100字范文 > 改进敏感度 improve sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

改进敏感度 improve sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-17 15:26:12


改进敏感度 improve sensitivity英语短句 例句大全

改进敏感度,improve sensitivity

1)improve sensitivity改进敏感度


1.Study on the Chlorate Firecrackers Sensitivity;关于氯酸盐炮敏感度的探讨

2.Study on Sensitivity of Factors Influencing Surface Movement of Underground Metal Mines;地下金属矿山地表移动影响因素敏感度分析

3.Reliability andsensitivity of the Bath ankylosing spondylitis metrology index;Bath强直性脊柱炎计量指数量表的信度和敏感度研究


1.measuring sensitivity of hearing.对听力敏感度的测定。

2.The analysis of the sensitivity of a relative system.关联系统敏感度的分析

3.Probability Density Function of Voltage Sag Sensitivity and Its Application敏感负荷电压凹陷敏感度概率密度函数及应用

4.desensitized to the allergen; desensitized photographic film is less sensitive to light.对过敏源不太敏感的;感光性低的照相软片对光的敏感度不强。

5.Fuzzy-random Assessment Method of Equipment Sensitivity to Voltage Sags敏感设备电压暂降敏感度的模糊随机评估

6.Integrated Uncertain Evaluation Method of Equipment Sensitivity to Voltage Sag敏感设备电压凹陷敏感度综合评估方法的研究

7.Sensitivity Uncertainty Assessment of Sensitive Equipment Due to Voltage Sag Based on Maximum Entropy Principle敏感负荷电压凹陷敏感度不确定性最大熵评估

8.Sensitivity Evaluation of Sensitive Equipment Based on Fuzzy Theory Due to Voltage Sags敏感设备电压暂降敏感度模糊评估方法

9.A Stochastic-Fuzzy Assessment Method for Voltage Sag Sensitivity of Sensitive Equipment敏感设备电压凹陷敏感度的随机-模糊评估方法

10.Sensory analysis-Determination of sensitivity of tasteGB/T12312-1990感官分析味觉敏感度的测定

11.Double-tap this grid to set the double-tap sensitivity for both the speed and physical distance between taps.双击此网格设置双击的速度敏感度和物理距离敏感度。

12.Double-click this grid to set the double-click sensitivity for both the speed and physical distance between clicks.\0双击此网格设置双击的速度敏感度和物理距离敏感度。\0

13.Highly or excessively sensitive.高度敏感的高度地或过度地敏感的

14.sensitivity of smoke detector感烟火灾探测器灵敏度

15.temperature sensitive mutant温度敏感受性突变体

16.more sensitive smoke detector高灵敏度感烟探器测

17.transverse sensitivity ratio横向灵敏度比 -传感器

18.thermistor temperature sensor热敏电阻式温度传感器



1.Study on the Chlorate Firecrackers Sensitivity;关于氯酸盐炮敏感度的探讨

2.Study on Sensitivity of Factors Influencing Surface Movement of Underground Metal Mines;地下金属矿山地表移动影响因素敏感度分析

3.Reliability andsensitivity of the Bath ankylosing spondylitis metrology index;Bath强直性脊柱炎计量指数量表的信度和敏感度研究


1.Study on the polymer microcapsules withtemperature-sensitive;具有温度敏感特性的聚合物微胶囊的合成及性能的研究

2.Application of polymers intemperature-sensitive in situ gels;聚合物在温度敏感型原位凝胶中的应用

3.Synthesis and Properties of Novel Temperature-sensitive Self-assemble Nanomicelles of P(NiPAAm-co-DMAA)-co-P(L-Ala)新型温度敏感性自组装胶束P(NiPAAm-co-DMAA)-co-P(L-Ala)的合成和性能

4)Sensitive Temperature敏感温度


1.Through an analysis of the major process of residuum processing extensively adopted abroad, the article probes the economic feasibility of residuum processing project, and analyzes thesensibility of the factors relating to residuum processing.通过分析国外广泛采用的主要渣油加工过程,探讨了渣油加工方案的经济可行性,并对渣油加工中关联因素的敏感度进行了分析。

2.2 methods of response section and Monte Carlo are adopted, and the structure response of reinforced concrete beam is analyzed on itssensibility before and after the creaking of the tensile area.概率将采用响应面法和蒙特卡罗法(MonteCarlo),并对钢筋混凝土梁在混凝土受拉区开裂前后的结构响应进行了敏感度分析,给出了影响开裂钢筋混凝土梁结构响应的主要随机变量。

3.This new method measures the dependency between two tasks throughsensibility and changeability, and numeralizes the bi-measur.针对现有割裂规划方法的不足 ,本文提出了一套从构造到割裂数字双指标耦合任务集的系统化新方法 :用敏感度与可变度双指标表征任务间依赖关系 ,用基于层次结构法的两两比较技术数字化双指标耦合任务集 ;用基于次序指标的算法割裂数字耦合任务集。


1.The types of hydrogen damages of materials in refinery wet hydrogen sulfide environment and corrosion mechanisms were described and the techniques for determining thesensitivity of different materials to hydrogen damages were presented.阐述了炼油厂湿硫化氢环境下材料氢损伤的表现形式、腐蚀机理 ,并提出判定各种材料对氢损伤敏感程度的方

2.Under the conditions of water-impoundment and running of Three Gorges Reservoir, thesensitivity of underground water level and displacement to the fluctuation of water level is different in different part of landslides induced by the fluctuation of water level (as the case of Shiliushubao landslide).在三峡水库蓄水和运行条件下,三峡库区水库型滑坡(以泄滩滑坡为例)不同部位的地下水位和位移表现出对库水位变化的敏感程度不同的特征。

3.The essay describes individual differences among vehicles by the conception "sensitivity" and quantifies it with a character in a standard normal school.研究实现了驾驶员行为的个性化描述,采用敏感程度的概念并用一个标准正态分布中的取值表示,分析了个性化行为和模型参数的联系,实现了模型的优化和优化后模型对启动车流和稠密交通流扰动传播的数值模拟。


