100字范文 > 当选演讲 presidential victory speech英语短句 例句大全

当选演讲 presidential victory speech英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-10 08:03:32


当选演讲 presidential victory speech英语短句 例句大全

当选演讲,presidential victory speech

1)presidential victory speech当选演讲

1.From the perspective of stylistics,this paper analyzes the syntax and rhetorical devices of Barack Obama′spresidential victory speech,with the aim to study the stylistic features of the speech so as to have a better appreciation of Obama′s art of public speaking and the meaning of the speech.从文体学的角度,在句法、修辞层面对奥巴马总统的当选演讲进行分析,揭示其文体特征,赏析其利用句法、修辞手段来有效地传达意义,进行劝说并获取公众支持的演讲艺术。


1.Barack Obama′s Presidential Victory Speech: from the Perspective of Stylistics从当选演讲看奥巴马演说的文体风格

2.District governor-elect spouses applaud after an International Assembly panel presentation.总监当选人配偶们在国际讲习会的专题演讲之后鼓掌。

3.The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech.当他发表总统侯选人提名演讲时,选举结果还在处理之中。

4.A platform on which candidates for Parliament formerly stood to address the electors.竞选讲坛竞选议员者发表演说的讲坛

5.Who will judge at the speech contest?演讲比赛谁当裁判?

6.John is a regular speaker throughout the US at PETS, District Assemblies, District Conferences and Membership/ TRF Seminars.约翰是遍及全美的社长当选人训练会、区讲习会、区年会与社员/扶轮基金讲习会经常的演说者。

7.Study of State Speech Anxiety of Participants for College Speech Contest大学生演讲比赛选手的演讲状态焦虑研究

8.The speaker took a short cut to his subject by omitting all the preliminaries to his lecture.演讲人没有讲开场白,就直截了当地讲他的题目。

9.The speaker had to ad - lib his speech when his papers suddenly blew off the podium .当演讲稿突然掉下台时,演讲者不得不现编词。

10.The audience began to trail off when the speaker continued for over an hour.当讲演者讲了1个多小时后,听众就开始闲谈。

11.Carol was made president and director.卡罗尔当选社长兼导演。

12.The speaker temporized in order to delay the vote.这个演讲者拖延时间以便拖延选举。

13.That was a pretty decent lecture professor Willams gave today.威廉教授今天做得演讲相当不错。

14.There were deafening cheers when the speaker finished.当演说者讲完时,响起震耳欲聋的掌声。

15.The politician waited for the applause to lie down and then proceeded with his speech.这位政治家当掌声停止后继续演讲。

16.A person making a speech, or a teacher would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.当演讲者或教师工作时,均会产生β波。

17.We"ll have Mr. Smith as our speaker.我们将聘请史密斯先生当演讲人。

18.His lecture is on contemporary American novelists.他的演讲是关于当代美国小说家的。


presidential election speeches竞选演讲

1.As one kind of political speeches,presidential election speeches deserve our attention, from which audience could get to know speakers’stance, attitude, and even their personal characteristics.总统竞选演讲作为政治演讲的一种表现形式,其重要性也是不容忽视的,从中人们可以获知竞选对手的立场、态度乃至性格特点。

3)election speeches in English英语竞选演讲

1.In order to help English majors of Dalian Maritime University to make betterelection speeches in English, the author applies both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis in this thesis to analyze persuasive language skills in public election speaking in Engli.然而,目前在中国,大学英语专业学生很难找到足够的相关资料作为指导,来提高他们的英语竞选演讲的水平。

4)presidential campaign speeches总统竞选演讲

1.Thepresidential campaign speeches play an important role in American life.在学术界,目前已有少数几位学者从系统功能语法,批评语言学,批评性语篇分析和修辞学等角度对美国总统竞选演讲进行了研究。

5)public speaking optional course英语演讲选修课

1.In order to promote non-English majors’oral English skill and intercultural communication ability,public speaking optional course has been integrated into English curriculum in my college.为提高非英语专业学生口头表达能力和跨文化交际能力,我校开设了英语演讲选修课。


1.The Importance and Application of Silent Language in Speeches;论无声语言在演讲中的重要性及运用

2.Intercultural Perspectives on Bush s Speech at Tsinghuain a Visual Audio and Oral Class;视听课教学跨文化案例分析——析美国总统布什在清华大学的演讲

3.The necessity of analyzing the Englishspeeches delivered by UK/US leaders in intercultural contexts is discussed from a critical perspective,and comments are made on the new trend in the fields of intercultural communication and critical discourse analysis.简要述评近几年批评话语分析在跨文化交际学研究中的应用,讨论从批评的视角对英美领导人在跨文化交际语境中所作的英文演讲进行分析和研究的必要性,评介跨文化交际学和批评话语分析研究领域中的新动向,并就如何深化跨文化交际语境演讲的批评分析研究提出了3点建议。


