100字范文 > 崇明东滩湿地 Chongming Dongtan wetland英语短句 例句大全

崇明东滩湿地 Chongming Dongtan wetland英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-30 17:13:34


崇明东滩湿地 Chongming Dongtan wetland英语短句 例句大全

崇明东滩湿地,Chongming Dongtan wetland

1)Chongming Dongtan wetland崇明东滩湿地

1.Study on Dynamics of Avian Community in Different Stages of Vegetation Succession in Chongming Dongtan Wetland;崇明东滩湿地植被演替不同阶段鸟类群落动态变化的研究


1.The Study of Ecological Planning for Wetland Park in Chongming Dongtan Nature Reserve, Shanghai;上海崇明东滩湿地公园生态规划研究

2.The Emission of N_2O from the Chongming Dongtan Wetland under Different Plants崇明东滩湿地不同植被类型下N_2O排放通量研究

3.Factors Affecting Biomass of Phragmites australis in Polders on Dongtan Wetland of Chongming崇明东滩湿地围垦区芦苇生物量影响因素初探

4.The Degradation, Present Condition and Protection of the East Mud Flat of Chongming Island;上海市崇明东滩湿地生态服务功能、湿地退化与保护对策

5.The Emission of Greenhouse Gases from the Chongming Dongtan Wetland Ecosystem and Its Mechanism;崇明东滩湿地生态系统温室气体排放及机制研究

6.Study on Dynamics of Avian Community in Different Stages of Vegetation Succession in Chongming Dongtan Wetland;崇明东滩湿地植被演替不同阶段鸟类群落动态变化的研究

7.Cumulation Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Mercury in Sediments from Chongming Wetland崇明东滩湿地沉积物中汞累积特征及其影响因素研究

8.Spatial Variability of Organic Carbon in the Soil of Wetlands in Chongming Dongtan and Its Influential Factors崇明东滩湿地土壤有机碳空间分异特征及影响因素

9.The Analysis of Bioactivity and Environmental Effect of Different Types of Wetland Soil in Chongming Dongtan崇明东滩湿地土壤生物活性差异性及环境效应分析

10.The Study on Physico-chemical Factors and Extracellular Enzyme of the Sediments in the East Chongming Tidal Flat Wetland;崇明东滩潮滩湿地沉积物理化因子与胞外酶的研究

11.Ecological Impacts of the Introduced Spartina Alterniflora Invasions in the Coastal Ecosystems of Chongming Dongtan, the Yangtze River Estuary;互花米草入侵国际重要湿地崇明东滩的生态后果

12.The Analysis of Bio-activity and Relativity of Different Type Wetlands Soil in Chongming Dongtan;崇明东滩不同类型湿地土壤生物活性差异性分析及其相关性研究

13.Distribution Pattern and Habitat Characteristics of Winter Waterbirds in the Aquacutural Ponds of Chongming Dongtan, Shanghai;崇明东滩养殖塘人工湿地景观特征与越冬水鸟空间分布格局

14.The Behavior Patterns of Wintering Waterfowls in Artificial Wetland at Chongming Dongtan崇明东滩堤内次生人工湿地越冬水鸟的行为模式

15.Research on the Distribution Rule of the Typical Pollutants in the Different Types of Wetlands in Chongming Island典型污染物在崇明东滩不同类型湿地的分布规律

16.The Ecological Protection Principles and Ecological Division of East Mud Flat of Chongming Island;上海市崇明东滩地区生态保护原则与生态区划

17.The Evolvement of Eastern Chongming Shoal, Lower Reach of North Channel and Eastern Hengsha Shoal in Changjiang Estuary;长江口崇明东滩、北港下段和横沙东滩演变分析

18.The Effect of Reclamation on Mud Flat Development in Chongming Island, Shanghai;人类围垦活动对上海崇明东滩滩涂发育的影响


Chongming east tidal flat崇明东滩

1.The variation of organic carbon content inChongming east tidal flat sediments during Scirpus mariqueter growing stage;崇明东滩海三棱藨草生长期沉积物有机碳含量变化

2.Grain size of 45 from sample surface sediments ofChongming east tidal flat are measured.经对崇明东滩 4 5个现代表层沉积物样品粒度分析表明 :潮滩沉积物绝大部分以淤泥质粉砂为主 ,平均粒径 16 。

