100字范文 > 总统制 Presidential System英语短句 例句大全

总统制 Presidential System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-05 00:26:29


总统制 Presidential System英语短句 例句大全

总统制,Presidential System

1)Presidential System总统制

1.From Cabinet System toPresidential System——Analyzing Yuan Shikai’s Political Conformity at the Beginning of the Republic of China from the Angle of Executive Authority Adscription;从内阁制到总统制——从行政权的归属看袁世凯在民初对政治的整合

2.This paper describes the present situation of the special political presidential system in the five middle Asian countries,and discusses its necessity through analyzing their political,economic and cultural structure.论述了中亚五国特殊的总统制政体的现状,并通过中亚各国的政治、经济、文化等社会结构运行的实际状况,探讨了中亚五国实行总统制政体的必然性。

3.On specific choice of system, they have the same choice-presidential system, which embodied the intercommunity of the five central Asian countries and also deeply reflected their common rule on seeking independence、rich and strong.在具体制度选择上,五国又不约而同地选择了总统制。


1.The president designed a new policy.总统制定了一项新政策。

2.Presidentialism and Parliamentary System: A Democratic Consolidation Perspective总统制与议会制:民主巩固的体制视角

3.A democracy can be monarchicalor presidential.民主政体可分为君主制和总统制。

4.The president decides foreign policy and handles domestic affairs.总统制定外交政策并安排国内事务。

5.Congress affirmed the treaty the President made.议会通过了总统制订的条约。

6.On American Minority Ticket President And President Electoral College System;论美国少数票总统和总统选举团制度

7.Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms总统市场机制工作队

8.The President wanted to muzzle the press.总统企图遏制新闻自由。

9.Development of Car Door Control System Based on CAN Bus;基于CAN总线的车门控制系统研制

10.Development of FCS Control System Based on CAN Bus;基于CAN总线的FCS控制系统研制

11.The New Era of Process Control-Field Bus Control System;过程控制的新时代──现场总线控制系统

12.The Control System Design of Intelligent Vehicle Based on CAN Bus基于CAN总线的智能小车控制系统研制

13.Air-jet loom control system based on CAN bus基于CAN总线喷气织机控制系统的研制

14.Design of Temperature Control System Based on CAN Bus and ARINC429 Bus;基于CAN总线和ARINC429总线的温度控制系统的设计

15.FCS-the New Generation of Process Control System现场总线控制系统一新一代过程控制系统

16.Presidential Commission on Fire Prevention and Control总统授权的火灾预防与控制委员会

17.TOPICS (Total On-line Program and Information Control System)总联机程序和信息控制系统

18.The president imposed or declared martial law in two province.总统宣布在两个省实施军事管制法。



1.Western Scholar s Debates on Democratic Consolidation:Presidentialism vs.Parliamentarism;西方学界关于总统制、议会制与民主巩固的争论

2.In the first part, the characteristics and origin of presidentialism and parliamentary system are explored.文章分三部分:第一,总统制和议会制的内在特性及其缘起;第二,概述20世纪90年代西方政治学界关于总统制和议会制研究成果,主要介绍两位学者的观点;第三,笔者认为总统制和议会制并无本质上的区别,民主巩固过程中之所以出现民主回潮的现象,其根本原因不在于政府体制的选择问题,而是因为各个国家都不同程度地存在着排斥民主体制的社会、历史、文化和传统习惯等因素,这些因素恰恰是民主政府体制赖以存活的土壤。

3)constitutional president宪制总统

4)Super-presidential system超级总统制

5)general control system总控制系统

6)A presidential government.总统制政府


