100字范文 > 顾客投诉 customer complaint英语短句 例句大全

顾客投诉 customer complaint英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-05 15:08:17


顾客投诉 customer complaint英语短句 例句大全

顾客投诉,customer complaint

1)customer complaint顾客投诉

1.Every company can meet the issue ofcustomer complaint, complaining to the companies is the way to express customer dissatisfaction, also is the source of valuable information for companies, and it creates many chances for the companies.顾客投诉是每一个企业皆遇到的问题,它是顾客对企业管理和服务不满的表达方式,也是企业有价值的信息来源,它为企业创造了许多机会,因此正确看待顾客投诉,管理顾客投诉对企业有着特别重要的意义。

2.As a part of service,customer complaint management is more and more important.顾客投诉管理作为服务领域的一个组成部分,重要性越发显现,有效地处理顾客投诉已经成为企业提高竞争能力的有效途径。


1.The complaint department was beset by angry customers.顾客投诉部被愤怒的顾客团团围

2.Research on the Influence of Response to Complaints at Hotel on Customer Satisfaction酒店顾客投诉处理对顾客满意度的影响研究

3.The organization shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to customer feedback, including customer complaints.组织应确定顾客反馈包括顾客投诉并实施与顾客沟通的有效安排.

4.Toward Customer Complaints: Service Recovery and Organizational Learning;面向顾客投诉:服务补救和组织学习

5.Violates this overallservice request, creates the customer to sue, must apologize theapology to the customer.违反这一总体服务要求,造成顾客投诉,均需向顾客赔礼道歉。

6.Our store has a special department to handle customer complaints.我们店设有专门负责处理顾客投诉的部门。

7.Collect and maintain all records of customer"s complaints and investigations, make regular analysis收集和保存所有顾客投诉和调查的记录,定期组织分析.

8.After-sales Service: Deal with an angry customer. Attempt to find solutions to their problems. Arrange assistance.处理顾客投诉事件。试图找出解决问题的方法。安排协助。

9.A documented procedure shall be established to define requirements for reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints).应编制形成文件的程序以规定评审不合格(包括顾客投诉)等方面的要求.

10.They are slow to reply or slow at reply to the customer"s complaint.他们对顾客的投诉答复迟缓。

11.Everyday plenty of buyers complain about the quality of the wirings to the shop.每天大量顾客向该店投诉电器质量.

12.Review of Firm Response to the Customer Direct Complaints and its Effects;企业对顾客直接投诉的反应及其影响

13.I fear that Vincent is too hot-headed to be made responsible for dealing with customers" complaints.我担心文森特太鲁莽,负责不了处理顾客的投诉。

14.The shop referred the complaints to the makers of the articles.商店把顾客的投诉转交给生产该商品的厂家。

15.No, I work in a condom factory &these are customer complaints.“不是。我在避孕套工厂工作,而这些是顾客的投诉。”

16.The Reasons,Intention,and Action of Customers" Direct Complaint:An Empirical Study Based on the Experiences of Customers Dissatisfied to Electronic Applauses in China顾客直接投诉的原因、意愿与行为——基于家电产品顾客不满经历的实证研究

17.Response to customer"s complaints within 12 hrs and handle it within 48 hrs.对顾客提出的质量投诉,答复不超过12小时,处理不超过48小时。

18.At the food counter in a store, a customer was complaining to the shop assistant.在一个商店的食品柜台前,一位顾客正在向店员投诉。


Customer Complaints and Product Return顾客投诉和退货

3)Listen to the guest"s complaints.听顾客的投诉。

4)Analysis of Customer Complaint顾客投诉分析

5)The response to customers"complaints顾客投诉处理

6)Customers" direct complaint顾客直接投诉


