100字范文 > 牛津小学英语词汇表


时间:2023-10-23 19:03:40




afternoon, again, ah, all right, and ,at about ,airport, apple, aren’t , ago, Aladdin, also, always, answer, April, as , ask, August, away, address, Africa, along, autumn, aah, animal, any, art , absent, America, American, animal, ant, arm, aunt, Australia, Australian.


balloon, be ,bear, big, bike, blue, book, bookmark, breakfast, brown, bus, but ,bye , ball, banana, basketball, biscuit,blackboard,bookcase,bottle,bowl,box,boy,bread,bright,brother,buyby, back, beach, before, beside, bird, birthday, because, best, bookshop, both, back, bathroom, bedroom, behind, blanket, building, backache, bad, beautiful, beautifully, bee, begin, better, British, brush, busy, butterfly.


cake, can ,can’t ,cap ,car, card, cat, cinema, class, classroom, clean, close, colour, , copy, copybook, crayon, chair, China ,chocolate, chopsticks, climb, coffee, come, computer, cook, cup, cupboard, cage, calculator, camera, camp, candle, carrot, Christmas, comb,, costume, cousin, cow, came, centimeter, chat, child, cloudy, concert, cool, countryside, crossing, change, chess, chicken, children, circle, class, clothes, cook, cry, call, can’t, carefully, carry, cartoon, catch, Chinese, choose, city, classmate, club, cold, collect, cough, country.


Dad, desk, do ,don’t . dog, doll, draw, dress, drink, dear, dinner, doctor, driver, danger, date, December, delicious, diary, did, didn’t, doorbell, , day, diamond, dining-room, door, duck, different, dragonfly


eat ,eight, eighteen, eighty, eleven, English, ,ear, egg, eye, early, earphone, Easter, excited, exciting, envelope, everything, elephant, else, evening, earache, e-mail, England, English, er, every, everybody, exercise.


fan, father ,fifteen, fifty, five, for ,forty,four,fourteen,funny,farmer,football,fork,free,fridge,friend,

fruit, farm, favourite, February, festival, fifth, film, fine, fourth, fun, far, fax, finish, fish, floor, flower, fly, follow, food, forget, fast, feel, fever, fine, finger, firefly, follow, foot, France, Friday, from,


give, glove, go, , goodbye, grandma, green, guess, girl, glass, grandfather, grandmother, grape, great, get off, glasses, got, grass, ground, get , glad, glue, goalkeeper, game, garden, grandpa, grandparent, glow, grasshopper, grow.


happy, have, he ,he’s ,hello, her, here, here’s, hey, hi, his, hmm, hot, hundred, hungry, hair, hamburger, head, hospital, how, hurry, had , hairdryer, hers, his , holiday, heavy, history, hotel, Halloween, have, help, hill, him, home, homework, horse, house, housework, half, hand, headache, hear, her, high, hobby, hope, housewife,


I , I’m, ill, in ,it’s, ice-cream, I’ll, insect, interesting, Internet,


January, July, June, join, jump, Japan, Japanese , jacket, jeans, job, juice,


key, kite, kilo, knife, keep, ,keeper, kilometer, kitchen, know, knee.


late, let, let’s, like, lion, long, look, love, lunch, library, last, litter, lake, letter, low, lamp, lantern, large, laugh, learn, lesson, live, left, leg, lie, line, London, loudly


me, Miss, monkey, mother, Mr, Mum, my, man, map ,

minibus, mouth, move, March, May, mean , meet, milk, mine, mirror, moment , mountain, must, machine, met, minute, miss, more, most, museum, magazine, make, mask, maths, model, moon, morning, mouse, music, many, medicine, minus, Monday


new, nice, nine, nineteen, ninety, no , not, notebook, now, name, near,

noodles, nose, nurse, nearby ,nobody, note ,November, next, No. number, need, newspaper, neck, night,


