100字范文 > 家畜尿样 Livestocks urine英语短句 例句大全

家畜尿样 Livestocks urine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-02 03:40:36


家畜尿样 Livestocks urine英语短句 例句大全

家畜尿样,Livestock"s urine

1)Livestock"s urine家畜尿样


1.Study on Dilution Multiple in COD Determination of Livestock"s Urine家畜尿样COD测定中稀释倍数的探讨

2.Also as mentioned earlier livestock can produce biological proteins helping people who have diseases including diabetes Parkinson"s and Cystic Fibrosis.同时也像以前提出的那样,家畜能产生生物蛋白质去帮助患糖尿

3.World Watch List for Domestic Animal Diversity世界家畜多样性监测表

4.The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow"s faeces and urine.所产生的家畜粪尿量加重了环境负担。

5.A domestic animal, especially a cow, horse, or mule.家畜家畜,尤指牛、马或骡

6.Reoport of a Sampling Survey to Schistosomiasis of Domestec Animals in Hunan Province in 19951995年湖南省家畜血吸虫病抽样调查分析

7.The business of grazing cattle.畜牧业放养家畜的行业

8.The family did not multiply so rapidly as the cattle. More people were needed to look after them;家庭并不像牲畜那样迅速繁殖起来,现在需要有更多的人来看管牲畜;

9.To dress(a fowl).宰杀并清洗(家畜)

10.To provide forage for (livestock).为(家畜)提供草料.

11.A pound of wheat at a penny is as dear as a pound of butcher"s-meat at fourpence.四便士一磅的家畜肉和一便士一磅的小麦一样昂贵。

12.Many countries still have prison camps where people are treated like animals.现在许多国家仍有战俘营,在那里,人像牲畜一样被对待。

13.Research on mtDNA Genetic Diversity of Four Domestic Animal Species (Cattle, Water Buffalo, Yak and Donkey) in China;中国四个畜种(黄牛、水牛、牦牛、家驴)线粒体DNA遗传多样性研究

14.The Biodiversity Study on Grass Beetles and the Control of Dung-breeding Flies of Livestock in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古草原甲虫生物多样性调查及控制家畜粪依赖性害蝇的研究

15.Genetic Breeding Application Study of Microsatellite DNA Markers Genetic Character in Livestock微卫星DNA标记遗传多样性在家畜遗传育种上应用的研究进展

16.An enclosure for livestock.牲畜栏用于饲养家畜的围栏地

17.samples of many barn cleaner各式畜舍清扫机样品

18.A domestic animal produced by crossbreeding one of purebred stock with one of ordinary stock.改良品种一种家畜,由一个纯种家畜和一个普通家畜杂交得到


livestock wastes家畜粪尿

1.Study on composting treatment oflivestock wastesIAdjustment of rate and temperature of aeration and mixing times ofcompost materials during composting;家畜粪尿的堆肥化处理技术研究 I通气量、通气温度及搅翻次数的调节

3)Animal genetic diversity家畜遗传多样性


1.Serological investigation on the coinfection of spotted fever group of Rickettsia and Borrelia burgdorferi amonglivestock in a forest area of Jilin,province;吉林省林区家畜中斑点热群立克次体与莱姆病螺旋体复合感染的血清学调查

2.Progress on Livestock in Vitro Fertilization;家畜体外受精技术研究进展

3.Study on turnover oflivestock urine nitrogen in grassland ecosystem;草地生态系统中家畜尿N转化研究

5)domestic animals家畜

1.Advance in immunological diagnostic methods of eperythrozoonosis indomestic animals;家畜附红细胞体病免疫学诊断方法的研究进展

2.Investigation of mouth mucous membrane canker indomestic animals in Qilian County of Qinghai Province;青海省祁连县家畜口腔黏膜溃烂病的调查

3.Protection ofdomestic animals diversity was the need in reality, for sustaining development of animal husbandry, and for solving our survival problems.本文概述了我国家畜多样性的现状 ,指出家畜多样性保护是客观实际的需要 ,是畜牧业持续发展的需要 ,也是解决生存问题的需要 ,并进一步提出了家畜多样性的保护目标和利用策

6)domestic animal家畜

1.The significance of conservation ofdomestic animal diversity in china;中国家畜多样性保护的意义

2.Dynamic observations on the activities on the serum enzymes indomestic animals experimentally infected with Taenia saginata in Duyun and Congjiang area of Guizhou province;都匀亚洲牛带绦虫及从江牛带绦虫实验感染家畜血清酶学动态研究

3.Review of traceability system fordomestic animals and livestock products;家畜和畜产品可追溯系统研究进展


肾性葡萄糖尿氨基酸尿磷酸盐尿症肾性葡萄糖尿氨基酸尿磷酸盐尿症renal glucosuria aminoaciduria and phosphaturia又称“Fanconi综合征”。遗传性或获得性近端肾小管多种功能异常疾病。临床上表现为肾性糖尿、全氨基酸尿、磷酸盐尿、高血氯性代谢性酸中毒、低血钾、多尿及肾小管性蛋白尿等。遗传性Fanconi综合征又可分为成人型及婴儿型两类,后者又称为“de-Toni-Debre-Fanconi综合征”或“Lignac-Fonconi综合征”。
