100字范文 > 图书管理系统 library management system英语短句 例句大全

图书管理系统 library management system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-31 15:29:24


图书管理系统 library management system英语短句 例句大全

图书管理系统,library management system

1)library management system图书管理系统

1.The influence of ISBN-13 onlibrary management system and the reparative methods;ISBN-13对图书管理系统的影响及应对方法

2.Library Management System Based on C/S and B/S Mixed Mode;基于C/S和B/S混合模式的图书管理系统

3.Design and Realization of Library Management System Based on ;基于的图书管理系统设计与实现


1.The Book-attached CD-ROM Management System Which Integrates With the Book Management System一种与图书管理系统整合的随书光盘管理系统

2.The Design and Realization of Book Management System:the Design of the Book Administration Module图书管理系统的设计与实现——图书管理模块设计

3.The Modeling and Implementation of a Library Management System Based on Web;基于Web的图书管理系统建模与实现

4.Books Management System Development Based on C/S Structure;基于C/S结构的图书管理系统的开发

5.Establishment of library management system using UML;运用UML建模机制构建图书管理系统

6.A Digital Library and Its Related Technologies;数字图书管理系统及其相关技术探究

7.The Analysis and Design of the Library Management System Based on J2EE基于J2EE的图书管理系统的分析与设计

8.The Design and Implementation of Book Management System Based on 基于的图书管理系统的设计与实现

9.UML-Based Modeling and Design of Library Management System基于UML的图书管理系统建模与设计

10.Analysis & Design on the Library Management System with UML用UML进行图书管理系统分析与设计

11.Software Development Based on RUP基于RUP的图书管理系统的设计与开发

12.Knowledgeable of library management software and library security systems.掌握图书管理和图书安全系统软件的操作。

13.Library Integrated Management Information System图书馆综合管理信息系统

14.On the Work of Administrator in Library Automatic System图书馆自动化系统管理员工作的探讨

15.The Development of Management System with Microcomputer for Chinese Periodicals in Library图书馆中文期刊微机管理系统的开发

16.Research of Library Management System Based on RFID;基于RFID的图书馆管理系统的研究

17.Distributed Library Management System Based on Agent;基于Agent的分布式图书馆管理系统

18.Research of Management Information System in Library Integration Service;图书馆综合服务管理信息系统的研究


book management system图书管理系统

1.In this thesis,I have stated data integrity s necessity and how to make it come true by using abook management system as an example.以图书管理系统为例阐述了实现数据完整性的必要性和实现方法。

2.Firstly, the importance of book management based on web is analyzed, then, the development process ofbook management system is presented, and the technology of web develop are compared such as CGI, ASP,PHP and JSP.图书管理是一个复杂而重要的问题,本文先分析了基于web的图书管理的重要性,进而阐述了图书管理系统的发展历程,对基于web的图书管理系统的开发技术如CGI、ASP、PHP、JSP等技术进行比较,并采用ASP技术开发一个图书管理系统,最后给出了运行界面。

3)Books Management System图书管理系统

1.Books Management System Development Based on C/S Structure;基于C/S结构的图书管理系统的开发

2.The design of books management system considering identity recognition;具有身份识别功能的图书管理系统设计

3.This paper expounds the experience of primary level library in the process of building information network administration, such as selection of network topology composition, hardware facilities purchasing, and particularly introduces several experiences in the concrete application of LIBSOFTBooks Management System and some problems in the actual use of LIBSOFTBooks Management System.文章论述了基层图书馆在建设信息网络化管理过程中网络拓扑结构的选择、硬件设施的购置等方面的经验,特别介绍了力博图书管理系统在具体应用中的若干经验。

4)library management system图书馆管理系统

1.Application of UML inlibrary management system modeling;UML在图书馆管理系统建模中的应用

2.Buildinglibrary management system based on SQL*Forms;基于SQL*Forms的图书馆管理系统建设

3.Distributed Library Management System Based on Agent;基于Agent的分布式图书馆管理系统

5)military hospital library management system军队医院图书管理系统

1.RESULTS: The successful development ofmilitary hospital library management system makes the management convenient and is beneficial for hospital staff to study.结果“军队医院图书管理系统”的成功开发方便了管理人员的图书管理,也有益于医院工作人员的学习。

6)Book management information system图书管理信息系统

1.The central purpose of this paper is applying intelligent agent in Book Management Information System (BMIS) to enhance its individual service function.将智能Agent应用于图书管理信息系统,以提高它的个性化服务水平是本文的主要目的。


