100字范文 > 言语态度 the attitude of languages英语短句 例句大全

言语态度 the attitude of languages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 00:31:01


言语态度 the attitude of languages英语短句 例句大全

言语态度,the attitude of languages

1)the attitude of languages言语态度

2)language attitude语言态度

1.The present study is a survey of language use andlanguage attitude conducted at Dazhai Village,Chang anying Township in Chengbu,a Miao autonomous county in Hunan Province.在语言态度方面,村民对普通话的认同程度最高,其次是侗语和儒林话,而对长安营话和苗语的认同程度偏低。

2.The conclusion of Tibetan and Chinese language test is that the Tibetan residents in Tibet have got a high preference to both the Tibetan and Chinese inlanguage attitude;however,relatively speaking,they have got a greater preference to the Tibetan language.藏汉语言态度测验及其分析的结论认为,在语言态度上,西藏的藏族居民对于藏语和汉语都具有较高的倾向性,但比较而言,他们对藏语的倾向性更大。


1.Ethnolinguistic Vitality, Language and Cultural Attitude and Language Behavior;民族语言活力、语言态度、文化态度以及语言行为

2.A Survey of Language Attitudes and Language Use in the Macanese Community;澳门土生葡人的语言态度及语言使用状况调查

3.Study on the Language Attitude and Language Anxiety of Uygur Junior School Students in Xinjiang新疆维吾尔族初中生语言态度、语言焦虑的研究

4.A Survey on Language Use and Language Attitude of Migrant-workers in Guangzhou在穗农民工语言使用与语言态度调查研究

5.Research on the Language Use and Language Attitude of the Bai Nationality College Students云南省哈尼族大学生语言使用及语言态度探析

6.A Preliminary Study of the Language Attitudes of Pinghua Dialect Community in the Process of Urbanization城镇化进程中平话言语社区语言态度初探

7.The Language Vigor, Language Attitude and Language Policy;语言活力、语言态度与语文政策——少数民族语文问题研究

8.An Investigation into the Influence of Non-English Majors" Language Attitude on Language Attrition非英语专业学习者英语语言态度对语言磨蚀的影响

9.A Study on Ethnic Minority Bilingual Education in Xinjiang in the Perspective of Language Attitude;从语言态度的角度透视新疆少数民族双语教育

10.boorish manners [ language, taste ]粗野的态度[语言、趣味]

11.a childish attitude, fear,remark幼稚的态度、 恐惧、 言语.

12.a contemptuous person, attitude, remark傲慢的人、 态度、 言语等

13.conventional remark,attitude,etc因循守旧的言语、态度等.

14.a self-righteous person, attitude, remark自以为是的人、 态度、 言语

15.Types of Mistakes and Two Different Views about Mistakes;语言错误及对语言错误的态度(英文)

16.Ecolinguistics:A New Perspective for Attitudes towards Netspeak生态语言学:对待网络语言的态度的新视角

17.The Virtues and Defects of Cyber Language and People’s Attitudes towards it网络语言的优缺点与对待网络语言的态度

18.She sweet-talked John into changing his attitude.她对约翰甜言蜜语改变他的态度。


language attitude语言态度

1.The present study is a survey of language use andlanguage attitude conducted at Dazhai Village,Chang anying Township in Chengbu,a Miao autonomous county in Hunan Province.在语言态度方面,村民对普通话的认同程度最高,其次是侗语和儒林话,而对长安营话和苗语的认同程度偏低。

2.The conclusion of Tibetan and Chinese language test is that the Tibetan residents in Tibet have got a high preference to both the Tibetan and Chinese inlanguage attitude;however,relatively speaking,they have got a greater preference to the Tibetan language.藏汉语言态度测验及其分析的结论认为,在语言态度上,西藏的藏族居民对于藏语和汉语都具有较高的倾向性,但比较而言,他们对藏语的倾向性更大。

3)language attitudes语言态度

1.A sociolinguistic survey and a social psychological experiment were carried out tostudy the youngsterslanguage attitudes in Qingdao,using both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis.本文运用社会语言学理论及方法、通过实验及实地调查对青岛年轻人对青岛话及普通话的语言态度进行了定量定质的研究。

2.Questionnaires were used to survey aspects like language acquisition,language use andlanguage attitudes.我们从语言习得、语言使用和语言态度等方面,以问卷方式进行较大样本的社会调查,调查所得的统计数据和相关研究,可以为解决上述问题及语言的规范和规划提供参考。

4)English language attrition英语语言态度

1.The present study attempts to investigate the relationship betweenEnglish language attrition and college graduated students’language attitudes through qualitative and quantitative methods.本研究试图调查我国英语学习者系统英语学习结束后的语言技能磨蚀情况及英语语言态度与语言磨蚀的关系。

5)language learning attitude语言学习态度

1.The research attempts to reveal the characteristic of the postgraduate students majoring in science and technology by using a copy oflanguage learning attitudes questionnaire among the sample students.语言学习态度是外语学习的一项重要的内部因素,是学习者在外语学习过程中所表现出的倾向。

6)teacher"s language attitudes教师语言态度


定势或态度原则定势或态度原则principle of set or attitude定势或态度原则(prineiple of set orattitude)桑代克所提出的关于学习的辅助规律或原则之一。指学习者的内部状态会影响学习的效果。例如,“小鸡按照它的年龄、饥饿、精力、磕睡以及其他类似的情况,有可能对外在的情境表现出不同的态度”,因而就会收到不同的学习效果。这一原则与当代学习理论体系中的动机或驱力的概念,是相对应的。 (成立夫撰}巫查国审)
