100字范文 > 自主光学导航 autonomous optical navigation英语短句 例句大全

自主光学导航 autonomous optical navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-17 15:06:57


自主光学导航 autonomous optical navigation英语短句 例句大全

自主光学导航,autonomous optical navigation

1)autonomous optical navigation自主光学导航

1.Spacecraftautonomous optical navigation based on the wavelet-UPF;一种基于小波-UPF的探测器自主光学导航方法

2.Based on the special characters,anautonomous optical navigation scheme was provided.针对巡航段的特点,研究了一种基于多颗小行星光学信息的自主光学导航方案。

3.Anautonomous optical navigation scheme for cruise phase is presented in this paper,in which the relative position for probes is based on the star light and body edge data that is measured by star sensor and optical navigation camera respectively.提出了一种用于探测器在巡航段的自主光学导航方案,该方案利用光学导航相机以及星敏感器,通过测量星光信息以及天体边缘的信息,得出了探测器的相对位置。


1.Autonomous Optical Navigation and Guide Method for Soft Landing on Small Bodies小天体软着陆自主光学导航与制导方法研究

2.Study on the Selection of the Beacon Asteroids in Autonomous Optical Navigation for Interplanetary Exploration深空自主光学导航观测小行星选取方法研究

3.Autonomous Optical Navigation Schemes and Nonlinear Filter Algorithms Simulation of Spacecraft;深空探测器自主光学导航方案及非线性滤波算法研究

4.Design and Implementation of Optical Signature Simulator for Deep Space Exploration Autonomous Navigation深空探测自主导航光学信号模拟器设计与实现

5.Line-of-sight Measurement Based Autonomous Optical Relative Navigation Algorithms for Asteroid Landing and Observability Analysis着陆小行星的视线测量自主光学相对导航算法及其可观性分析

6.Research Progress of Polarized Skylight Navigation基于自然偏振光的自主导航新方法研究进展

7.opticalIRUV navigation光学/红外线/紫外线导航

8.The Research on Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Reinforcement Learning基于强化学习的自主移动机器人导航研究

9.An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Based Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Algorithm一种基于AUKF的航天器自主导航算法

10.Autonomous Navigation Modification Based on Passive Observation to Feature Target for Cruise Missile飞航导弹地标被动观测自主导航修正技术

11.ce and navigation system光学惯性制导和导航系统

12.Autonomous Learning and Navigation Control for Mobile Robots Based on Reinforcement Learning;基于强化学习的移动机器人自主学习及导航控制

13.The Research of the Navigation of Spacecraft Based on the X-Ray Pulsars;基于X射线脉冲星的航天器自主导航方法研究

14.Research on the Arithmetic of GPS/INS Integrated Navigation System for Long-range Autonomous Underwater Vehicle;远程自主水下航行器GPS/INS组合导航算法研究

15.The Application of Curve Matching in Navigation Based on Dead-Reckoning;曲线匹配在航位推算器自主导航中的应用

16.Research on Formation Keeping and Autonomous Relative Navigation for Formation Spacecrafts航天器编队保持控制与自主导航方法研究

17.An Autonomous Navigation Method for Spacecrafts during Orbit Maneuver航天器轨道机动过程中的自主导航方法

18.Design of Integrated Navigation Integrative Simulation System of AUV自主水下航行器组合导航一体化仿真系统开发


Optical autonomous navigation光学自主导航

1.Optical autonomous navigation will be used widely in the deep space exploration in the future.光学自主导航方法将成为未来深空探测广泛应用的导航方式。

3)autonomous optical relative navigation自主光学相对导航

1.In this article,line-of-sight(LOS)measurement basedautonomous optical relative navigation algorithms for landing spacecraft on asteroids are presented;observability analysis of the navigation algorithms is also carried out in detail.以软着陆小行星为工程应用背景,提出了基于视线(LOS)测量的自主光学相对导航算法,并对导航算法的可观性进行了比较深入的分析研究。

4)light-seeking device光学自动导航<火>

5)Automatic navigation自主导航

1.Automobile automatic navigation control system based on GPRS technology;基于GPRS技术的汽车自主导航控制系统

2.A new technique of rambler automatic navigation, combing scan laser with camera to substitute the function of image matching, is proposed in this paper.文中提出了一种新的漫游车自主导航技术,将扫描激光器和摄像机相结合,以代替计 算机视觉中配准的作用。

3.Nurse assistant robot is a kind of mobile service robot, and it is operating in hospitals and automatic navigation.护士助手机器人是一种在医院环境中工作、自主导航的室内移动服务机器人。

6)autonomous navigation自主导航

1.Accuracy analysis on satelliteautonomous navigation using radar altimeter and attitude sensors;基于雷达高度计-星敏感器的卫星自主导航精度分析

2.Analysis of influence of hypsography onautonomous navigation precision using radar altimeter;地形对雷达高度计卫星自主导航精度影响分析

3.Research on the Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Using Pulsars;基于脉冲星的空间飞行器自主导航技术研究


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
