100字范文 > 至 Zhi英语短句 例句大全

至 Zhi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 10:54:05


至 Zhi英语短句 例句大全



1.The Diachronic Replacement ofZhi (至) by Dao (到)“至”和“到”的历时更替


1.The Right Reverend Jane Smith.至尊至贵的琼 史密斯

2.Bismillah ar Rahman ar Rahim奉至仁至慈的真主之名

3.Drop below降低到……减至……

4.as far as/so far as远至,到...程度

5.Zhuangzi s Theory of Extreme Reason,Perfect Ethics,Well Governing and Ultimate Beauty --Discussing"Intensive Attention"in"Zhuangzi";庄子的至道、至德、至治、至美之论——《庄子·刻意》述论

6.The Truest,the Most Kind-Hearted and the Most Beautiful--The Humanistic Glory of Su Shi;至真至善至美——苏轼人性化的光辉

7.Utmost Tenderness, Utmost Simplicity, and Utmost Emptiness--On Laozi s concern for individual lives;至柔、至朴、至虚——老子对个体生命的关切

8.Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle,and you will be attacked by head and tail Both.击其首则尾至,击其尾则首至,击其中则首尾俱至。

9.Business strategy: maintaining the brand name, high quality products and good service is the secret of success.品牌至尊、品至本、务至胜是我们的经营战略。

10.This cookie will persist until此cookie将持续直至

11.Drilling 50 yards deep,钻孔至50码深处,

12.the lowest [topmost] rung of Fortune"s ladder不幸 [幸运] 之至

13.white supremacyph.1. 白人至上

14.Calamities always come of a moment"s intolerance.“小不忍则大祸至。”

15.Bronze Gun with the Inscription"Shen Fei"of the Zhizheng Reign, Yuan Dynasty元至正“神飞”铜铳

16.As regards money, I have enough.至于钱,我有的是。

17.There will be 10 to 12 inches of snow today,“今天将降至10至12英寸的雪。

18.Throughout the discussion he held by his principles.讨论中他至始至终坚持他的原则。


true feelings and true characters至情至性

1.Histrue feelings and true characters, is "poet of high attainments", and "the feeling is holy" even more.他至情至性,是“诗圣”,更是“情圣”。

3)true feelings and disposition至性至情

1.Dufu s poems about family emotion express the poet s mind oftrue feelings and disposition and his strong sense of responsibility for the family , in which the rich ideas of family ethic are more capable of revealing the poet s unique character in Chinese traditional culture atmosphere, which makes us approach and understand Dufu more vividly and comprehensively.杜甫家庭亲情诗表现了诗人至性至情的心怀和对家庭强烈的道德责任感 ,其中浓郁的家庭伦理观念 ,更能展示中国传统文化氛围中诗人的独特个性 ,使我们更真切更全面地走近和了解杜

4)Xizhi hazhi西至哈至

1.A Study on the Yugu Epic “Yao ao er fromXizhi hazhi”;裕固族史诗《尧熬尔来自西至哈至》研究

5)at (the) most/least至多/至少

6)wave arrival波至


