100字范文 > 新移民文学 new emigrants literature英语短句 例句大全

新移民文学 new emigrants literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-18 07:11:13


新移民文学 new emigrants literature英语短句 例句大全

新移民文学,new emigrants literature

1)new emigrants literature新移民文学

1.Concerning the cultural implications ofnew emigrants literature;论“新移民文学”的文化意蕴


1.Cultural Aesthetic Value of Literature by Chinese Immigrants;华人移民文学的文化审美价值——兼谈所谓“新移民文学”

2.On the Literature of Chinese Immigrants:An Interview with Chen Ruilin;海外新移民文学纵横谈——陈瑞琳访谈录

3.Cultural Air-Root Phenomenon and the Literary Mentality of New Immigrant Literature:Also about the Phenomenon in Macau New Immigrant Literature文化气根现象与新移民文学心态——兼论澳门新移民文学中的文化气根现象

4.Cultural Conflicts in “Neo-Immigrant Literature”;差异·冲突·融合──论“新移民文学”中的文化冲突

5.Lin Mei s Looking Toward the Heaven:A Masterpiece of Immigrant Literature;“新移民文学”中的长篇杰作——读评林湄的《天望》

6.From Self-colonialism to Post-colonialism Deconstruction--On the Female Narration of the New Immigrant Literature从自我殖民到后殖民解构——论新移民文学的女性叙事

7.Conflict and struggle --New immigrants literature and the cultural conflict;冲撞与挣扎——从“新移民文学”文本看中西方文化冲突

8.A Throughbreaking of New Immigrant Literature --On Canadian Chinese novelist Zhangling s Writings;新移民文学的崭新突破——评华人作家张翎"跨越边界"的小说创作

9.Transcendence and Deficit:The Creative Tendency of New Immigrant Literature in the United States since the 1990s超越与亏空——20世纪90年代以来美国新移民文学的创作新倾向

10.Immigrants,Cultural Identity and Literary Writing;移民、文化认同与文学书写——新华散文人文关怀论述

11.On School Educational Intervention in the Sub-Cultural Transition of the New Immigrants Children in City;论城市新移民子女亚文化跨越的学校教育干预

12.An Understanding of the New Immigration Regulations: Giving Guidance to Immigrants Actions As Per the New Immigration Regulations;用移民条例规范移民行为──新《移民条例》学习体会

13.Moving to a foreign country and learning a new language and culture is another.移民去外国,去学习一种全新的语言和文化则是完全不同的一回事。

14.Reflections on and representations of the loss/reconstruction of diaspora cultural identity in postcolonial migration writing后殖民移民文学对移民文化身份失落/重构的思考与再现

15.the mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dance,不同移民文化交织产生了新型的舞蹈,

16.On the Relation between Eco-culture of Minorities and the Eco-migration in Xinjiang;新疆少数民族生态文化与生态移民的关系研究

17.The New Literature Campus: The People s Literature and the Literature Theory;新的文学园地:《人民文学》与新中国文学制度构想

18.Rough and Real,Jewish Immigrant Writing as Case Study;作为文化阐释个案的犹太移民文学(英文)


immigrant literature移民文学

3)literature influencing people文学新民

4)arts of the new immigrants新移民文艺

5)New folklore新民间文学

6)Postcolonial migration literature后殖民移民文学


