100字范文 > 有限差分强度折减法 Finite-difference and strength-reduction method英语短句 例句大全

有限差分强度折减法 Finite-difference and strength-reduction method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-31 22:12:30


有限差分强度折减法 Finite-difference and strength-reduction method英语短句 例句大全

有限差分强度折减法,Finite-difference and strength-reduction method

1)Finite-difference and strength-reduction method有限差分强度折减法

1.Aiming at spatial structure features and special location of deposits slope,the finite-difference and strength-reduction method is adopted to compute its stability factors under natural,rainstorm,seismic conditions.由于该堆积体边坡特殊的空间结构特征和其处于重要工程部位的特点,采用有限差分强度折减法对边坡在天然状态、暴雨、地震等工况下的稳定性进行了分析评价,为工程建设的顺利进行和暴雨等工况下可能的局部加固处理提供合理的依据,并为流域内类似成因和结构的堆积体边坡稳定性评价提供参考。


1.Stability Analysis of the Slope in Huangyan Expressway Based on Finite-difference Strength-reduction Method基于有限差分强度折减法的黄延高速公路边坡稳定性分析

2.Stability Analysis on Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Abutments by Limited Differences Method基于强度折减的有限差分法分析加筋土桥台的稳定性

3.Feasibility of strength reduction FEM used in slope stability analysis强度折减有限元法分析边坡稳定性的精度探讨

4.Research on the Stability of Soil Slope Based on Shear Strength Reduction FEM;基于强度折减有限元法的土坡稳定性分析研究

5.Analysis on Safety Coefficient of Reinforced Earth Structure with FEM Strength Reduction;用有限元强度折减法分析加筋土结构的稳定性

6.Analysis of Slope Stability Based on Shear Strength Reduction FEM Theory;基于有限元强度折减法的土坡稳定分析

7.Soil Slope Stability Analysis Based on SSRFEM基于强度折减有限元法的土质边坡稳定性分析

8.Application of Finite Element Strength Reduction Method in Slope Stability有限元强度折减法在边坡稳定性分析中的应用

9.Stability Analysis of Rock Cavity Roadbed Based on Strength Reduction Finite Element Method基于有限元强度折减法的岩腔路基稳定性分析

10.Study on the strength reduction finite element method in slope stability analysis有限元强度折减法在边坡稳定分析中的研究

11.Discussion on criteria for evaluating stability of slope in elastoplastic FEM based on SSR technique强度折减有限元法土坡失稳判据分析均质土坡

12.The Application of Strength Compensation Method to Slope Stability Finite Element Analysis强度折减法在边坡稳定有限元分析中的应用

13.Discussion on analysis of slope instability criterion by strength reduction FEM强度折减有限元法分析边坡失稳判据讨论

14.Analysis on Theory of Strength Reduction FEM Based on Artificial Neural Networks基于神经网络对有限元强度折减法分析

15.Analysis the slope destabilization criterion study with finite element strength reduction method有限元强度折减法分析边坡的失稳判据研究

16.Stability Analysis of High Steep Reinforced-Earth Slope Based on the Strength Reduction Finite Difference Method and the Optimized Design Discussion基于强度折减有限差分法的高陡加筋土边坡稳定性分析及优化设计初探

17.Elasto-plastic FEM for embankment stability analysis under the condition of seepage based on the technique of shear strength reduction渗流作用下边坡稳定性分析的强度折减弹塑性有限元法

18.Strength Reduction FEM of Slope Stability Analysis Based on Energy Theory;基于能量原理的有限元强度折减法分析边坡稳定


finite-difference strength-reduction method有限差分强度折减法

1.This thesis studied the slope in one of Pingdingshan coal mines, and separately using the 2-D limited equilibrium method andfinite-difference strength-reduction method calculated and evaluated the slope stability.本文以平顶山某煤矿排矸场边坡为研究对象,分别使用二维极限平衡方法及有限差分强度折减法对其进行了稳定性计算及评价,然后将两者的结果进行了对比分析。

2.The results show that thefinite-difference strength-reduction method is more convenient and reasonable in the analysis of slope stability,It can reflect the actual slope state,and the safety factors obtained through it are more close to the actual ones.结果表明,有限差分强度折减法能够真实地反映边坡的实际情况,方便合理,求得的边坡安全系数更接近实际,显示出其在边坡稳定性分析中的一定优势。

3)strength reduction finite difference method强度折减有限差分法

1.The safety factor of slope stability got by usingstrength reduction finite difference method is close to the safety factor got by Janbu method.采用强度折减有限差分法得到的边坡稳定安全系数与Janbu法计算的稳定安全系数十分接近,而Janbu法同时满足力的平衡条件和力矩平衡条件,属于严格条分法,其解是精确合理的。

4)strength reduction FEM有限元强度折减法

1.Application ofstrength reduction FEM to stability analysis of diversion tunnel plug;有限元强度折减法在导流隧洞堵头稳定性分析中的应用

2.The Analysis of Loess High Embankment Stable Question by thestrength reduction FEM;有限元强度折减法验算黄土高路堤边坡稳定性

3.Discussion onstrength reduction FEM in geotechnical engineering;对岩土工程有限元强度折减法的几点思考

5)strength reduction finite element method有限元强度折减法

1.Application ofstrength reduction finite element method to road tunnels;有限元强度折减法在公路隧道中的应用探讨

2.Thestrength reduction finite element method is applied to mining.利用ANSYS对水平煤层条带开采进行了二维有限元强度折减法数值模拟研究,分析了条带开采中开采宽度对地表的影响,并用安全系数的大小来判断开采后的稳定性,从而为地下工程实践提供依据。

3.The seepage force of soil elements is calculated to supersede the pore-pressure around one element to analyze the stability of soil slope under seepage throughstrength reduction finite element method.基于二维无压稳定渗流基本原理,采用改进的单元渗透系数矩阵调整法模拟边坡渗流场,计算了土体单元的渗透力;以渗透力代替单元周边的孔隙水压力,采用有限元强度折减法分析渗流作用下边坡的稳定性。

6)FEM strength reduction method有限元强度折减法

1.In this paper,FEM strength reduction method, proposed by Zheng Yingren, are applied to search critical failure surface, so that it can helps to solve the design and work problem caused by the inexact position of the critical failure surface.针对目前诸多岩质高边坡稳定性评价方法都难以准确确定边坡失稳破坏时产生的最危险滑动面位置这一难题,本文沿用郑颖仁院士提出的有限元强度折减法这一思路,对岩质高边坡失稳破坏的最危险滑动面进行搜索,以便解决由滑动面位置不确切引起的工程设计与施工问题。


