100字范文 > 现值法 present value method英语短句 例句大全

现值法 present value method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-30 19:15:04


现值法 present value method英语短句 例句大全

现值法,present value method

1)present value method现值法

1.It choose thepresent value method to calculate the value of mineral resources, and on this basis, it present the calculation method of resources loss and calculation approach of economic loss resulting from remaining bracket pillar.针对开拓方案选择中损失资源的计价问题作了分析 ,选择现值法计算矿产资源价值的基础上 ,给出了损失资源的计价模型和留保安矿柱造成经济损失的计算方

2.Initially thepresent value method was applied to asset valuation of fishing vessels.对渔船资产评估方法进行了系统研究,介绍了重置成本法、市场比较法、收益法三种基本的资产评估方法在渔船资产评估中的应用,建立了相应的数学模型,并首次将现值法应用于渔船资产评估中。


1.The difference between NPV method and IRR method can be described as following...净现值法和内含报酬率法的区别如下…

parison and Analysis of the NPV Method and IRR Method;内部收益率法与净现值法的比较分析

3.Application of income present value method in mining enterprise valuation;收益现值法在矿山企业价值评估中的应用

4.The Enterprise Value to Be Assessed by Its Current Income together with Its Expected Earnings;收益现值法与实物期权相结合的企业价值评估

5.Customer Lifetime Evaluation: Accumulative NPV Method and Its Application;顾客生涯价值评估:累计净现值法及其应用拓展

6.Traditional NPV Method Underestimating Value of Flexible Project and Improvement;传统净现值法低估柔性方案的价值及其改进

7.Evaluating Model of Entrepreneur s Value--Revised Income Present Value Model;企业家价值评估的收益现值法修正模型

8.Study of the Assets Valuation of Enterprises;企业形象资产价值评估的收益现值法研究

9.Study on Profit Present Value Method for Value Appraisalof Water Resource Assets;水资源资产价值评估的收益现值法研究

paring Two Methods of Decision-Making for Enterprise Investment: Method of Option in Kind and Method of Net Present Value;企业投资决策方法比较:实物期权法与净现值法

11.The Method Discussion about Adjusting NPV and IRR;调整净现值法和内含报酬率法冲突的方法探析

12.Study on Finance Strategy of Product Renewing;基于产品更新的净现值法的优化研究

13.An Easy - to - implement Solution to AutomateEntropy Method by Microsoft EXCEL/ VBA;熵值法在EXCEL中的VBA实现

14.Analysis and Improved Method of the NetPresent Value and Annual Equal Value;净现值与净年值指标分析及改进方法

15.The Method of NPV Indexiation;净现值指数排序法的问题及解决方法

16.On Restructuring of the Court-On the Realizing of Juridical Value also;法院角色的重构——兼论司法价值的实现

17.Research on Business Value Appraisal Method--Discounted Cash Flow Method;企业价值评估方法研究——现金流量贴现法

18.Understand the time value of money and the mechanics of present value calculations.理解货币的时间价值和现值的计算方法。


net present value净现值法

1.Application ofnet present value and modified internal rate of return to investment;净现值法与修正内含报酬率法在投资中的应用

2.In order to make a more reasonable distribution to the community resources,the formulas of fixing the tolling year for expressway are put forward using thenet present value.为了使社会资源得到更加合理的配置,提出了运用净现值法计算收费年限的公式,并详细介绍了目前组合计重收费模式下的收入和支出预测模型中各参数的确定方法,最后指出应该继续研究的方向。

3.The traditional investment value methods,such as thenet present value and discount cash flow methods,usually undervalue the real estate value.房地产开发是高风险,其开发环境具有高度的不确定性,传统的投资项目价值评估方法如净现值法或折现现金流法常常低估了房地产的投资价值。

3)NPV method净现值法

1.Determination of the lower limit of single well controlled recoverable reserves with the application ofNPV method;应用净现值法确定单井控制可采储量下限

2.With the rule of Option Adjusted NPV, we get a conclusion thatNPV method makes decision-makers ignore the options value and take a wrong decision.本文阐述了实物期权法的原理、特点和定价模型,分析了传统经济评价方法———净现值法在油气勘探项目经济评价中应用的局限性,探讨了新的经济评价方法:实物期权法及其适用性。


1.The Financial Properties and Optimization for theNPV of the Products Renewing Process;产品更新的财务特点及其净现值法的优化

2.Optimization forNPV on the Decision in Production Renewal and Change;对产品更新换代期决策的净现值法的优化

3.Ignoring the value of realoptions, traditionalNPV is likely to lead to the misplay of investment.传统的净现值法忽略实物期权的价值,可能导致投资失误。

5)net present value method净现值法

1.The Revision of the Net Present Value Method and the Option of the DiscountingRate;试论净现值法的修正与折现率选择

2.Proceeding from the basic hypothesis,some questions of thenet present value method existing in the economical evaluation of the waterway projects are analyzed,and the conclusion that thenet present value method can t forecast the indeterminacy value is pointed out.从净现值法的基本假设出发,首先分析净现值法在水运建设项目经济评价中存在的问题,指出用净现值法无法预估项目的不确定性价值。

3.Real Option Approach considers soft management as options in the project investment and is more applicable to the analysis of decision-making problems of the project investment under the uncertain conditions as compared with the traditionalnet present value method.实物期权方法将项目投资中的管理柔性视作期权(选择权)进行分析,比传统的净现值法更适合用来分析不确定环境下的项目投资决策问题。

6)discounted cash flow收益现值法

1.It studies thediscounted cash flow for mineral property valuation, and discusses an option pricing approach to mineral property valuation.针对目前国内矿业权估价研究的多种歧见和体系的极不完善 ,探讨矿业权估价理论与方法的若干基本问题 :论述矿产资源的价值成因 ,分析矿业权估价的均衡价格理论、影子价格理论和边际成本理论 ,研究矿业权估价的基本方法———收益现值法 ,在吸收现代金融工程理论最新研究成果的基础上 ,建立了一个矿业权估价的期权定价法模

2.Firstly, the weakness of the traditional method of value estimation--discounted cash flow(DCF )is analyzed.在分析了传统的企业价值评估方法——收益现值法的不足后 ,从企业股东和债权人的角度出发 ,引进企业所得税和个人所得税 ,通过对企业预期现金流量的合理分解与折现 ,建立了一个较为实用的价值评估模型 ,并给出了各参数的确定方


