100字范文 > 自主天文导航 Autonomous celestial navigation英语短句 例句大全

自主天文导航 Autonomous celestial navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-06 16:04:07


自主天文导航 Autonomous celestial navigation英语短句 例句大全

自主天文导航,Autonomous celestial navigation

1)Autonomous celestial navigation自主天文导航

1.Autonomous celestial navigation system is a typical nonlinear,non-Gaussian dynamic system.针对传统的扩展卡尔曼滤波不适于非线性和噪声非高斯分布的系统,和一般粒子滤波存在的粒子退化等问题,提出了一种将RJMCMC(可逆跳转马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗)算法应用于月球探测器自主天文导航粒子滤波器中的新方法。

2.This dissertation taking near earth satellite as research object, systematically studied the method of satellite autonomous celestial navigation based on multi-sensors, the application of nonlinear filtering method in satellite autonomous navigation system and its DSP reali.本文以近地轨道卫星为研究对象,着重研究了基于多姿态敏感器的卫星自主天文导航方法及非线性滤波方法在卫星自主导航系统中的应用,并对自主导航算法的DSP实现、DSP计算结果的实时图形显示等问题进行了研究。

3.Large initial state error and non-Gaussian distribution of state may exist in the deep-space autonomous celestial navigation,so based on the classic six orbit elements,an orbit determination method for deep-space probe is proposed by using starlight angle as measurement information and the unscented particle filter(UPF) algorithm.针对深空自主天文导航中可能存在初始状态误差较大、状态分布非高斯分布等问题,基于轨道6根数描述形式,提出了利用星光角距观测信息和UPF(Unscented Particle Filter)算法确定探测器轨道的方法。


1.Study on Autonomous Celestial Navigation Algorithm and Its DSP Realization of Near Earth Satellite;近地卫星自主天文导航的算法与DSP实现研究

2.Application of the Improved Particle Filter Algorithm to Autonomous Celestial Navigation for Deep-Space Exploration改进的粒子滤波在深空探测自主天文导航中的应用

3.An Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter Based Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Algorithm一种基于AUKF的航天器自主导航算法

4.Autonomous Navigation Method with Celestial and Velocity Joint Observation for Lunar Rover基于天文与速度联合观测的月球车自主导航方法

5.The Research of the Navigation of Spacecraft Based on the X-Ray Pulsars;基于X射线脉冲星的航天器自主导航方法研究

6.Research on Formation Keeping and Autonomous Relative Navigation for Formation Spacecrafts航天器编队保持控制与自主导航方法研究

7.An Autonomous Navigation Method for Spacecrafts during Orbit Maneuver航天器轨道机动过程中的自主导航方法

8.Autonomous Optical Navigation and Guide Method for Soft Landing on Small Bodies小天体软着陆自主光学导航与制导方法研究

9.Abstract: Doppler navigation is a kind of independent navigational system, but its real-time speed measuring precision is comparatively low.文摘:多卜勒导航是一种自主式的导航系统,但其实时测速精度较低。

10.Control Strategies for Coplanar Autonomous Rendezvous Based on Line-of-sight Guidance基于视线制导的共面航天器自主交会控制研究

11.Research on Autonomous Navigation Methods of Small Bodies During Flybys深空探测器小天体交会段自主导航方法研究

12.Autonomous Navigation Method for Soft Landing on Small Body Based on Image Sequence基于图像序列的软着陆小天体自主导航方法

13.Research of Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation Algorithm and Its DSP Realization Based on Small Sample Data;基于小样本数据的航天器自主导航方法及其DSP实现研究

14.Analysis on Observable Degree of Autonomous Spacecraft Orbit Navigation Based on SVD Method基于奇异值分解的航天器自主导航系统能观度分析

15.A Discussion of Pulsar Autonomous Navigation Positioning and Timing for Spacecraft航天器利用脉冲星进行自主导航定位和授时初探

16.infrared stellar autonavigator红外天体自动导航仪

17.China"s Manned Space Mission "Complete Success"航天英雄自主出舱 载人航天圆满成功

18.Study on the Deep Space Autonomous Navigation Method and Its Application in Approaching the Small Celestial Bodies;深空自主导航方法研究及在接近小天体中的应用


Spacecraft"s autonomous navigation航天器自主导航

3)star-tracking homing天文导航自导引

4)automatic astro-navigation system自动天文导航仪

5)automatic celestial navigation自动天文导航

6)celestial navigation天文导航

1.Survey of overseascelestial navigation technology development;国外天文导航技术发展综述

2.Analysis of observability and the degree of observability in autonomouscelestial navigation;航天器自主天文导航系统的可观测性及可观测度分析

3.Design Scheme for the Marine Celestial NavigationSystem Based on the ECDIS System;基于ECDIS系统的舰船天文导航系统的设计方案


