analysis of Ancient Chinese:Brief Notes of the Inspirations from Grammar Analysis in Annotations on Chinese Classics;当今古汉语语法分析质疑——古注语法分析启示琐记

6.Use Language Examples to Shorten the Distance Between Ancient and Present in Teaching Archaic Chinese;联系语言实例 拉近古今距离——高师古汉语教学探析

7.Keeping and Developing the Stylistic Tradition of Chinese Poems in their Modern Translations;论古诗今译中汉语诗体传统的继承与发展

8.Present Pronunciation of Ancient Wholly Voiced Consonants in Huaihua Dialect of Chinese in Hunan;湖南怀化市汉语方言中古全浊声母今读类型

9."Baizi""s Formation and Serious Impact on Chinese Language论古今白字的产生及其给汉语带来的严重影响

10.Neither dogmatic nor synchronic bias in reinterpretations of the archaisms in modern Chinese;不能“以今律古”,也不要“以古限今”——谈古语词在现代汉语中的理解和运用

11.On the Poetical Feature of the Ancient Chinese Language and the Literary Feature of the Ancient Chinese Literature --In the Case of the Translation of Guanju into Modern Chinese;论古代汉语的“诗性”与中国古代文学的“文学性”——以《关雎》“今译”为例

12.On the Differences among Gujinzi, Tongjiazi and Yitizi;古汉语中容易混淆的用字现象——古今字、通假字、异体字辨

13.Everyday Chinese-Brighter Read in Classical Chinese每日汉语-古汉语趣读

14.Today s Translations and Comments for BuddhistDocuments and the Study ofMedieval Chinese Language──for example the translations and comments for "Xian Yu Jing" and "Za Bao Zang Jing;汉译佛典的今注今译与中古汉语词语研究──以《贤愚经》《杂宝藏经》译注本为例

15.Vocabulary teaching in the unified college textbook "Selected Ancient Chinese Readings with Modern Notes";全国师专通用教材《古代汉语·今注文选》词语教学札记

16.On the Establishment of Grammar System in the Discipline of the Ancient Chinese Language and Its Teaching:Notes about Grammar Analysis Studies in Annotations and Textual Researches of Present and Ancient Monographs;漫谈古代汉语语法科学与教学语法体系建立——今古专书注释考据语法分析研究札记

17.Evolution of Chinese Characters Tone Based on Specific Data of Modern Chinese Dialects;从现代汉语方言字调计量分析看古声调的演变与今声调的来源

18.Han Dynasty s Dispute Between Contemporary Classic and Traditional Classic Schools: The Influence on its Contemporary Classic Study;论汉代今古文之争对汉代今文经学的影响


Comparing between ancient and noadays古今比较

3)ancient and modem Chinese古今汉语

4)ancient and modern address forms in Chinese汉语古今称谓语

1.This article is an attempt to briefly discuss, from the perspectives ofancient and modern address forms in Chinese, the cultural factors imbedded in these address forms.本文略从汉语古今称谓语来浅谈其蕴含的相关文化因素。

5)Mergence of Description in Chinese Language汉语合叙古今论

6)Sino-Tibetan cbmparison汉藏语比较


