100字范文 > 权变思想 Idea of Contingency英语短句 例句大全

权变思想 Idea of Contingency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-02 05:58:14


权变思想 Idea of Contingency英语短句 例句大全

权变思想,Idea of Contingency

1)Idea of Contingency权变思想

2)the systematic and contingency thought系统和权变管理思想


1.Sade is one of the earliestfeminism writer in history.然而其女权思想又体现出一种似是而非的矛盾性。


1.Women s Education in Late Qing Dynasty and the Germination of Chinese Women s Right Thoughts;晚清女子教育与中国女权思想的萌动

2.The Female Concept of the Taoism And the Ecoloical Women Rights;道教贵柔守雌女性观与生态女权思想

3.Eastward spread of western culture and the form of the women right s ideas in modern China;西学东渐与中国近代女权思想的形成

4.On the Development of Toni Morrison s Feminist Thoughts;托尼·莫里森创作中女权思想的演变

5.Perplexity in The Awakening --With a Concurrent Comment on Kate Chopin s Feminist Thinking;《觉醒》中的困惑——兼评肖邦的女权思想

6.On Lawrence s Feminist Consciousness Embodied in Cocksure Women and Hensure Men;从《自信的女人和温驯的男人》看劳伦斯女权思想

7.Research on Feminism of the New Clerisies in the May 4~(th) Period;五四时期新型知识分子的女权思想研究

8.Feministic ideas expressed in Miss Xiguan--An analysis of the works by writers from Guangdong and Guangxi《西关小姐》女权思想探析——两广作家作品分析之一

9.The Development of Women s Value View and the Brewing of Feminist Right Thoughts in Classical Poetry Chosen in the Testbooks for Middle School Students;中学语文古诗文中女性价值观的发展和女权思想的酝酿

10.The Interpretation of Eco-feminism in Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre;男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读

11.The purpose of this thesis is to explore Erica Jong’s feminist spirit and thinking in the novel Fear of Flying.琼小说《怕飞》中的女权主义思想和精神。

12.A Tentative Study on Virginia Woolf s Feminism;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女权主义思想探究

13.The Golden Notebook and Lessing s Feminist Ideas;《金色笔记》与莱辛的女权主义思想

14.Ideological Manifestation of Feminism in Ba Jin′s “Love Trilogy”;《爱情三部曲》中的女权主义思想表现

15.Exploration of The Origin of Feminism by Daphne du Maurier达夫妮·杜穆里埃的女权主义思想探源

16.On the Thought of Women"s Suffrage of Bertrand Russell伯特兰·罗素的妇女选举权思想论析

17.A Deception to Female of Consumption Society s Ideology;发端于“女性范例”的布希亚女权主义思想

18.China s Women Literature Influenced by Feminism;谈西方女权主义思想对中国女性文学的影响


the systematic and contingency thought系统和权变管理思想


1.Sade is one of the earliestfeminism writer in history.然而其女权思想又体现出一种似是而非的矛盾性。

4)Weight Theory加权思想

1.Based on these work and theWeight Theory,a new algorithm of Weight-Incremental SVM Learning was proposed.通过对现有SVM的两种增量算法的分析,给出了改进措施,在此基础上结合类加权思想,提出了一种新的加权增量SVM学习算法。

5)Thoughts on Copyrights版权思想

6)trade-off idea权衡思想

1.The author puts forward thetrade-off idea of debt maturity structure on the consideration that the decision of debt maturity structure is based on the trade-off between benefits and costs of debt.本文认为债务期限结构的确定是企业对短期债务的优势和其缺陷进行权衡的结果,为此本文提出了债务期限结构的权衡思想。


权变管理法权变管理法contingency management权变管理法(eontingeney management)基于操作条件作用的原则,通过控制反应的后果(eontingeneies)的方式来改变这一反应发生的可能性与频度的过程。“eon,ingeney’,这个词在《英汉词典》中的中文意思是“偶然发生的事”,在这里我们按照其含义和使用的场合译作“权变”。根据条件作用的实验研究可知,如果一种反应或行为发生后导致强化物的出现,这种反应或行为再次出现的可能性便增大:相反,如果一种反应或行为总是导致惩罚或令人厌恶的结果,那么它以后出现的频度就可能变小或甚至不再出现。反应后果操纵法便依此而设计,通过给偶然发生的合意行为以强化,培育和增强适应性行为。有五种权变管理方式:正性强化、负性强化、惩罚、反应代价和消退。权变管理实施以前,先要对病人的问题进行透彻的行为分析,确定基线和病人问题行为得以维持的强化因素等。而后选择适当的强化物或惩罚刺激,同病人一起制定行为协议,规定医患双方应当做的和相应的奖罚条款。这些准备工作的质量将直接影响此疗法的效果。权变管理为实施代币法提供了基本原则。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
