100字范文 > 史上最贵药物存数据造假 FDA对诺华展开调查

史上最贵药物存数据造假 FDA对诺华展开调查

时间:2020-02-22 14:57:43


史上最贵药物存数据造假 FDA对诺华展开调查




Amid a fresh scandal, this time over data manipulation for the world’s most expensive med, top Novartis execs laid out a detailed account Wednesday and defended the company’s decision not to inform the FDA until after its own internal probe wrapped up.In the end, CEO Vas Narasimhan said the company did the “bestwe could."

诺华 Zolgensma,这个全球最昂贵的药物,爆出一个新的丑闻:数据处理过程中存在数据操纵,在公司发现这一问题时,Zolgensma正处于FDA审批阶段,但公司并未向FDA报告这一问题。诺华曾为该公司决定在其内部调查结束后不通知FDA做出辩护。首席执行官Vas Narasimhan说公司做到了“我们能做到的最好”。

According to Novartis" timeline, anAveXisscientist stepped up in mid-March to report the manipulated data, which the FDA said wassubmitted as part of Zolgensma"s application for approval. The company launched an internal probe, and by early May had determined the scientist was correct. It didn"t tell the FDA about the allegations, however, until June 28, more than a month after Zolgensma won its FDA green light.


The company is in the process of "exiting the small number ofAveXisscientists involved," CEO Vas Narasimhansaid during the call.

该公司正在“清退部分涉及的AveXis科学家”,首席执行官Vas Narasimhan在电话会议中表示。

The data dust-up is the latest in a series of scandals at Novartis and the second major controversy to surface since Narasimhan took the reins. The CEO has said rehabbing the company"s reputation is one of his top goals as chief executive. But now Novartis has to not only spruce up its image, but regain trust at the FDA, which made its own grievances very public on Tuesday.


Narasimhan said,theinternal investigation that started in Marchaimed to confirmthat the scientist"s claims were true and to determine whether the data problem would affect Zolgensma"s efficacy, safety or quality.


Meanwhile, the FDA was reviewing Zolgensma"s application and approved it on May 24, without knowing about the scientist"s allegations or Novartis" internal probe. The company launched its new drug, which treats babies two years or younger with spinal muscular atrophy, at a sticker price of $2.1 million, making it the most expensive drug in the world.


The FDA on Tuesday took an unusually harsh tone over Novartis’ conduct. Acting chief Ned Sharpless tweeted that theregulator is considering civil and criminal punishments, and the agency sent out a more detailed announcement to the media.

FDA本周二对诺华的行为采取了异乎寻常的严厉态度。代理首席执行官内德·夏普莱斯(Ned Sharpless)在推特上表示,监管机构正在考虑民事和刑事处罚,该机构向媒体发出了更详细的通知。

来源 gmp在线
