100字范文 > 外铄 externalization英语短句 例句大全

外铄 externalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-19 21:04:22


外铄 externalization英语短句 例句大全



1.Brief Discussion blight and countermeasure of improperexternalization on moral educational internalization;略论外铄失度对德育内化的负面影响及对策


1.Brief Discussion blight and countermeasure of improper externalization on moral educational internalization;略论外铄失度对德育内化的负面影响及对策

2.The Psychological Base of the Dispute between the Internal Cause and External Cause in the Scope of the Didactical Method;教学方法上内发和外铄论争的心理学基础

3.Enjoy an extraordinary show bringing together for the first time in Hong Kong the best Latin American performers and local artists to fill your weekend with music, dance and sunshine.云集多个海外与本地优秀艺团,为您送上一个前所未有的、铄著阳光与舞乐的周末。

4.Crowperwood noticed that his body was hale and strong.柯帕乌发现他精神矍铄,身体强

5.Grandfather will be 80 years old, but he is hale and hearty.祖父就要80高龄了,但仍精神矍铄。

6.On the Three Categories of Lacanian Studies;性灵熔匠文章府 群言渊铄说拉康

7.The hale and hearty man is counted among the old.那个硬朗矍铄的人就给归入老人的行列了。

8.Decadence of Rational and Elegy of Selt Metals--An Interpretation of My Bodhi Tree;理性颓退和销铄的挽歌——《我的菩提树》的一种解读

9.The soul embodied in ceramics artworks can also be perceived by the people--On Artistic Spirit of Mr.Zhou Zhi-yuan元气陶铄 众生禀焉——志远先生的艺术精神

10.His family, she now knew, included an abrasively vigorous mother of eighty-seven.她现在知道,他家里有一位八十七岁,精神矍铄而惹人生气的母亲。

11."You are having another Birthday and you look fantastic-so young, vibrant, energetic!""您又一次喜庆千秋,只见你神采奕奕,满面春风,精神矍铄,精力充沛"

12.They can be always energetic and fantastic, vigorous and vibrant.愿他们永远精力充沛,神采奕奕,精神矍铄,充满活力。

13.The city built on this alluvial land is never daunted by drastic changes and renovations, enduring all difficulties to build a prosperous future.建立在滩涂上的这座城市从不畏惧颠覆与革新,沙石俱下,金铄齐出,豪情万丈地构建着未来。

14.Old woman惊目 the细 see, see his crane hair童 the颜, spirit矍 the铄, inspiring looks extraordinary, but still and continuously advise to say, beg the old man to smile but not language.老婆婆惊目细看,见他鹤发童颜、神矍铄,气宇不凡,但仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语。

15.Contributor」 Ran Jingfu, Doctoral Student, Law of School, Renmin Universityof China. Nie Shuo, Teacher, Law of School, Shan Tou University.「作者简介」井富,中国人民大学法学院博士研究生;聂铄,汕头大学法学院教师。

16.foreign languages, goods, students外国语、 外国货、 外国学生.

17.An exterior part or surface.外部外部或外在的表面

18.Of, located on, or moving toward the outside or exterior; outer.外面的外面的,位于外面的或向外移的;外部的


Zhou Xin-shuo周辛铄

3)Liu Shuo刘铄(431~453)

4)Wei Shuo卫铄(272~349)

5)A man in his green old age矍铄老翁

6)On Zhou Xin-shuo周辛铄论略