Oh, OK. on ,one, open, orange, ,o’clock, office, old, or, orange, our, October, ours, only, outing, of , only, over, often, order, other


pair, panda, pen, pencil, pencil case, perhaps, photo, please, pretty, puppet, purse,puzzle,park,party,peach,pear,piano,picture,pie,pineapple,plane,plate,play,playground,policeman,policewoman, park, people, pick, point, popular, present, public, penfriend, picnic, place, plan, player, postcard, project, paper, parent, pig, pot, pumpkin, put, past, PE,


question, quickly, quiet, quarter, quick, quietly


rabbit, read, red, rubber, ruler, rice, race, relative, remember, roll, rain, rainy, ran, read, road, row, rectangle , ride, ring, room, ready, really, rest, right


scarf, schoolbag,see,seven,seventeen,seventy,she,she’s,shoe,shop,short,shorts

sit , school, sir, sister, smart, snack bar, sometimes, songbook, spoon, station, student, supermarket, sweet, six, sixteen, sixty, skirt, small, so , socks ,soft drink, some ,sorry, storybook, sure, sweater, sat , saw, seat, second, September, should, shouldn’t, sign, sixth, skateboard, smoke, something, suddenly, sunny, season, shout, slow, snowman, spring, steal, stop, strong, summer, Saturday, shape, show, sing, sit, sitting-room, skate, ski, sleep, slide, sofa, song, square, stand, star, start, stove, street, study, sun, Sunday, sure, sweep, swing, same, say, Science, ship, shoulder, Social Science, soon , speak, special, spend, sport, stamp, stay, still, stomach ache, story, subject, surf



three, tiger, time, tired, too, toy,, twelve, twenty, table, taxi, tea, teacher, theatre, their, them, then, there, there’s, these, those, to ,today, train, tree, try, T-shirt, TV, taste, teapot, theirs, third, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, take , tall, than, thief, told, true, twin, teach, telephone, telescope, tent, term, then, thin, thing, tin, tin-opener, together, toilet, tomorrow, towel, triangle, talk, tell, Thursday, time, toe, tooth, town, trick, Tuesday, turn,


umbrella, use, under, us, UK, uncle, USA, usually,


, VCD, volleyball, vase, very, visit, visitor


walk, wall, wash, with, work, world, wallet, was, went, were, weren’t, when, when’s, wonderful, water bottle, what, what’s, where, where’s ,whose, woof, word, write, waiter, waitress, want, watch, watermelon, we ,we’re ,which, white, who, who’s, window, with, woman, worker ,wow, wrong, warm, way, weather, will, windy, winter, wish, water, Wednesday, week, weekend, well, why,


yellow, yes, you ,your, you’re, yuan, yours, yesterday, you’ll, young, year, yo-yo, yet


zoo, zebra



a glass of /a pair of , a carton of, a cup of, Anything else? at once, as…as, ask for, a lot (of), after school, at home, at school, at the back of,


ball pen, boys and girls, by the way, be late for, blow out, ball game, Bank of China, be good at, Beijing opera, by bus,


come here, come home, come in, computer room, Can I help you? come down , CD Walkman, Children’s Day, Christmas Day,

Computer Studies, camping site, camping trip, come up

D ,Don’t worry . Dragon Boat Festival, dress up,

E each other, excuse me

F from…to…


get up, go to bed, go to school good evening/morning/night Good idea. get on, get to , go shopping, go for a walk, go on an outing,


Happy Teachers’Day, have a look, Here you are. How lovely! help…with…, Happy birthday to you !have school, Happy New Year! How about…? how many, how much, how old


,I don’t know. I see. I’d like, I’ve got… in front of , I hope so. I’d love to…, in class, in English, In which box?

J just now

K keep off

L Let me see. look at, lots of, Let’s wait and see , lie on one’s back, lift up, listen to, look for, learn…from…, look around

M May I …? Me,too. make noise , May Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, middle school, moon cake, mobile phone,

N not at all, New York, National Day, New Year’s Day, Nice to meet you .

