100字范文 > 声门冲击 impetus of glottis英语短句 例句大全

声门冲击 impetus of glottis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-15 13:54:36


声门冲击 impetus of glottis英语短句 例句大全

声门冲击,impetus of glottis

1)impetus of glottis声门冲击


1.On the Inspiration of Modern Voice Music Teaching in Terms of M·Grcia s "Glottal Shock" Theory;论加尔西亚(子)“声门冲击”学说对当今声乐教学的启示

2.A Talk on the Impulsive Force of Breat h in Vocal Music Training---In the Light of Mannel Gareia s Theory of Impetus of Glottis;谈声乐训练中的气息力——从曼努埃尔·加西亚“声门冲击”理论所想到的

3.After a while , the footstep came at the door, then , the door was opened like the door was striked by explosive bow wave.一会儿,脚步到了门口,随即,门像受到爆炸的冲击波撞击似的,“砰”一声被推开了。

4.In this paper, the application of the ultrasonic impacting technique to Xihoumen Bridge is presented.介绍超声波冲击技术在西堠门大桥上的应用情况。

5.acoustic shock suppressor声冲击抑制器 -电话的

6.The impact noise excitation is discussed, and the time-history inputting models for impact noise excitations are founded.讨论轮轨噪声激扰之一:冲击噪声激扰。

7.a series of short sharp noises (as made by strokes on a drum or knocks on a door).一系列急剧而重复的敲击声或叩击声(如打鼓声或敲门声)。

8.The firemen smashed in/down the door and rushed in.消防队员用力将门击破冲了进去。

9.The corrupted hearing of people required a collision of sounds.人们腐朽的听力需要声音的冲击。

10.Thunderous rumbling shakes the hull.雷鸣般的隆隆声冲击着潜艇的外壳。

11.Research of CPLD-based Digital Ultrasonic Peening;基于CPLD的数字化超声冲击装置研究

12.The clinical study of ultrasonic localization in ESWL;超声定位体外冲击波碎石的临床应用

13.Another View: the Impacts of International Chess on Sports;另一种声音:国际象棋对体育的冲击

14.The Influence of the Ultrasonic Impact on the Microstructure and Properties of Rail Steel超声冲击对钢轨钢组织与性能的影响

15.Frequency and DOA Simultaneous Estimation of LFM Signal under Impulse Noise冲击噪声背景下频率和DOA的联合估计

16.Fabrication and characterization of nanocrystructured surface layer of J507 weld by ultrasonic impact peeningJ507堆焊层超声冲击表面纳米化

17.Acoustic and Anti-shock Capability Research of the Acoustic Layer Structure;声学覆盖层结构声学及抗冲击性能研究



impact jie gate冲击界门

3)ultrasonic impact treatment超声冲击

1.Effect ofultrasonic impact treatment on residual stress of welded structure;超声冲击对焊接结构残余应力的影响

2.Analysis of strengthening mechanism ofultrasonic impact treatment of 2A12 aluminum alloy weld joint;2A12铝合金焊接接头超声冲击强化机理分析

3.Specimens of 22SiMn2TiB armor plate are treated byultrasonic impact treatment(UIT).采用超声冲击处理工艺对22SiMn2TiB装甲钢试样进行了表面冲击强化,采用四点弯曲加载装置将处理和未处理的试样在3。

4)Ultrasonic peening超声冲击

1.Improvement of fatigue properties of welded joints for titanium alloy by ultrasonic peening method;超声冲击法对钛合金焊接接头疲劳性能的改善

2.Fatigue properties improvement of welded joints for LF21 aluminum alloy by ultrasonic peening method;超声冲击法改善LF21铝合金焊接接头的疲劳性能

3.Ultrasonic peening method is proved for improving the fatigue strength the welded joints by previous examinations.采用Q2 35B十字接头试件 ,就改善焊接接头疲劳强度的超声冲击法与TIG熔修法进行了全面对比。

5)impact noise冲击噪声

1.By analysing the causes of the machineryimpact noise,the authors of this paper mainlydiscuss how to analyse it by the technique of impact stimulation both in theory and practice.本文从分析机械性冲击噪声的发生机理和影响因素入手,论述了用冲击激励技术分析机械性冲击噪声的理论和方法,并进行了实验验证。

2.Theimpact noise excitation is discussed,and the time-history inputting models forimpact noise excitations are founded.讨论轮轨噪声激扰之一:冲击噪声激扰。

3.Studied also are the noise spectrum characteristics and its relation with air pressure and intermittency during exhaust in addition to ways of eliminatingimpact noise.分析了间歇排气噪声及其产生机理,并对其频谱特性、与气压的关系以及其中的冲击噪声特性和噪声消除进行了全面深入的研究。

6)impulsive noise冲击噪声

1.Speech enhancement approach based on signal subspace with multi-input inimpulsive noise;冲击噪声环境下基于信号子空间的多通道语音增强算法

2.Joint diagonalization DOA matrix method inimpulsive noise environments;冲击噪声环境中的联合对角化波达方向矩阵法

3.Fast DOA estimation in animpulsive noise environment;冲击噪声环境下的快速DOA估计


标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)标准操作冲击电压波形(见冲击电压发生器)standard switching impulse voltage waveformb .oozhun CooZuo ChongJld,onyo boxlng标准操作冲击电压波形(standard switchingimpulse voltage waveform)见冲击电压发生器。
