100字范文 > 道德权变 Moral Contingency英语短句 例句大全

道德权变 Moral Contingency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 09:25:59


道德权变 Moral Contingency英语短句 例句大全

道德权变,Moral Contingency

1)Moral Contingency道德权变

1.Moral Contingency and Moral Conflict Resolving道德权变与道德冲突的消解

2)moral right道德权利

1.Initially on value principles ofmoral rights;道德权利的价值原则初探

2.Civil society—inevitable ways and expectations of the construction of themoral right公民社会—公民道德权利建设的进路与期待

3.From the viewpoint of subject this paper analyzes right,moral right, the relationship betweenmoral right and moral duty as well as the features ofmoral right.以主体性的视角,通过对权利、道德权利、道德权利和道德义务关系和道德权利的特点的分析,认为道德权利的研究对传统伦理学的改革;提高人们对道德权利的认识,进而有利于推进新时期的道德建设;促使道德规范由他律向自律转换,增强人们的责任意识,提高人们履行义务的自觉性等等具有十分重要意义。


1.On Relation of Moral Right and Moral Obligation;论道德权利与道德义务及其相互关系

2.On the Right of the Public Good Ethics View--And On the Connotation of Morality Right;论公益伦理主张的权利——兼论道德权利的含义

3.Though they respectively bear their own special stipulation, they are dialectically unified in nature.道德权利与道德义务是伦理学中两个重要的范畴。

4.The Subjective Moral Right of Citizens and National Treatment of Off-farm Workers;公民主体道德权利与农民工国民待遇问题

5.The Restructuring of Civil Moral Rights in the Formation of Civil Society in China我国公民社会形成过程中的公民道德权利建设

6.Civil society-inevitable ways and expectations of the construction of the moral right公民社会—公民道德权利建设的进路与期待

7.The moral right has the broadness, the indefinite and the relativity characteristic, and the performance for the free option power, respectedpower, the fair appraisal power and so on.道德权利具有宽泛性、确定性和相对性的特征,并表现为自由选择权、尊重权、正评价权等。

8.Towards a Moral Education Based upon the Language of Rights and Minimum Moral Demands;以“权利语言与最低要求道德”为核心的道德教育

9.Kindness Excels Rights?--Analysis on the Moral View of Communitarianism;善优于权利?——社群主义道德观评析

10.The Double Functions of Ethics and the Rights,Interests,and Values of Nature;道德的双重作用与自然界的权利、利益和价值

11.The Argumentation to Moral Justification of Property Right--Arguing from Locke and Nozick s right theory;对“财产权利之道德正当性”的论证——从洛克与诺齐克的权利理论谈起

12.The Responsibilty, Power and Ethic and Moral Accomplishment of the Editors of University Journals高校学报编辑的责任、权利与伦理道德修养

13.On Natural Rights in Civil Law--An Example of Fusion of Morality and Law;民法上自然权利初论——道德与法律间融合之一斑

14.Observing the Cause of Current Immorality from the Relationship of Power and Obligation;从权利与义务的关系看当前道德失范的原因

15.On The Reciprocal Essence of Morality From The Perspective of The Discussion about Animal Rights;从动物权利的讨论看道德的交互性本质

16.Exert Academic Freedom Right Require Dual Function of Law and Morality;行使学术自由权利需要法律和道德的双重作用

17.Liberty and Moral Rebuilding of Chinese Modernization;自由权利与中国现代化进程中的道德重建

18.Liang Qichao s and Zhang Dongsun s Views of Personality and Rights;道德人格与法权人格——梁启超和张东荪论人格与权利


moral right道德权利

1.Initially on value principles ofmoral rights;道德权利的价值原则初探

2.Civil society—inevitable ways and expectations of the construction of themoral right公民社会—公民道德权利建设的进路与期待

3.From the viewpoint of subject this paper analyzes right,moral right, the relationship betweenmoral right and moral duty as well as the features ofmoral right.以主体性的视角,通过对权利、道德权利、道德权利和道德义务关系和道德权利的特点的分析,认为道德权利的研究对传统伦理学的改革;提高人们对道德权利的认识,进而有利于推进新时期的道德建设;促使道德规范由他律向自律转换,增强人们的责任意识,提高人们履行义务的自觉性等等具有十分重要意义。

3)moral authority道德权威

1.Imperial Examinations-Government Official Clan and Moral Authority: A Study on Ding Clan in Rizhao;科宦家族与道德权威:日照丁氏家族研究

2.The reasons lie in the serious damage to the traditional moral values and the failure of the socialist moral construction after the founding of the people s republic to form a newmoral authority.道德出现了严重滑坡,道德权威缺失,原因在于,传统道德的严重破坏,建国以来社会主义道德建设并没有形成新的道德权威,革命道德的泛化与道德政治化对其生存土壤的严重破坏,对市场经济的误解,在唯经济增长论的泛滥与蔓延之后,政策上自然出现"一手硬,一手软"的局面,道德权威需要树立。

3.The present arguments over social morality indicate the social moral dilemma of China:loneliness of moral individuals and embarrassment ofmoral authority.面对当前的社会道德生活,无论是鼓噪道德正在复苏,还是惊呼道德已滑入万劫不复的深渊,无不表明我们的社会道德已陷入异常的困境,集中表现为道德个体的孤独与道德权威的尴尬。

4)moral rights道德权利

1.It distincted between legal rights andmoral rights,begging and professional beggars.本文对学界关于"乞讨权"争论之主要焦点进行了整理归纳,在区分法律权利和道德权利、生存乞讨和职业乞讨的前提下,从社会分工、社会契约和无知之幕三个角度论证了"乞讨权"作为道德权利的正当性基础,并对"乞讨权"作为一项法律权利进行了实证分析。

2.This includes three questions,which are welfare rights are positive rights or negative rights,moral rights or legal rights.其中,主要涉及到福利权是消极权利还是积极权利、福利权是道德权利抑或法律权利以及其是否需要宪法规定。

5)power morals权力道德

1.The article analyzes our countrypower morals legislation s questions ie.对我国权力道德法律化问题即权力道德法律化的多层次性、没有形成法律制度性的保障、泛道德化倾向等进行了分析,探讨了权力道德法律化的途径即法律制度建设与思想政治教育相结合以及对权力道德法律化进程中应注意的问题进行了阐释。

2.It is people s distrust that leads to the legalization ofpower morals, which is, in essence, a course of transition from traditional type of political authority and Chrisma political authority type to the legal political authority type.权力道德法律化是人们对权力道德不信任的结果,其实质是一个由传统权威型和超凡魅力权威型向法理权威型转型的过程。

6)power moral权力道德

1.A socialist country needspower moral to restrain the operation of power.社会主义国家同样需要权力道德来约束权力的运行。


