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强度折减法 strength reduction method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-23 19:09:38


强度折减法 strength reduction method英语短句 例句大全

强度折减法,strength reduction method

1)strength reduction method强度折减法

1.Nonlinear finite element analysis on stability of slope based onstrength reduction method;基于强度折减法的边坡稳定性非线性有限元分析

2.Application ofstrength reduction method in Hoek-Brown criterion;强度折减法在Hoek-Brown准则中的应用

3.The bisection method applied instrength reduction method of bearing capacity of foundation;二分法在确定地基承载力的强度折减法中的应用


1.Strength Reduction Method and Ansys Simulation on Stability of Slope边坡稳定强度折减法及ANSYS模拟

2.Strength Reduced Method Applied in Slope of Foundation Pit强度折减法在基坑边坡设计中的应用

3.Research on the Stability of Homogeneous Soil Slope Based on Shear Strength Reduction;基于强度折减法的均质土坡稳定性研究

4.Analysis on Safety Coefficient of Reinforced Earth Structure with FEM Strength Reduction;用有限元强度折减法分析加筋土结构的稳定性

5.Application of Strength Reduction Technique to the Three-dimensional Stability Analysis of Landslides;强度折减法在滑坡三维稳定性分析中的应用

6.Research on Applicability of Shear Strength Reduction Method in Slope Stability Analysis;强度折减法在斜坡稳定性分析中的适用性研究

7.Study on Strength Reduction Technique Considering Rheological Property of Rock and Soil Medium;考虑岩土材料流变特性的强度折减法研究

8.Analysis of Slope Stability Based on Shear Strength Reduction FEM Theory;基于有限元强度折减法的土坡稳定分析

9.The Analysis of Anti-slide Pile Support Slope with Strength Reduction Method用强度折减法对抗滑桩支护边坡的优化分析

10.Stability analysis on reinforced retaining wall by strength reduction method基于强度折减法的加筋土挡墙稳定性数值分析

11.Application of strength reduction FEM in fording slope有限元强度折减法在涉水岸坡工程中的应用

12.Stability Analysis of an Excavation Slope Based on Strength Reduction FDM基于强度折减法的高边坡稳定性分析与设计

13.Application of Strength Reduction FEM in Anchored Slope有限元强度折减法在加锚边坡设计中的应用

14.Displacement-earth pressure theory for cohesive soil based on shear strength reduction黏性土基于强度折减法的位移土压力理论

15.Application of Finite Element Strength Reduction Method in Slope Stability有限元强度折减法在边坡稳定性分析中的应用

16.Stability Analysis of Rock Cavity Roadbed Based on Strength Reduction Finite Element Method基于有限元强度折减法的岩腔路基稳定性分析

17.Slope Stability Analysis of the Earth Rockfill Dam Based on the Strength Reduction Method基于强度折减法的土石坝边坡稳定分析与探讨

18.Using FEM Strength Reduction Method Based on ANSYS to Solve Slope Safety Coefficients基于ANSYS的有限元强度折减法求边坡安全系数


strength reduction technique强度折减法

1.Study onstrength reduction technique considering rheological property of rock and soil medium;考虑岩土体流变特性的强度折减法研究

2.On rational clear spacing of tunnel with small clear spacing based onstrength reduction technique;基于强度折减法小净距隧道合理净距的研究

3.Based on thestrength reduction technique for nonlinear finite element analysis of slope stability the arc-length control method for calculating the fracture loading of structure and tracking the softening of structure deformation is introduced to improve the calculation.在有限元强度折减法的基础上,引入计算结构临界状态荷载值的弧长法进行边坡工程稳定分析。

3)strength reduction强度折减法

1.Discussion onstrength reduction using FLAC;对强度折减法若干问题的讨论

2.Based on the parameters,strength reduction finite element analysis for the stability of the reservoir bank is carried out.结果表明,强度折减有限元法可用于库岸稳定性分析评价,结果可信;水库蓄水位的变化对库岸稳定性的影响明显;在强度折减法中对临界状态进行判定的"结构面塑性区贯通准则"和"特征点的位移突变准则"具有一致性。

3.The shortcomings of traditional slope stability analysis are pointed out, the theoretic backgrounds, dominant superiorities, and influence factors of calculation outcome, slope failure criterion and its application of FEMstrength reduction method are studied,the feasibility of application FEM strength reducting method to rockfill dam slope analysis is discussed.在指出传统边坡稳定分析方法的缺点和不足的同时,重点研究了有限元强度折减法的理论背景、突出优势、计算结果的影响因素、边坡失稳判据方法,探讨了该方法应用于土石坝边坡稳定分析中的可行性。

