100字范文 > 创制型人格 productive personality英语短句 例句大全

创制型人格 productive personality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-12 14:11:56


创制型人格 productive personality英语短句 例句大全

创制型人格,productive personality

1)productive personality创制型人格

2)creative personality创造型人格

1.Puzzle and surpass of devleopingcreative personality;创造型人格培养的困惑与超越

2.Based on deeply analyzing the outcome of the former studies oncreative personality and deeply understanding creativity andcreative personality, this study attempts to build acreative personality model which is an ideal model and the goal for middle school students, and design a Creative Personality Scale for Middle School Students.本文在深入评析前人有关创造型人格研究成果的基础上,立足以自己对创造力、创造型人格及其发展的独特理解,以高创造力成人为样本,确立了创造型人格理论模型,并以该理论模型作为中学生创造型人格发展的理想模型。

3)A Study on Creative Personality创造型人格研究

4)innovative personality创新人格

1.On the orientation and route of fosteringinnovative personality of the youth;试论青年创新人格培养的导向和途径

2.The research oninnovative personality of university students;大学生创新人格核心特质研究

3.Thesevalues are mainlyembodied inthe cultivation of studentsinnovative personality,thepromotion oftheir socializeddevelopment and the reform of their learning method.这种价值主要在于培养学生的创新人格、促进学生社会化发展和变革学生学习方式等三个方面。


1.Discussion on Cultivation of Student s Innovation Personality in Taekwondo Teaching;论跆拳道教学对学生创新人格的培养

2.On the orientation and route of fostering innovative personality of the youth;试论青年创新人格培养的导向和途径

3.The Campus Culture of New Undergraduate Colleges and the Innovative Personality of College Students;新建本科院校校园文化与大学生创新人格

4.Study on Creativity Consciousness, Creative Personality and Their Relationship of Graduate Students in Chongqing;重庆市高校硕士研究生创新意识与创新人格及其关系研究

5.Deepening the Reform of University s Mordol Education and Cultivating Creative Personality of Graduate Student;大学德育课教学改革与大学生创新人格培养

6.The influence of innovative culture and personality traits on informal innovation network;创新文化、人格特征与非正式创新网络

7.Cultivation of College Students Ability of Innovation and Shaping of Students Healthy Personality;大学生创新能力培养与健全人格塑造

8.The Man Is Style--A New Perspective on Zhang Yimou s Marital Movies;风格即人——张艺谋婚恋剧创作新探

9.Study on the Personality of Gymnastic Technical Innovation Principal Part;竞技体操技术创新主体人格因素研究

10.Mentality·Dedication·Personality·Innovation--Teacher s Soul;心理·奉献·人格·创新——教师的灵魂

11.The enlightening of Rogers personality theory to enterprising education;罗杰斯的“人格理论”对创新教育的启示

12.A Preliminary Discussion on Creational Services And Librarian s Personality Quality of Higher Learning Library;高校图书馆创新服务与健康人格塑造

13.Problem Awareness, Personality Character and Creativity-Cultivating;问题意识、人格特征与教育创新中的创造力培养

14.The Ideal Personality is the Target of Training the Modern and Creative Science and Technology Talents;理想人格是培养现代化科技创新人才的目标

15.Model Analysis of the Special Personality of Talented People with Creativity;基于人格特质的创新型人才素质模型分析

16.Research on the Cultural Origin of Personality Education and Methodology for Cultivation of Initiative Innovation Personality;人格教育的文化渊源与培养自主创新型人格方法研究

17.Modeling Medical Students Occupation Personality & Starting a New Phase of Idedogical and Political Education;塑造医疗职业人格与思想政治工作创新——医疗职业人格研究之四

18.How to select the top-notch innovative medical talents, not sticking only to one pattern?如何做到不拘一格选拔医学创新拔尖人才?


creative personality创造型人格

1.Puzzle and surpass of devleopingcreative personality;创造型人格培养的困惑与超越

2.Based on deeply analyzing the outcome of the former studies oncreative personality and deeply understanding creativity andcreative personality, this study attempts to build acreative personality model which is an ideal model and the goal for middle school students, and design a Creative Personality Scale for Middle School Students.本文在深入评析前人有关创造型人格研究成果的基础上,立足以自己对创造力、创造型人格及其发展的独特理解,以高创造力成人为样本,确立了创造型人格理论模型,并以该理论模型作为中学生创造型人格发展的理想模型。

3)A Study on Creative Personality创造型人格研究

4)innovative personality创新人格

1.On the orientation and route of fosteringinnovative personality of the youth;试论青年创新人格培养的导向和途径

2.The research oninnovative personality of university students;大学生创新人格核心特质研究

3.Thesevalues are mainlyembodied inthe cultivation of studentsinnovative personality,thepromotion oftheir socializeddevelopment and the reform of their learning method.这种价值主要在于培养学生的创新人格、促进学生社会化发展和变革学生学习方式等三个方面。

5)creative personality创造人格

1.Attention should also be paid to the shaping ofcreative personality.学前期是个体人格的奠基时期 ,要开发学前儿童的创造潜能 ,绝不能仅仅培养和训练儿童的创造技能与技法 ,还应关注其创造人格的塑造。

6)creative personality创新人格

1.Creative talents should possess correspondingcreative personality,but some students have personal obstacle,which is unfit for creative ideas.创新人才应当具备相应的创新人格品质,但在学生身上还普遍存有与创新理念不相适应的人格障碍,需要学校和教育工作者通过有效途径引导学生突破人格障碍、培养创新人格。

2.University campus culture plays a key role in the making ofcreative personality of college students.高校校园文化对塑造大学生的创新人格起着十分重要的作用。

3.This article expatiates on the development of college students spirit and ability of creativity from four points-creative personality,constructing surroundings and atmosphere for creat.本文从注重创新人格 ,营造创新环境和氛围 ,改革教学方法和加强实践环节四个方面阐述了大学生创造精神和创造能力的培养。


创制1.创建;创造。 2.建立制度。
