100字范文 > 加味半夏厚朴汤 Modified Banxia Houpu Decoction英语短句 例句大全

加味半夏厚朴汤 Modified Banxia Houpu Decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 20:24:59


加味半夏厚朴汤 Modified Banxia Houpu Decoction英语短句 例句大全

加味半夏厚朴汤,Modified Banxia Houpu Decoction

1)Modified Banxia Houpu Decoction加味半夏厚朴汤

2)Banxia Houpu Decoction半夏厚朴汤

1.Screening of Antidepressant Fractions ofBanxia Houpu Decoction;半夏厚朴汤抗抑郁活性部位的筛选

2.Treatment of Globus Hystericus by Modified Formula of Xiao Chaihu Decoction andBanxia Houpu Decoction:35 Cases report;小柴胡汤合半夏厚朴汤加减治疗梅核气35例


1.Effects of Different Compatibility of Banxiahoupu Decoction on Changes of Volatile Oils by GC-MS气相色谱-质谱联用技术研究半夏厚朴汤配伍对挥发油成分的影响

2.Effect of Banxia-Houpo Decoction, Magnolol and Honokiol on Gastrointestinal Movement, and Their Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Effects;半夏厚朴汤及厚朴主要成分促胃肠运动、抗焦虑和抗抑郁作用的研究

3.The Study on the Relationship between Functional Dyspepsia and Psychological Factors, Gastrointestinal Motility and the Clinic Treatment Using the Chinese Traditional Medicine, Pinellia-mafnolia Agent;功能性消化不良与心理因素、胃肠动力关系的研究及半夏厚朴汤干预治疗

4.Treating 36 Cases of Functional Dyspepsia in Modified Matgnoliae Officinalis Decoction for Warming Middle Energizer厚朴温中汤加减治疗功能性消化不良36例

5.Decoction of Ramulus Cinnamomi plus Magnoliae Cortex and Apricot Fruit for Cough Variant Asthma:Analysis of 37 Cases桂枝加厚朴杏子汤治疗咳嗽变异型哮喘37例

6.The Theoretical and Experimental Research on the Combinated "Fangji" of "Hou Pu San Wu Tang" and "Gui Zhi Qu Shao Yao Tang";厚朴三物汤与桂枝去芍药汤合方的理论与实验研究

7.Determination of Magnolol and Honokiol in Magnolia Leaves by HPLCHPLC法测定厚朴叶中厚朴酚与和厚朴酚

8.The Study on Banxiaxiexin Decoction Regulating Gastric Electric Rhythm by Divided Design;半夏泻心汤调节胃电节律的拆方研究

9.Effects of Jiawei Houpu Wenzhong decoction on gastric fluid and gastric emptying加味厚朴温中汤对大鼠胃液及小鼠胃排空的影响

10.Therapeutic effect of modified Houpo Sanwu Decoction in treating endotoxemia in patients with chronic severe hepatitis厚朴三物汤加味治疗慢性重型肝炎内毒素血症的疗效观察

11.Purification of honokiol and magnolol from Magnoliae cortex extracts厚朴粗提物中和厚朴酚与厚朴酚的分离纯化

12.Gastric Movement of Experimental Mice influenced by Pinellia Decoction for Purging Stom-ach Fire.半夏泻心汤对实验性大白鼠胃运动的影响

13.Data Mining of the Law of Compatibility of Medicines in Banxia Xiexin Decoction;半夏泻心汤配伍规律数据挖掘方法初探

14.Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Xiao-Ban-Xia-Tang to Modify Cisplatin-induced Kaolin Consumption ( Pica ) in Rat;小半夏汤防治化疗性恶心呕吐的实验研究

15.The Observation of Banxiaxiexin Soup s Clinical Effect in Treating the Felling of Fullness with Cold and Heat;半夏泻心汤加减治疗寒热错杂型痞满临床观察

16.Clinical Research of Pinelliae Decoction for Purging Stomach-Fire to Healing Chronic Atrophic Gastritis;半夏泻心汤治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床研究

17.Effect of Chinese Herbs Banxia Xiexin Tang on Gastric Emptying and Small Intestinal Propulsion;半夏泻心汤对胃肠运动影响的实验研究

18.Modified Banxiaxiexin Decoction in Treatment of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis 35 Cases of Experience加味半夏泻心汤治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎35例体会


Banxia Houpu Decoction半夏厚朴汤

1.Screening of Antidepressant Fractions ofBanxia Houpu Decoction;半夏厚朴汤抗抑郁活性部位的筛选

2.Treatment of Globus Hystericus by Modified Formula of Xiao Chaihu Decoction andBanxia Houpu Decoction:35 Cases report;小柴胡汤合半夏厚朴汤加减治疗梅核气35例

3)Technique Pinellia ternata Breit thick plain soup枳术半夏厚朴汤

4)Jiawei Houpu Wenzhong decoction加味厚朴温中汤

1.Effects ofJiawei Houpu Wenzhong decoction on gastric fluid and gastric emptying加味厚朴温中汤对大鼠胃液及小鼠胃排空的影响

5)Houpo Sanwu decoction厚朴三物汤加味

1.[Objective] To explore the effect of modifiedHoupo Sanwu decoction in treating endotoxemia and ALT of artificial liver of severe chronic hepatitis.[目的]了解厚朴三物汤加味在慢性重型肝炎的人工肝治疗中对的内毒素血症、天门冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)的影响。

6)Banxia Houpu decoction/therapeutic application半夏厚朴汤/冶疗应用