3.The research object of this article isChongming east tidal flat .本文以崇明东滩为研究对象,通过粒度分析、磁性测量和其他化学分析手段,综合运用了沉积学、环境磁学、地球化学等方法,来探讨近40年来崇明东滩的潮滩沉积环境过程及其环境过程中的磁性参数、有机碳、磷等的变化特征,并且分析讨论了磁性参数、有机碳、磷的影响因素及环境意义。

3)Chongming Wetland崇明东滩

1.Magnetic Diagnosis of Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments ofChongming Wetland;崇明东滩湿地沉积物重金属污染的磁诊断

2.Secondary succession characteristics of vegetations on reclaimed land inside Chongming wetland seawall.;崇明东滩围垦堤内植被快速次生演替特征

3.Cumulation Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Mercury in Sediments fromChongming Wetland崇明东滩湿地沉积物中汞累积特征及其影响因素研究

4)Chongming Dongtan崇明东滩

1.A predictive model for the hyperspectral character of saltmarsh soil to its heavy metal content atChongming Dongtan;崇明东滩盐沼土壤重金属含量的高光谱估算模型

2.To evaluate the impact of economic activities on the mudflats ofChongming Dongtan Birds Nature Reserve,Shanghai;滩涂作业对上海崇明东滩自然保护区的影响评价

3.Application of SPOT Remote Sensing Image in Landscape Classification ofChongming Dongtan;SPOT遥感数据在崇明东滩景观分类研究中的应用

5)East Chongming Tidal Flat崇明东滩

1.Effects of Sediment Resuspension on Nitrogen and PhosphateExchange at the Sediment-Water Interface inEast Chongming Tidal Flat;崇明东滩沉积物再悬浮对沉积物-水界面氮、磷交换行为的影响

2.Sediment and Geomorphology Differentiation of Tidal Flat Profiles Combined Wave and Current Actions:a case of the east Chongming tidal flat,Changjiang Estuary;波流共同作用下潮滩剖面沉积物和地貌分异规律——以长江口崇明东滩为例

3.Nutrient fluxes at sediment-water interface in the east Chongming tidal flat in winter长江口崇明东滩冬季沉积物-水界面营养盐通量

6)Chongming Island崇明东滩

1.The Effect of Reclamation on Mud Flat Development inChongming Island, Shanghai;人类围垦活动对上海崇明东滩滩涂发育的影响

2.The characteristics of Hooded Cranes (Grus monacha) feeding sites in the east tide flat ofChongming Island were studied.对崇明东滩越冬白头鹤 (Grusmonacha)觅食地的特征进行了研究。

3.East End ofChongming Island at the Yangtze Estuary,the largest alluvial island in the world,which has a chronosequence of reclaimed lands,provides a good and special case to study the changes of PSD after reclamation.崇明东滩滩地围垦后,表层0~20 cm及20~40 cm土层土壤粒径分布受土地利用方式和利用年限的显著影响。



崇明东滩位于上海市崇明岛的最东端,南北濒临长江的入海口,向东缓缓伸向浩瀚的东海,并与南北大陆遥遥相对。崇明东滩保护区南起奚家港,北至北八滧港,西以1968年建成的围堤为界限,东至吴凇标高零米线外侧3000m水线为界,仿半圆形航道线内属于崇明岛的水域、陆地和滩涂。即位于东经121050’—12’,北纬31025’— 31038’之间。崇明东滩保护区面积为326平方公里,属长江口典型的河口湿地。其中自然保护区在堤外滩涂的面积共265平方公里,包括吴淞标高零米线以上的滩涂为120平方公里,吴淞标高零米线以外宽度3000米内的水域145平方公里。堤内以人工湿地为主的面积为61平方公里。崇明东滩位于长江入海口,处于我国候鸟南北迁徙的东线中部,地理位置十分重要。其生物多样性价值体现在物种的多样性和生态系统的多样性。东滩滩涂辽阔,拥有丰富的底栖动物和植被资源,是候鸟迁徙途中的集散地,也是水禽的越冬地。崇明东滩记录的鸟类达312种,迁徙水鸟上百万只。其中国家一级保护动物4种,国家二级保护动物43种。属中日候鸟保护协定的167种,属中澳候鸟保护协定的有51种。列入《中国濒危动物红皮书》的水鸟有12种。另外,根据1996年春季调查统计到的涉禽数量上分析,有8种超过或到达世界种群1%;3种达到或超过停歇地大于0.25%标准。1999年崇明东滩正式加入东亚—澳大利亚涉禽迁徙保护网络,2002年1月,湿地国际秘书处正式接纳崇明东滩为国际重要湿地。
