100字范文 > 外部动力 external impetus英语短句 例句大全

外部动力 external impetus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-19 15:11:56


外部动力 external impetus英语短句 例句大全

外部动力,external impetus

1)external impetus外部动力

1.The paper establishes the model of service innovation in 3PL enterprises and discusses the driving factors of logistics service innovation from internal andexternal impetus.建立了物流企业服务创新模型,从外部轨道、行为者和物流联盟等外部动力和战略与管理、员工创新性和组织创新等内部动力两方面论述了物流服务创新的驱动因素。

2.Theexternal impetus propelling the prosperity of chorus art during Renaissance boiled down to three aspect.推动欧洲文艺复兴时期合唱艺术蓬勃发展的外部动力,一是“人文主义”思想的兴起,二是民族特征影响下多声部音乐,三是宗教改革与反宗教改革冲突。


1.The Study of the Driving Force of Chinese Enterprises FDI--the Explanation From the Internal and External View point;中国企业对外直接投资的动力研究——从内、外部动力源视角的解释

2.Analysis of the External Motive Force of Authentication of American Higher Education Authentication Organization;美国高等教育认证机构认证的外部动力探析

3.An Analysis of External Factors in College Students Achievement Behavior;大学生成就行为的外部动力源因素分析

4.A Study on the External Dynamic Mechanism in the SustainableUtilization of Fisheries Resources in the Central Region;中部地区渔业资源可持续利用的外部动力机制研究

5.The relationship of Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation to Creativity;内部动机、外部动机与创造力的关系研究

6.On External Driving Force of the Development of Chinese Forensic Accounting;论法务会计在中国发展的外部推动力

7.A Research on External Pushing Power for Legal Accounting Development in China;中国法务会计发展的外部推动力研究

8.Enterpriser satisfaction is an internal motive and customer satisfaction is an external force.ES是内在动力源泉 ,而CS是外部作用力量。

9.Analysis on the External Diseconomy of the Flow of Surplus Labor of China s Rural Areas;浅析中国农村富余劳动力流动的外部不经济

10.Study on the Causes and Countermeasures of Rural Migration Return in Western China;西部地区农村外出劳动力回流:动因及其对策

11.The System Dynamics Analysis on the Relation between Logistics Industry and External Circumstance;物流产业与外部环境互动的系统动力学分析

12.Research on the External Impact of Rural Education to the Flow of Rural Labor Force农村教育对农村劳动力流动的外部性影响研究

13.Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Rolling Element Bearing with Localized Defect on Outer Ring考虑外圈局部缺陷的滚动轴承非线性动力特性

14.“External Motivating Force” Theory for Developing Higher and Secondary Polytechnic Education;高中等职业技术教育发展的“外部驱动力”理论

15.Global Commodity Chains Dynamics and Structure Mechanism of Equilibrium;全球商品链的内在动力机制与外部结构均衡

16.Pay Attention to the Extracurricular Action of Regional Anatomy and to Enhance Creative Ability of Medical Student重视局部解剖课外活动,加强医学生创新能力

17.The Empirical Research of Enterprise Externalizing Intelligent Workers" Motives企业智力型人员外部化配置动因的实证分析

18.Visualized External Force/Torque Interaction in Virtual Prototyping Dynamics Analysis基于可视外部力/力矩隐喻工具的虚拟样机动力学交互分析方法


external dynamics外部动力学

1.At present,the researches around the world on theexternal dynamics in ship collision are all restricted to the ship motion in two dimensions,which large scope of roll motion is neglected.目前国际上船舶碰撞外部动力学的解析法研究均局限于船体碰撞运动的二维假设,忽略了可能存在的大幅横摇。

3)external motivating force外部驱动力

4)Dynamic External Force动态外部力

5)external pushing power外部推动力

1.A research onexternal pushing power for legal accounting will help to reveal the operation principle of legal accounting and to clarify the characteristics of operation mechanism of legal accounting and focus for practical application.法务会计是我国正在建设和发展的一个新兴会计领域,研究法务会计的外部推动力将有助于揭示法务会计的运行规律,明确法务会计运行机制的特点及其实际应用的切入点。

6)internal and external drivers内外部驱动力


动力机械:内燃机动力学研究内燃机运转中的力学现象的科学。其主要任务是研究分析内燃机运转时各主要零件的运动规律及其受力情况﹐用以作为内燃机零件设计﹑计算的依据。它还研究这些力对内燃机动力装置的影响及其消减方法。内燃机动力学的主要内容为曲柄连杆机构运动学﹑曲柄连杆机构动力学和内燃机平衡分析等。曲柄连杆机构运动学 研究曲柄﹑连杆﹐尤其是活塞的运动规律。活塞作周期性往复运动时的位移、速度和加速度可用下述各式近似求算式中为曲轴转角﹔ 为曲轴旋转角速度﹔为曲柄半径﹔为曲柄半径 与连杆长度之比﹐即 = / 曲柄作回转运动﹐连杆作复杂的平面运动。连杆的运动往往被简化分解为随活塞组的往复运动和随同曲柄的旋转运动。曲柄连杆机构动力学 研究分析曲柄连杆机构(见曲柄滑块机构)在运动中力的生成﹑传递和输出。作用在曲柄连杆机构上的力有曲柄连杆机构运动时产生的往复惯性力和离心惯性力﹐以及内燃机气缸内的气体压力。