4)shear strength reduction method强度折减法

1.How to judge the slope s state with FEM based onshear strength reduction methods,stability or instability based on the results of FEM is a key problem.有限元强度折减法分析边坡稳定性的一个关键问题是根据有限元计算结果来判别边坡是否处于整体破坏状态。

2.These years after theshear strength reduction method taken to the finite element method to analyze slope stability, the factor of safety(shear strength reduction coefficient) and the dangerous slip face are obtained straightly.近年来,强度折减法被引入以后,采用有限单元法进行边坡稳定分析,能直接得到安全系数(强度折减系数)和最危险滑动面,并且能反映出边坡的应力场分布,还可以反映边坡的渐进破坏过程。

3.Theshear strength reduction method is one of the methods scholars pay most attention to and it is also a commonly used method.近年来众多学者采用数值分析方法分析斜坡的稳定性问题,其中强度折减法是最为关注的方法之一,而且也是运用较多的方法,但是该方法也存在一定的争议,有一些问题需要进一步的探讨。

5)strength reduction methods强度折减法

parison & analysis of transfer cofficient methods &strength reduction methods of FLAC——An engineer example of houzishi landslide;传递系数法与FLAC强度折减法比较分析——以猴子石滑坡分析为例

bined with engineering example,thestrength reduction methods were adopted to analyzing the rock slope stability influence factors considering unsaturated seepage with different rainfall intensity and duration.在饱和-非饱和渗流理论及岩质边坡土-水特征曲线的基础上,对岩质边坡在降雨入渗情况下非饱和区基质吸力的变化及暂态饱和区的形成进行分析,结合工程实例,采用强度折减法在考虑不同降雨强度及持续时间对非饱和渗流岩质边坡稳定性的影响进行分析。

3.Based on the nonlinear finite element method(FEM)and thestrength reduction methods,analysis method aiming at the above behaviors of expansive soils is discussed,and some new finding is acquired.以非线性有限元法及基于应力状态的强度折减法为基础,探讨了上述特性的模拟方法。

6)strength reduction method强度折减系数法

1.Thestrength reduction method is used to study instability of the retaining wall.采用有限元方法,通过建立加筋土结构模型来分析水平-竖向组合式(H-V)加筋土挡墙中土-筋的相互作用关系,并且运用强度折减系数法,分析水平加筋土挡墙和H-V加筋土挡墙达到极限破坏时的安全系数,同时比较两者达到极限破坏时其塑性区域的分布状况。


抗折强度抗折强度bending strengthkangzhe qiangdu抗折强度(bending strength)材料单位面积承受弯矩时的极限折断应力。又称抗弯强度、断裂模量。颗粒配比是否合理、气孔的大小和数量、组织结构是否均匀一致、颗粒间结合是否牢固等是决定耐火材料抗折强度大小的重要因素.提高衬火材朴的抗折强度,主要工艺手段是:改进砖料的颗料级配、加大成型压力以提高制品坯体的密度,使用优质结合剂和提高制品的烧结程度。室温下测定的抗折强度称为常温抗折强度;当材料预先加热至某一温度并保温一定时间(通常为30min)进行抗折试验,所得强度值称为该温度下的高温抗折强度,也称热态抗折强度。(见彩图插页第n页)在所有耐火材料中,用作转炉炉衬的镁破砖和不定形衬火材并,高温抗折强度是衡量其性能的不可缺少的指标。测定抗折强度,中国标准《耐火制品常温抗折强度试验方法》(GB3。。1),《耐火制品高温抗折强度试验方法》(GB 3002),《铸锭用绝热板常温抗折强度试验方法》(Z BQ 45005),其要点是:从被测制品上切取断面为正方形的长条试样,在抗折试验仪上进行试验,见图。李L士2阵弃王 抗折试验装置原理图按下述公式计算抗折强度:~3 FL、,~凡=份三于苍,MPa一,Zb尸’一’-一式中R。为试样抗折强度,MPa;F为试样折断时最大载荷,N;L为下刀口之间距离,mm;b为试样断面宽度,mm;h为试样断面高度,mm。测定易氧化材料的高温抗折强度时,加热炉内应充中性或还原性气体,或用碳质材料将试样搜盖,以避免试样氧化。(王通荣)
