100字范文 > 彩色图像 color image英语短句 例句大全

彩色图像 color image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-06 04:14:13


彩色图像 color image英语短句 例句大全

彩色图像,color image

1)color image彩色图像

1.Interactive color separation and replacement forcolor image;交互式彩色图像分色换色算法及实现

2.Study of K-means-based classification of plant-color image segmentation;基于K-均值算法的植物彩色图像分割

3.Modification and application of median filtering algorithm forcolor image filter;彩色图像的中值滤波算法的改进与应用


1.Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Color Image Using SIFT Image Correction.使用SIFT图像校正的彩色图像水印算法

2.Color Image Enhancement Based on Histogram Segmentation基于直方图分割的彩色图像增强算法

3.Blind watermark algorithm for color image based on YIQ color space基于YIQ色彩空间的彩色图像盲水印算法

4.Color-texture segmentation method for color image based on KFCM基于核模糊聚类的彩色图像色彩-纹理分割方法

5.Perceptual Color Clustering for Image Segmentation基于视觉颜色聚类的彩色图像分割


7.A Color Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Uniform Color Coordinate System;基于均匀计色制的彩色图像质量评价

8.Color image segmentation based on the Munsell-HLC color space基于Munsell-HLC颜色空间的彩色图像分割

9.Color Image Edge Detection Based on Color Triangle基于颜色三角形的彩色图像边缘检测

press of Divided De-colored Region of the Color Image Based on JPEG基于JPEG的彩色图像去色分区压缩

11.Color Image Segmentation Based on Principal Component Analysis and Hue基于主元分析和色调的彩色图像分割

12.The Establish of Color Metallography Computer-Aided Analysis System & the Research on Color Image Segmentation;彩色金相显微图像分析系统的建立与彩色图像分割方法的研究

13.Color Image Search Methods and Its Application in Image Database;彩色图像检索方法及其在图像数据库中应用

14.Study on Color Image-based Flame Segmentation of Forest Fire Images基于彩色图像的林火图像火焰分割研究

15.Color image segmentation and edge detection using Unit-Linking PCNN and image entropyUnit-Linking PCNN和图像熵的彩色图像分割与边缘检测

16.color quad image processor彩色四分割图像处理机

17.image generator of colour television彩色电视图像发生器

18.colour-encoded focused image hologram彩色编码聚集图像全息图


color images彩色图像

1.Wavelet-based public watermarking forcolor images;基于小波的彩色图像公开水印技术

2.A new method for removing salt-and-pepper noise from gray scale andcolor images;一种去除灰度及彩色图像椒盐噪声的新方法

3.Text location in complexcolor images复杂彩色图像中的文本定位

3)colour image彩色图像

1.Method of edge detection forcolour images;一种彩色图像边缘检测方法

2.This paper proposeg a new method to store acolour image in high density using computer generated hologram(CGH).本文提出了一种采用计算机制全息来进行高密度存储彩色图像的方法。

3.The method of printing high resolutioncolour images on the common 24 pins colour printers is described in this paper,and the program of printing screen images is compiled by assembler language.本文叙述了如何在普通24针彩色打印机上打印高分辨率彩色图像的方法,并用汇编语言编写了打印屏幕图像的程序。

4)True color image真彩色图像

5)color Charge Coupled Device(CCD) image彩色CCD图像

6)color IC image彩色IC图像

1.Dimensionality reduction incolor IC images based on image segmentation and weighted Fisher criterion;基于图像分割和加权Fisher判据的彩色IC图像降维


