100字范文 > 收益现值法 income present value method英语短句 例句大全

收益现值法 income present value method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 01:11:24


收益现值法 income present value method英语短句 例句大全

收益现值法,income present value method

1)income present value method收益现值法

1.Application ofincome present value method in mining enterprise valuation;收益现值法在矿山企业价值评估中的应用

2.The authors of this paper, by making researches on theincome present value method for appraising mineral resources assets using time series analysis theory and asset pricing theory, establish a dynamic model of forecasting the future net incomes of the mineral resource assets to be appraised, and put forward a method for calculating the history data of discount rates.应用随机时间序列理论和资产评估理论对矿产资源资产估价的收益现值法进行了研究,建立了待估矿产资源资产未来净收益的动态预测模型,提出了折现率历史数据的测算方法,据此,建立了与净收益预测模型相类似的未来折现率的动态预测模型。

3.In this paper,theincome present value method is developed.本文对资产评估中常用的方法———收益现值法的现有计算公式进行了拓展,并对资产预期收益的一些具体形式给出了资产评估值的计算公式。


1.Application of income present value method in mining enterprise valuation;收益现值法在矿山企业价值评估中的应用

2.The Enterprise Value to Be Assessed by Its Current Income together with Its Expected Earnings;收益现值法与实物期权相结合的企业价值评估

3.Evaluating Model of Entrepreneur s Value--Revised Income Present Value Model;企业家价值评估的收益现值法修正模型

4.Study of the Assets Valuation of Enterprises;企业形象资产价值评估的收益现值法研究

5.Study on Profit Present Value Method for Value Appraisalof Water Resource Assets;水资源资产价值评估的收益现值法研究

6.Research for Defining the Discount Rate and an Empirical Analysis of It under Income Present Value Method;收益现值法下折现率确定研究与实证分析

7.Research on the way to define the parameters in capitalized earning method;关于收益现值法中基本参数确定方法的研究

8.Determining parameters of investment decision by present value of earning.;用收益现值法确定加油站投资决策的相关参数

9.The problem in mineral resources evaluation by present current value method;收益现值法在矿产资源评价中存在的问题

10.Study on Dynamic Income Present Value Methodfor Appraising Mineral Resource Assets;矿产资源资产估价的动态收益现值法研究

11.Impact Analysis on Evaluating of Standing Timber between Cost Method and Present Value Method;成本法与收益现值法对林木评估价值的影响分析

12.Selecting Models and Determining Parameters of Appraisal Methodof Assets Present Return Value on the Charge Right of Highway;收益现值法评估公路收费权的模型选择与参数测定

13.Studies of Elasticity of Darameters in the Capitalised Earnings Method;收益现值法参数弹性研究——兼评某无形资产评估案例

parison and Analysis of the NPV Method and IRR Method;内部收益率法与净现值法的比较分析

15.Determination of Discount Rate in Income Method for Equity Valuation收益法评估股权价值中折现率的确定

16.A Study on the Discount Period of Mineral ResourcesUsing Present Value Evaluation Method of Assets Revenue;矿产资源资产收益现值评估法的折现年限研究

17.The Application of Net Present Value Method and Internal Earning Rate Method in Investment Decision of Mutually Exclusive Plan;净现值法与内部收益率法在互斥方案投资决策中的应用研究

18.The Comparison and Analysis Between the Rule of NPV and IRR;资本预算净现值法则和内含收益率法则比较分析


discounted cash flow收益现值法

1.It studies thediscounted cash flow for mineral property valuation, and discusses an option pricing approach to mineral property valuation.针对目前国内矿业权估价研究的多种歧见和体系的极不完善 ,探讨矿业权估价理论与方法的若干基本问题 :论述矿产资源的价值成因 ,分析矿业权估价的均衡价格理论、影子价格理论和边际成本理论 ,研究矿业权估价的基本方法———收益现值法 ,在吸收现代金融工程理论最新研究成果的基础上 ,建立了一个矿业权估价的期权定价法模

2.Firstly, the weakness of the traditional method of value estimation--discounted cash flow(DCF )is analyzed.在分析了传统的企业价值评估方法——收益现值法的不足后 ,从企业股东和债权人的角度出发 ,引进企业所得税和个人所得税 ,通过对企业预期现金流量的合理分解与折现 ,建立了一个较为实用的价值评估模型 ,并给出了各参数的确定方

3)present return value method收益现值法

1.This paper discusses the appraisal problem of production costs method andpresent return value method on rate right of highway, analyzes the differences of the two methods on asset appraisal of rate right of highway.探讨了收益现值法和重置成本法对公路收费权价格的评估问题,并对两种评估方法进行了比较分析。

2.Applying thepresent return value method and production cost method,the paper discusses the specific evaluation model of rubber tree in the production period and no-production period.在分析橡胶林木特性的基础上,依据对海南橡胶林木进行调查所收集的资料,借鉴经济林评估的原理,针对橡胶林木资产各生长阶段的差异,有针对性地提出了处于不同生长阶段橡胶林木资产的评估思路,详细地阐述了应用收益现值法、重置成本法评估产胶期与非产胶期橡胶林木资产的具体评估模型。

4)present earning value method收益现值法

1.When thepresent earning value method is used to analyze the right of price transference of toll road,it is found that the net cash flow and grey prediction often affect the accuracy of evaluation results and they are of small samples and lack information.分析了采用收益现值法评估收费公路权益转让价格时,影响评估结果精确度的主要因素净现金流量以及灰色预测GM(1,1)模型的小样本、贫信息特点。

5)net income approach净收益现值法

1.An evaluation formula ofnet income approach is introduced in this paper,and its application to economic evaluation of old building reconstruction is explained with engineering cases.通过建立净收益现值法评价公式并用工程实例说明在旧房改造经济评价中的应用方法,证明其应用更为方便。

6)income present value收益现值估价法

1.Considering that the method ofincome present value can t appraise mineral resource assets that has been explored but not exploited or exploited for a short time, the paper makes researches on case-based evaluation method for mineral resource assets (for short CEM).针对收益现值估价法无法合理地估价已探明但未开发或开发时间很短的矿物资源资产这一缺陷。


收益现值法 收益现值法——收益现值法是将评估对象剩余寿命期间每年(或每月)的预期收益,用适当的折现率折现,累加得出评估基准日现值,以此估算资产价值的方法。收益现值法通常用于有收益企业的整体评估及无须资产评估等。
