100字范文 > 图书馆管理 library management英语短句 例句大全

图书馆管理 library management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 02:29:18


图书馆管理 library management英语短句 例句大全

图书馆管理,library management

1)library management图书馆管理

1.A predicton model research oflibrary managementbased on Petri net;基于Petri网的图书馆管理预测模型研究

2.The Inspirations of Information Lifecycle Management to Library Management;信息生命周期管理对图书馆管理的启示

3.Pygmalion Effect in Library Management;图书馆管理中的“皮格马利翁效应”


1.Exploit Library s Human Resource and Do well in Library Management;开发图书馆人力资源 搞好图书馆管理

2.Digital Library-New Pattern of Library Management;数字化图书馆——图书馆管理的新模式

3.Library management, the combination of Management science and Library science, is an interdisciplinary Integration science.图书馆管理学可分为三部分图书馆管理理论、书馆管理方法与技术、书馆管理应用。

4.Library Science has always interested me. My main emphasis has been on the study of the Management of the Libraries.我一直对图书馆学感兴趣,并主攻图书馆管理。

5.An Opinion of the Calls for New Administrationin Our Library Management;我国图书馆管理需引进新的管理理念

6.The librarian has called in all the books.图书馆管理员把书全部都收回去了。

7.Humanistic Management: Strategic Policy Decision of Modern Library;人本管理:现代图书馆管理的战略选择

8.Modern Academic Library Management and the Management Arts of the Library Director;现代高校图书馆管理与馆长的管理艺术

9.Research Fellow of Library Science研究馆员(图书管理系列)

10.A person who is a specialist in library work.图书管理员在图书馆工作的专业人员

11.On the Management of Circulating Books in College Libraries;浅议加强高校图书馆流通图书的管理

12.Talking about the Management of Library Archives and the Development of Library Cause浅谈图书馆档案管理与图书馆事业的发展

13.Some Little Things in the Library--Probe into the Humanized Management in the Library图书馆里的那些“小事”——图书馆人性化管理初探

14.the custodian of a collection (as a museum or library).收藏处的管理人(博物馆或图书馆)。

15.Talk About the Library Human Resource Management With the Knowledge About Librarian Quality;图书馆人力资源管理与馆员素质研究

16.has charge of all rare books in the library;负责管理图书馆的所有的善本书;

17.Scientific Control:On Utilization of Books Disk-adjuncts in University Library;科学管理:高校图书馆随书附盘的利用

18.The Management of Network-oriented Sample Stack of University Library;网络环境下大学图书馆样本书库管理


Management of library图书馆管理

1.This paper introduces the relations between the management of library and the quality of librarians, and puts forward some methods of perfecting the management of library.介绍了图书馆管理与馆员素质之间的关系,提出了完善图书馆管理的办法。

2.This paper analyses the current situation of university library management,expounds the major factors which affect the scientific management of library,and puts forward the measures to strengthen management innovation of university library.从分析当前图书馆管理现状入手,探讨了影响图书馆科学管理的主要因素,提出了加强高校图书馆管理创新的措施。

3)Library Administration图书馆管理

1.University library administration under network environment;网络环境下的大学图书馆管理

2.Finally,the author discusses the prediction conclusion s enlightenment to the library administration that it is necessary for th.从加强读者培训、提高参考咨询服务水平的角度,探讨预测结果对图书馆管理的启示。

3.That is, the library administration should be based on its librarians, giving free rein to their subjective initiative and creative capability, creating harmonious working environment with humanity.图书馆服务创新必须改变传统图书馆“以书为本”的管理思想,牢固树立“以人为本”的管理思想和服务理念,即图书馆管理活动要以馆员为本,充分发挥馆员的主观能动性和创造能力,为馆员营造和谐、协调、富有人性化的工作环境,满足他们正当的物质需要、情感需要及事业方面的成就需要。


1.On themanagement of the harmonious library;浅论人本和谐图书馆管理之道

2.A tentative analysis of themanagement in libraries of universities and colleges in new era;新时期高校图书馆管理初探

3.This paper discusses the advantages andmanagement of the students part - time work in library.探讨勤工助学学生参与图书馆管理的状况,并对此状况进行了分析。

5)Administration of Library图书馆管理

6)library imagelibrary servicelibrarian constructionlibrary management图书馆形象图书馆服务图书馆队伍图书馆管理


