100字范文 > 报道态度 attitude of report英语短句 例句大全

报道态度 attitude of report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-17 03:01:06


报道态度 attitude of report英语短句 例句大全

报道态度,attitude of report

1)attitude of report报道态度

2)attitude of the U.S. news media对华报道态度

3)forms of coverage报道形态


1.A Study on Journalistic Practice of Korean Sports Media for International and Domestic Sports Events;韩国体育媒体国内及国际足球赛事报道形态研究

2.Formal Transformation of Sport News:Another Dimension to Reflect Chinese Sports Development体育新闻报道形态变迁:理解新中国体育发展历程的一个向度

3.Ideology Hidden in News Report--Channels of Ideology Meaning in News Report新闻报道和意识形态——挖掘新闻报道背后意识形态意义的渠道

4.An Analysis of the Ideological Differences of News Reports on the Same Events by Chinese and Foreign Presses;中外媒体对同一事件报道的不同意识形态分析

5.Ideological Analysis of VOA News Reports on China;美国之音关于中国新闻报道的意识形态分析

6.New Implicit Distortion in News Coverage and Its Countermeasures;当前新闻报道中几种新型隐性失实形态及对策

7.Study on Agenda Setting of Olympic Games and Pattern of TV Sports Report;奥运会的议程设置和电视体育报道的形态研究

8.China and the West Media"s Report Frame and the Ideology on "Sanlu Milk Powder" Incident中西媒体“三鹿奶粉”事件报道框架及意识形态性

9.Ideolofical Analysis of Thai Newspapers" Economic News on China对泰文报纸中关于中国贸易类新闻报道的意识形态分析

10.Ideology: The Invisible Impetus behind News Discourse;意识形态:新闻话语背后无形的手——中美“两会”报道解读

11.Evaluation as a Reflection of Ideology in American News Reports on China;美国对华新闻报道中的评价语言及其反映的意识形态

12.The Study of Ideological Influence on the Translation of News Reports-From the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis;从批评性话语分析的角度看意识形态对新闻报道翻译的影响

13.On the Program Form Creation and Media s Conscientiousness of Responsibility;节目形态创新与媒体的责任意识——两会民生新闻报道反刍

14.My soul walks with me, form of forms.我的灵魂和我一道走,形态的形态。

15.Preliminary Report on Morphologic Polymorphism of Aconite Germ Plasm;乌头种质资源形态学多态性研究初报

16.This paper discusses fiber dimension, chemical component and alkaline peroxide mechanical pulping from whole kenaf.报道了红麻全秆的纤维形态、学组成、碱性过氧化物机械浆的性质及其在造纸工业中的应用。

17.The paper induces the modality character, application value, propagation, planting, machining technics of Hylocereus undatus detailedly.对剑花的形态特征、应用价值、繁殖栽培和加工技术等作了较详细的报道。

18.Law, Order and the Ideology of Sexuality: An Analysis of the Sexual Ideology in Shakespeare s comedy Measure for Measure;法律、秩序与性意识形态——莎剧《一报还一报》中的性意识形态


attitude of the U.S. news media对华报道态度

3)forms of coverage报道形态

4)in-depth reports深度报道

1.The article,taking Gan Jianhua′s The Iron-willed Sword and GoodPerson Under Heaven for examples,inquires into the depth ofin-depth reports which rests with the choice of the cultural perspectives of the reporter.文章以甘建华两本新闻作品集为例,探讨深度报道的深度在于作者文化视角的选择。

2.News of science trend, comments, andin-depth reports should be published.认为可以行业内最新科技成果、科技政策、科技人物为报道内容 ,采用动态性报道、评述性报道、深度报道的形式 ,期刊加强科技新闻报道应具备一定的条件。

3.Since the 1980s,in-depth reports have become one of the most important ways and means of news in newspapers and television news.自上个世纪80年代以来,深度报道愈来愈成为媒体新闻报道的一种重要样式,活跃于报刊和电视节目。

5)deep report深度报道

1.The characters of the news network sdeep report in view of London bomb blasts event;从伦敦恐怖爆炸事件看新闻网站的深度报道特点

2.And the location of theme is the key point that determines the success ofdeep report.深度报道是新闻宣传的支柱工程。

3.The author expounds the character, the reasons of emerging and changing of “deep report”, and somethings that should be paid attention to.深度报道是我国新闻媒体中近年来十分流行的报道形式 ,这种报道形式一方面要求分析事实 ,另一方面还要展示新闻事实的背景 ,预测新闻事件的发展趋势。

6)in-depth report深度报道

1.Dignity Reflected from Depth——Analysis on the Xiaoxiang Morning sin-depth report style;在深度中彰显厚重——《潇湘晨报》深度报道文体分析

2.The Narrative Characteristic of Integrative In-depth Report on the Newspaper;报纸整合式深度报道的叙事特征


