100字范文 > 办馆理念 Conception of managing library英语短句 例句大全

办馆理念 Conception of managing library英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-15 03:28:08


办馆理念 Conception of managing library英语短句 例句大全

办馆理念,Conception of managing library

1)Conception of managing library办馆理念


1.Face the 21st Century,Research on the University Libraries Ideas and Objectives;21世纪大学图书馆办馆理念与办馆宗旨探析

2.On Innovation of Library-Running Idea of the Present Chinese Public Library论我国当代公共图书馆办馆理念创新

3.Probe into the Conception of Running University Library under the Market Economy;市场经济环境下高校图书馆办馆理念探讨

4.On "Reader First" Library Running Thought from the New Connotation of the Educational Policy;由教育方针新内涵论“读者第一”的办馆理念

5.3 Philosophy for the Design of Venues(三)场馆的设计理念

6.Library 2.0: Improve the Idea of Library ServiceLibrary2.0:提升图书馆服务理念

7.Idea,Belief and Innovation of Notion of Modern Library;现代图书馆的理想、理念与观念创新

8.Service Notion Innovation of University Librarian;浅谈高校图书馆馆员服务理念的创新

9.Mall Library--The New Generation Construction Idea of Libraries摩尔图书馆——新一代图书馆构造理念

10.nnovating Educational Concept and Promoting Education Quality;创新办学理念 提升高校办学水平

11.Site-Memorial of the Peasant Movement Institute Directed by Comrade Mao Zedong毛泽东同志主办农民运动讲习所旧址纪念馆

12.An Opinion of the Calls for New Administrationin Our Library Management;我国图书馆管理需引进新的管理理念

13.Research on the Business Management of the Public Library Owned Industry;关于公共图书馆馆办产业经营管理问题的探究

14.Running the Library at Different Places--Considerations about the Construction and Management of University Library异地办馆——高校图书馆建设与管理问题的思考

15.The Application of Hunanistic lomepts in Managing College library;高校图书馆在服务管理中的人本理念

16.A Discussion on the Management Concept of Putting People First in a College Library;以人为本的高校图书馆管理理念浅探

17.The management of the library knowledge and the market selling idea of higher school;高校图书馆知识管理与市场营销理念

18.Human-Centeredness: On the New Concept of Academic Library Management;以人为本:高校图书馆管理的新理念


ideas for running libraries办馆观念

3)mission of hospital办院理念

4)school-running concept办学理念

1.Reflection onschool-running concept of Xi’an Eurasia University;关于西安欧亚学院办学理念的思考

2.This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of management patterns of multi-campus universities,and makes rational thinking on running a multi-campus university from the aspects ofschool-running concepts,selection of management patterns,fusion and optimization of subjects,internal management systems,and establishing scientific development views.对多校区大学办学管理模式的利弊进行了分析,从办学理念、管理模式的选择、学科融合与优化、内部管理体制、树立科学发展观等5个方面,对多校区大学办学作了理性思考。

3.A characteristic universities includesschool-running concept,characteristic specialities,competitive students and so on.师专升本后特色办学包括,办学理念的定位,特色专业的创建,有竞争力学生的培养等。

5)periodical management idea办刊理念

6)concept of running a school办学理念


