100字范文 > 归位 migration英语短句 例句大全

归位 migration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-28 19:46:24


归位 migration英语短句 例句大全



1.Dip-moveout correction of VSP data is put forward to solve the problem thatVSP-CDP conversion and VSPmigration are unsatisfactory when the seismic reflec-tors have quite big dip angle- The method makes VSP dip correction followed byVSP-CDP conversion to gUarantee correct position of seismic reflection points.针对地下反射界面倾角较大时,VSPCDP变换和VSP偏移对反射点的归位效果均不理想这一问题,我们提出了VSP倾角时差校正方法。

2.To cope with the fault interpretation problem in interpretation of 2 D stackedmigration section, a method is proposed in this paper for fault interpretation.针对二维地震叠偏剖面解释中存在的断层解释问题 ,提出了叠偏剖面断层解释方法 ,阐述了断点解释、组合断层与层位闭合、断面闭合及归位次序之间的关系。


1.Analysis of the Relevance from Dislocation to Homing of Tax and Fee;税与费:从错位到归位的相关性分析

2.The point returned to the interior of the figure.这个点归位到了数字的内部。

3.Due Process Analysis upon Retrieval of Power of Examination and Approval of Death Sentences;死刑核准权归位后的程序正当性分析

4.Thoughts on our police education reform and development;我国公安教育改革与发展的归位思考

5.System Absence and Return of Peasant-labors Residentialization;当前农民工市民化的制度缺失与归位

6.Returning to the Original State--Key to the Functional Change of Township Government;乡镇政府职能转变的关键是“归位”

7.attributable segment cost可归属核算单位成本

8.Home Location Register (HLR) - 6归属位置寄存器 (HLR) -- 6

9.Home Location Register (HLR).归属位置寄存器 (HLR)。

10.After reading the book, he put it in place.读完这本书后,他把书放归原位。

11.Before leaving your rooms, please square away your room and lock your windows and door.离开寝室时门窗上锁,寝室内务归定位。

12.The 60-year-old cosmonaut said upon returning,这位六十岁的航天员归来时表示:

13.between the Antarctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn.位于南极圈和南回归线之间。

14.either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the torrid zone or tropics.指位于南北回归线之间的赤道区域。

15.The court awarded the mother custody of the child. = The court awarded custody of the child to the mother.法院判定孩子的监护权归那位母亲。

16.The old overseas Chinese returned to his motherland in his late years.这位老华侨晚年终于回归祖国。

17.Clean up the dining table after eating and return your chairs, follow the garbage separated.食用完后将桌面擦拭乾净,椅子归定位。

18.Allocation of Property Rights of Parking Lot in the Community with "Haining Case";透过“海宁案”谈小区停车位的产权归属


Core Location岩心归位

1.Core Location Using FMI Data Based on Surfer And The Evaluation Methods of Its Effects;基于Surfer的FMI资料岩心归位及归位效果评价方法

2.Core gramma testing system and its application to core location.;岩心地面伽马测试系统及其在岩心归位中的应用

3.In order to solve the disadvantages of inaccuracy and subjective error in tradition manual core location,a novel automatic core location method is proposed.为解决传统岩心手动归位不准确、主观性强等缺点,提出一种全新的岩心归位方法,利用粒子群优化算法实现声波测井岩心自动归位。

3)core parked岩芯归位

4)quantile regression分位回归

1.The Quantile Regression Analysis on the Price-Volume Relationship of Shanghai Stock Exchange;上海证券交易市场量价关系的分位回归分析

2.With the data from western listed company in China and thequantile regression model,relevant factors that impact the capital structure are analyzed.利用我国西部上市公司的数据,运用分位回归模型研究资本结构的各类影响因素,与OLS回归结果相对照,可以发现公司规模、股本结构、资产担保价值、非债务税盾和收益性等因素对处于资本结构不同分位的公司的非对称性影响,从而丰富了对资本结构影响因素的理解。

3.Our empirical results from aquantile regression analysis of data from Shanghai Stock Exchange show that there exist significant price-volume relations between return-rate and volume and between absolute return-rate and volume.而采用分位回归方法对沪市价量关系进行研究的结果表明,沪市收益率及收益率绝对量和交易量之间存在显著的价量关系。


1.After comparing various kinds of bar bending machines produced in China,a new type ofself-returning bar bending machine with calibrated disc is designed,which can offering less work quantity,high operating efficiency,exact dissecting accurateness and comprehensive security.通过对国内现有钢筋弯曲机使用中发现的问题比较,设计了一款提高加工效率,减小劳动强度,提高加工精度,打弯钢筋后可以自动归位并带有平面刻度盘的新型钢筋弯曲机。

6)position reduction位置归算

1.According to the principle of the two kinds of sounding system mentioned above, a series ofposition reduction formulas and their error equations are derived in this paper.本文根据以上两种测深新技术的特点,全面推导了条带式深度测量测点位置归算的严密计算公式及其相应的精度估算公式,在推演过程中,充分顾及了海洋测量的动态效应即载体姿态的影响。

2.Based on analysis of the ways of echo intensity\"s record of MBES,this paper focuses on localization of echo intensity in each beam and optimization of sample data in each ping,and presents the method of echo intensityposition reduction.在分析多波束回波强度记录方式的基础上,主要针对波束内回波强度的定位和数据优化等问题进行了探讨,确定了回波强度位置归算方法。


