100字范文 > 基于策略 policy-based英语短句 例句大全

基于策略 policy-based英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-29 08:54:01


基于策略 policy-based英语短句 例句大全



1.Study of the Policy-based Handoff Framework in Mobile IP Networks;移动IP网络中基于策略的切换架构研究

2.Policy-based Network Management for QoS;基于策略的网络QoS管理

3.After an introduction of thepolicy-based quality of service(QoS) mechanisms of universal mobile telecommunication system(UMTS), a newpolicy-based QoS Framework was proposed for the next generation mobile networks.在通用移动通信系统(UMTS)基于策略的服务质量(QoS)机制的基础上,提出一种面向下一代移动网络的端到端分层QoS架构。

2)policy-based management基于策略的管理

1.The Mechanics of Policy-Based Management and Its Realization Analysis;基于策略的管理机制与实现分析

2.A method of enforcing thepolicy-based management into the SNMPv3 framework is presented to enable the intelligent management for the users’ access to ACR resources.分析大规模接入汇聚路由器(ACR)一体化网管系统在授权用户访问中存在的管理问题,通过对简单网络管理协议(SNMPv3)体系中基于视图的访问控制模型以及基于策略的网络管理的研究,提出将基于策略的管理应用于SNMPv3框架的方法,使ACR网管系统能对接入用户的授权访问控制进行智能化的安全管理。

3.In this paper,the evolution ofpolicy-based management is introduced.基于策略的管理是网络管理和分布式系统管理的一种最新的发展。

3)policy-based configuration基于策略配置

4)Policy Based Network Management基于策略的网管

1.Problems Caused by ORed Condition Statements and Their Resolutions inPolicy Based Network Management;基于策略的网管中策略条件“或”运算的问题及解决方法

5)Policy-based network基于策略的网


1.Policy-Based Network Management System Design and Implementation;基于策略的网络管理系统设计与实现

2.Research on Scheduling Strategies for Wireless Mesh Networks Based on 802.11e;基于802.11e的无线网状网络调度策略研究

3.Campus Network Based on Wireless Network Security Strategy基于无线网的校园网络安全策略研究

4.The Research of CORBA-based Integrated Network Management Strategies on CPN;基于CORBA的CPN综合网络管理策略的研究

5.A Study of Pricing Strategy Based on Network QoS;基于网络服务质量的计费策略的研究

6.The Research of Load Balancing Policy Based on Grid Computing;基于网格计算的负载均衡策略的研究

7.Research on the Resource Retrieval for Peer to Peer Networks;基于对等网络的资源搜索策略的研究

8.Ameliorate Strategy on ISCSI-based Storage Area Network;基于ISCSI协议的存储区域网的改进策略

9.An analysis of reserve price and bidding strategies on on-line auctions;基于Priceline的网上逆向拍卖的保留价策略

10.Research the Strategy of Filtering the “Acquaintances” Based on Contract Net Protocol;基于合同网的“熟人”筛选策略的研究

11.Safty Strategy of Based on the and IIS Web Talent基于和IIS的人才网站的安全策略

12.The Research of Location Management Scheme Based on AODV in Ad Hoc Networks;基于AODV的Ad Hoc网络位置管理策略研究

13.Research on Policy-Based QoS Mapping in Heterogeneous Networks;异构网络中基于策略的QoS映射研究

14.Research about Term Network Based Keywords Extraction Strategy;基于词语网络的关键字提取策略研究

15.The Research on Strategy of Network Marketing Based on Web2.0;基于Web2.0的网络营销策略研究

16.Policy-based QoS Mechanism on VoIP Network;VoIP网络上基于策略的QoS研究

work Security Policy Conflic Research Based on Directed-Graph;基于有向图的网络安全策略冲突研究

18.SLA-based QoS Pricing Polices in DiffServ Network;区分服务网络中基于SLA的QoS计费策略


policy-based management基于策略的管理

1.The Mechanics of Policy-Based Management and Its Realization Analysis;基于策略的管理机制与实现分析

2.A method of enforcing thepolicy-based management into the SNMPv3 framework is presented to enable the intelligent management for the users’ access to ACR resources.分析大规模接入汇聚路由器(ACR)一体化网管系统在授权用户访问中存在的管理问题,通过对简单网络管理协议(SNMPv3)体系中基于视图的访问控制模型以及基于策略的网络管理的研究,提出将基于策略的管理应用于SNMPv3框架的方法,使ACR网管系统能对接入用户的授权访问控制进行智能化的安全管理。

3.In this paper,the evolution ofpolicy-based management is introduced.基于策略的管理是网络管理和分布式系统管理的一种最新的发展。

3)policy-based configuration基于策略配置

4)Policy Based Network Management基于策略的网管

1.Problems Caused by ORed Condition Statements and Their Resolutions inPolicy Based Network Management;基于策略的网管中策略条件“或”运算的问题及解决方法

5)Policy-based network基于策略的网

6)Policy based service基于策略服务


