100字范文 > 创造性思维开发 creative thinking development英语短句 例句大全

创造性思维开发 creative thinking development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-31 02:07:44


创造性思维开发 creative thinking development英语短句 例句大全

创造性思维开发,creative thinking development

1)creative thinking development创造性思维开发


1.Teaching Research on Fostering Creative Thinking in Design Education艺术设计课堂教学中创造性思维开发研究

2.Developing the Thinking of Creativity;Enhancing the Ability to Analyze and Ponder;开发创造性思维 提高分析思考能力

3.Developing students creative thinking in physical teaching;在物理教学中开发学生的创造性思维

4.On art education and developmentof student s creative thinking;论美术教育与学生创造性思维的开发

5.The application of the creative thinking in the development of the textile products;创造性思维在纺织产品开发中的应用

6."To Rebound Pipa" in a Creative Backward Thinking --Training and Developing Creative Thinking and Design Awareness;以创造性思维反弹琵琶——创新思维与设计意识的开发训练

7.Brain Hemisphere about the Development and Function of the Development of Creative Thinking;大脑左右半球功能的开发与创造性思维的发展

8.On the Cultivation of Creative Thinking in Art & Design Major s Sketch Teaching;谈艺术设计专业素描教学的创造性思维的开发

9.The Development of Creative Thinking is a Modern Educational Important Topic;开发创造性思维是现代教育的重要课题

10.Enlightenment of the Alternative Art --On the development of creative thinking of the students;另类美术的启迪——浅谈学生创造性思维的开发

11.On Developing Creative Thought during Practice teaching;《会计学》实践教学中开发创造性思维的探讨


13.Expiore the Featnrts of Multiple Choice and Develop Students Creative Thinking开发选择题特征资源 培养学生创造性思维

14.Inspire Creationary Thinking,Blossom out Innovation Flower--Talk about the Effect of Mathematical Teaching in Student s Creationary Thinking Training;激发创造性思维,催开创新之花——谈数学教学对学生创造性思维的培养

15.Views Concerning Creative Thinking;关于开拓艺术创造性思维的几个思路

16.Stimulating creative consciousness and training students′ creative thinking;激发创新意识 培养学生创造性思维

17.Study on Teachers College Graduates Creative Thinking--The Development of Teachers College Graduates Finding Geometrical Analogies and Numerical Creativity;高师生创造性思维发展的研究——高师生图形创造性思维和数字创造性思维的发展

18.The Open-ended Mathematical Problem and the Cultivation of Students Creative Thinking;数学开放题与学生创造性思维的培养


The Development of the Creative Thought创造性思维的开发

3)creative thinking创造性思维

1.Application ofcreative thinking in textile development;创造性思维在纺织品开发中的应用

2.Creative Thinking and Experimental-class Teaching about Cuisine;创造性思维与烹饪实验课教学

3.Strategies to cultivatecreative thinking in chemistry teaching;化学教学培养创造性思维能力的策略

4)creative thought创造性思维

1.An anlysis of the training of medical studentscreative thought;浅谈医学生创造性思维的培养

2.Implementing innovation in drawing teaching and trainingcreative thoughts;在制图教学中实施创新教育 培养创造性思维

3.The development ofcreative thought ——About the innovation of fine brushwork;创造性思维的培养——浅谈工笔人物教学改革

5)innovative thinking创造性思维

1.On the Cultivation of Innovative Thinking Ability in Writing Teaching;论写作教学过程中创造性思维能力的培养

2.The preliminary experimental results of the teaching indicate that kidnapping plays a promoting role in stimulating students interest in seeking knowledge,enabling students to learn how to think,and culturing studentsinnovative thinking.初步的教学实验结果表明,思维导图在激发学生求知欲,使学生学会思考问题以及培养学生的创造性思维能力等方面具有重要的促进作用。

3.Fostering the studentinnovative thinking is one of mathematics teaching tasks.学生创造性思维能力的培养是数学教学的任务之一。

6)creative thoughts创造性思维

1.On Creative Thoughts about Physical Education Method;谈体育教学方法的创造性思维

2.The exploration of cultivating the ability ofcreative thoughts in maths teaching;数学教学中培养学生创造性思维能力初探

3.It is vitally important to improve the research ability of students by training theircreative thoughts.培养学生创造性思维对提高大学生的科研能力具有重要的作用。