O Oh,dear! over there, on foot, open day, on duty , out of, of course, one day,

P police station, pull up, primary school, picture book, play with, post office,

R run after, reading room, running race,


Shall we…? Something to drink. stand up, stay in bed, shopping centre, singing contest, Sounds great! sports meeting, Stop thief! See you. sports day, Spring Festival,


That’s all right. That’s OK. talk about, try…on, TV room, take a walk, take off, take part in, That’s all right. table tennis, take photos, It’s time to

U up and down,

V Very much


watch TV, What a nice…! What’s the matter? Why don’t you …? Welcome to our school. What would you like? What’s for breakfast? What about…?

What for? What’s the weather like there? What’s wrong with you? With best wishes. Would you …, please?

Y You’re welcome.



1.What’s in /on /under/behind…?

There’s a …in/on/under/behind…

There are some …in/on/under/behind…

2.There isn’t a /aren’t any…

Here’s a …for you .

Here are some…for you .

3.Is there a …in the …?

Yes , there is./No , there isn’t.

Are there any …in the …?

Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.

How many …are there in the street?

There are…

4.I can …

What can you do?

5.Do you like…?

Yes, I do./No , I don’t. I like…

6.Can you see…in the picture?

Yes , I can.

How many…are there?

There’s /There’re,…

Where is it/are they?

It’s /They’re…

7.What are you doing?



He’s/She’s in…

What’s he /she doing?

He’s /She’s…

8.Are you playing a computer game?

No, I’m not.

9.You have…and I have…

We have…and they have…

I have …What does he/she have?

He/She has

We have…What do they have?

They have…


1. What day is it today?


What lessons do you have in the morning /afternoon?

We have…

2. How do you feel now?

I feel …

I can get a/some …for you .

What’s wrong with you?

I’ve got a fever.

I’m sorry to hear that.

3. Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, I do .I like…He/She likes…, too.

4. Does …?

Yes, …does./No, …doesn’t.

What does…usually do?

He /She usually…

5. What time is it?

It’s…It’s time for…

6. How do you spend your weekends?

I often…

How does…spend his/her weekends?

He/She often…

Sometimes he /she…

7. Where are you from?

I’m from…I’m…

Do you speak…?

Yes, I do.I speak…, too./No , I don’t.

What country is it?

Where’s he /she from?

He’s /She’s from…

Where are they from?

8. They’re from…


1. What does this sign mean?

It means you shouldn’t…

2. Can I …?

No , you can’t .You should…now.

3. When’s your birthday?

My birthday’s on…

What would you like as a birthday present?

I’d like…

4. Where’s your…?

It’s on/in/near/behind/under the…

It isn’t there now.

It was there a moment ago.

5. Would you like a pair of earphones?

No , thank you .

6. What did you do on Sunday?

I watched cartoons.

What else did you do?

7. I visited the zoo.

8. When’s …?

9. It’s in…

10. What do people usually do at/on…?

11. They…

12. Did you …last…?

13. Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

14. Whose …is it /are they?

15. It’s /They’re mine/his/hers/ours.

16. Did you eat a lot of food at Dragon Boat Festival?

17. Yes , I did.


1. Who’s taller than David?

2. Gao Shan is.

3. Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine?

4. Yours is , I think.

5. Are bears as big as elephants?

6. I’ll be the goalkeeper.

7. Do the boys jump higher than the girls?Yes, they do.

8. Excuse me , can you tell me the way to …, please?

9. Go along this street, and then turn…at the …crossing.

10. The …is on your…

11. Which season do you like best?

12. I like…

13. Why?

14. Because it’s …I can…

15. What are we going to do?

16. We are going to…

17. Can I have a/an/some/the …?

18. What for?

19. I want to …

20. Sure .Here you are.
