100字范文 > 色彩意象 color image英语短句 例句大全

色彩意象 color image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-20 21:59:30


色彩意象 color image英语短句 例句大全

色彩意象,color image

1)color image色彩意象

1.Formation of product scolor image is from the people s cognition of product s color.产品色彩意象的形成,是来自人们对于产品色彩的认知。

2.The usage ofcolor image by Scott Fitzgerald,the 20th century American realist,in his masterpiece“The Great Gatsby”was analysed in his article.美国 2 0世纪著名小说家司各特·菲茨杰拉德在小说《大人物盖茨比》中运用多种色彩意象 ,对于人物刻画 ,情节发展以及最终揭示美国梦破灭这一深刻主题起到了独特的作

3.With a variety ofcolor images, the poets depicted a colorful world in their eyes.色彩意象的艺术表现力和感染力在唐宋诗词中达到了顶峰。


1.A Text on the Use of Expressive Model of Color Image in the Consfraction of Poetic--the Expressive Models of Blue Image and Yellow Image;再论诗歌审美中色彩意象抒情范式——蓝色意象与黄色意象抒情范式

2.The Emotional World Established with Colors-Decipheration of the Artistic Conception of the Fashion Colors in the Works of Bai Xianyong;用色彩构筑的情感世界——对白先勇创作中服饰色彩意象的解读

3.The Research on Appearance Color Image of Residential Building in Contemporary Chinese City;当代中国城市居住建筑外观色彩意象研究

4.“A” and Its Color Images in The Scarlet Letter;试析《红字》中“A”字及其色彩的意象

5.The Statue Expresses Feelings,Comment on the Method that the Room Color Designs立象以尽意——论居室色彩设计的方法

6.A Discussion about the Application and Expression of the Imaginary Color for the Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting;论中国传统工笔画“意象色彩”的运用与表现

7.The MEtaphor of Title and Color--An Exposition of Symbol in Young Goodmon Brown;名称与色彩的隐喻——论《小伙子布朗》的象征寓意

8.On Imagery Tragedy and Cause of Li Shang-yin s Poems;论李商隐诗歌意象的悲剧色彩及其成因

9.The Graphic Expression of Colouring & Images in Ai Qing s Early Poems;论艾青早期诗歌中色彩与意象的绘画性表现

10.On the "Color Imagery" of Traditional Painting from the Perspective of Han Banquet Map从《韩熙载夜宴图》谈传统绘画中色彩的意象性

11.Analysis on Meaning Infection in Lexical Affective Meaning Changes论词义感情色彩变化中的意义感染现象

12.On Different Meanings of Colours and the Reasons Between the East and the West论中西方色彩象征意义的差别及其成因

13.beam index colour picture tube电子束指引彩色显象管

14.tricolour chromatron单枪栅控式彩色显象管

15.PIT (Precision In-line Tube)精密直列式彩色显象管

16.colour reflection tube电子反射式彩色显象管

17.digital color image recorder数字彩色图象记录器

18.colour broadcast camera彩色广播电视摄象机


image color意象色彩

1.Anatomising the idea and development of theimage color of traditional Chinese Painting, the thesis compares the color idea s difference between China and western countries.通过对中国传统绘画意象色彩观念和历史演变的剖析,以及中西不同色彩观的比较,探讨中国绘画意象色彩在当代中国画创新中的拓展,阐明色彩革新是传统中国画走向现代的重要一翼。

3)NCD Color Image ScaleNCD色彩意象

4)color image scale色彩意象尺度

1.Aimed at the color design process of NC machine tools in ICAID system, experiments ofcolor image scale and the cognitive process of designers were carried out.研究以数控机床ICAID系统中色彩设计过程为对象,进行了色彩意象尺度法实验和对设计者设计认知过程实验。

5)Color Images of Tang Poetry唐诗的色彩意象

6)Imagist Watercolor Painting意象水彩


情绪性意象法情绪性意象法emotive imagery情绪性意象法(emotive imagery)由拉扎勒斯(Lazarus,A.A.)和亚伯拉莫维茨(Abram。vitz,A.)创用的一种系统脱敏法变式。这种脱敏法与经典的系统脱敏法的区别在J二,它不要求对病人首先进行放松训练,而是要求治疗者诱发病人积极的情绪以对抗焦虑和恐惧反应。在实施治疗过程中,治疗者一边让病人按焦虑层次依次接触令他感到恐惧的事物或情境,一边通过形象化的语言或视听手段描述那些令病人感到愉快、轻松、骄傲和喜爱的事物与情境。这些描述所激发出的积极情绪、情感可以抑制或消除恐惧的意象,从而瓦解恐惧刺激物同恐惧反应间的联系。这种方法最初被用于儿童(因为儿童不易掌握放松技巧),后来又被用于具有丰富想像能力的青少年。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
