100字范文 > 陈植 Chen Zhi英语短句 例句大全

陈植 Chen Zhi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-19 12:28:57


陈植 Chen Zhi英语短句 例句大全

陈植,Chen Zhi

1)Chen Zhi陈植

1.Mr.Chen Zhi,the Advocate and Founder of Chinese Garden Making;中国造园学的倡导者和奠基人——陈植先生

2.The Idea of Heritage Preservation in CHEN Zhi"s Zaoyuanxuegailun(《造园学概论》)陈植《造园学概论》中的“遗产保护”理念

3.Chen Zhi is one of Chinese scholars to recommend Landscape Architecture.陈植是中国最早接触造园学的学者之一,也是我国造园学教育的创始人之一,在许多方面推动了造园学的发展。


1.The Idea of Heritage Preservation in CHEN Zhi"s Zaoyuanxuegailun陈植《造园学概论》中的遗产保护理念

2.The Idea of Heritage Preservation in CHEN Zhi"s Zaoyuanxuegailun(《造园学概论》)陈植《造园学概论》中的“遗产保护”理念

3.Mr.Chen Zhi,the Advocate and Founder of Chinese Garden Making中国造园学的倡导者和奠基人——陈植先生

4.Identification of the original plant of Tibetan material medica "Zangyinchen"“藏茵陈”的基原植物和药用亲缘学

5.On Geographic Distribution of the Original Plants of Tibet Artemisia Capillaris in Yunnan Province;藏药“藏茵陈”原植物在云南的地理分布特点

6.A Poet Planting in the Countryside--The Preface of The Earth Support Written by Chen Youcai;“种植在田野”的诗人——陈有才诗集《大地支撑》序

7.Architectural art of Zhoukou Guanyu temple roots in the ChenChu culture植根于陈楚文化的周口关帝庙建筑艺术

8.Analysis of curative effects of free tendon graft using palmaris longus for 8 cases of old stener掌长肌游离移植治疗8例陈旧性sterner病疗效分析

9.Treatment of Old Condyle Fractures of the Humerus with Bone Graft植骨治疗肱骨髁陈旧性骨折不愈合24例

10.Utilization and Culture of the Soil for Multiple Cropping--Investigation in the Chen Shiang Brigade, Wun Jin County, Tailake Basin.多熟种植与养地用地——对太湖流域武进县陈巷大队的调查研究

11.Keratoepithelioplasty for old ocular burns角膜上皮移植术治疗陈旧性眼部烧伤的临床应用

12.Experimental Study of Peripheral Nerve Grafts on the Repair of Chronic Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rats;周围神经组织游离移植修复大鼠陈旧性脊髓损伤的实验研究

13.Hemodynamic Improvement in Rats with Chronic Myocardial Infarction by Transplantation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells;骨髓间充质干细胞移植对陈旧性心梗大鼠血流动力学的影响

14.Intradurallysis and peripheral nerve implantation for obsolete incomplete rupture of spinal cord硬脊膜内松解自体周围神经植入治疗脊髓陈旧性不完全性断裂伤

15.Treatment of thoracolumbar kyphosis with wedge-shaped vertebral osteotomy,expanding bone graft and spanning segment pedicle screw-rod system fixation from posterior approach后路椎体截骨撑开植骨固定治疗胸腰椎陈旧性骨折后凸畸形

16.Chenia leptophylla--A Bryophytes New Record in Zhejiang Province and Its Geographical Distribution浙江省藓类植物新记录陈氏藓(Chenia leptophylla)及其地理分布

17.Clinical study of implantation of preserved sclera combined with Z-PLASTY in traumatic eyelid retraction异体巩膜植入联合“Z”形皮瓣治疗陈旧性外伤性下睑退缩

18.The clinical observation of DTM in healing of old fracture骨又生替代髂骨植骨治疗四肢陈旧骨折的临床观察


plant furnishings绿色植物陈设

3)Literature Search on Landscape Architecture of Chen Zhi陈植造园文献分析


1.The country of the Xie clan was inChen and theChen was established in Western Zhou Dynasty,which changed repeatedly,and eventually fell among Yongjia of Chaos.在六朝的300余年间,陈郡谢氏自谢衡至谢靖前后凡10余代,世系绵长,子孙繁盛;陈郡谢氏的祖籍陈留阳夏,行政区划几经变更,最后在永嘉之乱中沦陷;之后,谢氏侨居江东,以建康和会稽为两个重要据点发展家族势力,很快成为一流的门阀世族。

5)Chen Xuan陈

1.To keepCaoYun unimpe ded,Chen Xuan alongwithotherofficials harne ssedtheGrand Canaleffectively.陈是明朝初期一位很有作为的人物 ,虽非重臣 ,然其对明代社会的贡献颇大 ,主要在于漕运。

6)free radical植

1.High light stress in plants and the metabolism offree radical-review;植物高光胁迫与自由基代谢研究进展


