100字范文 > 【齐白石简介】请根据介绍 写一篇120词左右的文章介绍齐白石.(英语作文).谢啦

【齐白石简介】请根据介绍 写一篇120词左右的文章介绍齐白石.(英语作文).谢啦

时间:2022-11-08 06:48:45


【齐白石简介】请根据介绍 写一篇120词左右的文章介绍齐白石.(英语作文).谢啦


请根据介绍、写一篇120词左右的文章介绍齐白石.(英语作文).谢啦、介绍:齐白石(1864-1957),中国画艺术大师,出生于湖南湘潭,1957年病逝于北京,终年93岁.齐白石主张艺术“妙哉似与不似之间”,他的画能够直接感动人心,向天下众生传达生命的智慧(wisdom).他出身贫寒,但一生勤奋,砚耕不辍,留下画作3晚余幅.西班牙艺术大师毕加索说:“我不敢去你们中国,因为中国有个齐白石.”貌似有些难度.不好意思哈~麻烦各位了 呢个、如果好的话.我一定加分.谢谢大家啦~~ 英语


【答案】 Qi baishi portrait (20) zhang qi baishi was born into a poor family, done farm work, who lived in hunan LianYuanShi Yang town. In 1877, follow uncle grandfather learnt the carpenter, learn from folk 5years of carve patterns or designs on woodwork carpentry, starting with the ancients had acquisition, handwriting, the original drawing HuaChuan myrosinase garden and make new sample pretest-posttest carve patterns or designs on woodwork. He learn poems in calligraphy, swim mountains, aides scenic jianchuan guest, finally became a poem, books, seal, draw the historic ShenPin presets great men, He will Chinese paintings of spirit and the spirit of The Times, make unified perfectly flawless Chinese painting to receive international attention, His simple modesty, confident of spirit made him work, work hard and soft JianJi books are good, worthy of peoples artist. In his works, a flower-and-bird insect fish, landscapes, figures all qi baishi 1951, photographed (87th)

Fine, are all new, for modern Chinese painting created a simple and pure and fresh the art world. He successfully with classical black ink painting the avatamsaka sutra conveyed modern art spirit, deeply benefited from the classical style and good at new, so his painting can direct touched by the people, to the worlds living beings communicate the wisdom of life and the life of philosophy. His landscape painting expression of his artistic innovation self-confidence and profound dao, his paintings reaches longer than preached sentiment, his calligraphy became generous and powerful, vigorous vigorous BiYi into figure painting, perfected the characters inner expression expression. Qi baishi in 1888 starting learns, served the longshan poetry club presidents. In 1890 26-year-old from Gai, turn XiaoXiang when wen less to learn portraits, twenty-seven-year-old from beginning HuQinYuan, ChenShaoFan acquisition poetry painting and calligraphy. 37 worship appears many outstanding scholars wang kai-yun as teacher, and successively and WangZhongYan, LiSongAn, such as follows YangDu knot. Qi baishi in his hometown in birthplace successively stars tong, mei male shrine borrow mountain moans hall, she would send ping don. Home blunt Since forty five plays, lhayangjeong outing, traverse out five return, shanxi, yu, Beijing, hebei, hubei province, Shanghai, jiangsu and harry, etc, and enjoy famous mountains, taifeng contemporary celebrity, FanFan mountain, XiaWu among all GuoBaoSun etc, friend. Painting and calligraphy work by phonetic transfer by HeShaoJi body transfer by ding, wei rubbings, character-carving learn ZhaoZhiQian body all yellow. 55 BiLuan north, two years later, he settled in Beijing. With ChenShiCeng, xu beihong, ROM, ram LinFengMian in a. tumefaciens microbes. Qi baishi

In 1926, qi baishi became beiping art college, emeritus professor of beiping art writers association, honorary President of the central academy of fine arts honorary professor, central WenShiGuan research librarians, Chinese people, foreign culture association, honorary President of the Chinese academy of Chinese painting, Beijing institute, chairman of the national artist association President, 1949 July and September 1953 twice to attend the all-china literature and arts workers congress, the national federation of continuous elected members, In 1954 August was elected the first National Peoples Congress; With chairman MAO zedong companionship and suffered what deep interview, January 1953 ministry authorized commendations and peoples artist title; 1955 December the German democratic republic art academy of sciences, given its communication academician honor shape, In April 1956 the world peace council authorized 1955 annual international peace prize, September held ceremonies, In 1963 by the world peace council held up as world cultural celebrities. During the Anti-Japanese War, said painting not to sell and anonymous. 1946 restart sell paintings stamp-carving career, the same year in nanjing, Shanghai exhibitions, and as beiping merchant honorary professor. With the borrow mountain moans hall poem grass , the baishi poem grass, the baishi printed grass, the old man baishi autobiography of etc. The publication has qi baishi. complete works of various zhou 100. 74, and huang bin-hong swim shu, jinsong cen meet. Qi bai-shis life were two wives, a total of five female scholars. 1874 by parents advocate marry bride ChenShiChun gentleman, 1881 with his wife and have ChenChunJun sexual consummation (good yuan, good eliphelet Fei, LiangKun) two women, 1940 FaQi ChenChunJun in xiangtan hometown died; In 1919 betroth sichuanese HuBaoZhu abda room, 1941 and have made after the centralizer four children (good late third, good, good, good end) in three women. In 1943 HuBaoZhu disease died. Qi baishi is Chinas 20th century famous painter and calligraphy seal cutting. Former Beijing national merchant, professor of the central academy of fine arts, Beijing academy of honorary professor, member of Chinese artists association, honorary President of the President of the work. Chinese people has been awarded the title of the artist , won the world peace council 1955 annual international peace gold medal, 1963 the 100th anniversary be elected as world culture celebrities, etc. Baishi poem grass, the baishi printed grass
