100字范文 > 新文学 new literature英语短句 例句大全

新文学 new literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-08 19:44:08


新文学 new literature英语短句 例句大全

新文学,new literature

1)new literature新文学

1.Phasal Characteristics of New Literature Publication during "the Second Decade";“第二个十年”新文学出版的阶段性特征

2.The Relationship between Zhang Ailing’s Creation of Works and New Literature;张爱玲的创作与新文学之关系

3.Indigenous Tradition and Modern Appeal: New Literature Activities in Department of Chinese Literature of Tsinghua University in Earlier 1930s;本土传统与现代诉求:1930年代前期清华中国文学系的新文学活动


1.Chinese Traditional Culture & New Literature中国传统文化与新文学

2.The Innovation of the Literary Style of Short Story in the Initial Stages of China s New Literature;中国新文学初期短篇小说文体的创新

3.A Century of Political Writings ──A Tentative Analysis of Political Writings As the Origin of New Literature;政论文学一百年──试论政论文学为新文学之起源

4.Study on Historical Conception in the History Works of Chinese New Literature from 1950s to 1980s;1950-1980新文学史著作文学史观念研究

5.Between the Japanese Naturalism Literature and the Chinese May 4~(th) New Literature;日本自然主义文学与中国“五四”新文学

6.On Literary Logic--A Research of May 4th New Literary Idea;文学的逻辑——五四新文学观念研究

7.The Relation between New Vernacular Literature and Revolutionary Literature;五四新文学与革命文学关系研究述评

8.Separation and Conformity:between Modern Chinese Literature and Exoteric Literature;裂变与整合:在新文学与俗文学之间

9.The Marriage Between the "Literary Supplement" of Great Communique and "The New Literature";《大公报·文学副刊》与新文学姻缘

10.The New Literature Campus: The People s Literature and the Literature Theory;新的文学园地:《人民文学》与新中国文学制度构想

11.Literary Consumption--New Concept of Literature Brought by New Era;文学消费——新时代带来的新的文学观念

12.Ethical Approach to Literary Studies: A New Perspective;文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索

13.The New Time Literature 30 Years" Literature Texts and the Christianity Culture新时期文学三十年文学文本与基督教文化

14.New Contribution of the Literary Theory Teaching --Review of New Course of Literary Theory;文学理论教学的新奉献——《文学理论新编》评介

15.From "Hominine Literature" to "People s Literature"--GUO Mo-ruo s New Theory of Succession about Literature View;从“人的文学”到“人民文学”——郭沫若文学观嬗变新论

16.The Transformation and Interaction between New Medium Literature and Traditional Literature;新媒介文学与传统文学的转换与互动

17.Reform and Opening up for 30 years: Literature Harbor and Literature Ideal of Ningbo People;《文学港》与新时期宁波人的文学理想

18.The Literary History of Jin Dynasty and Nuzhen Nationality Revisited;金代文学与女真族文学历史发展新探


the new literature新文学

1.The long evolution of Chinese ancient literature had intrinsically provided new dynamics for the birth of the New Literature in the 1920s.中国古代文学的长期发展过程中本已孕育着通向现代的新文学的因素,西方文化的影响只是使这一过程突然加快,形成飞跃。

2.During the initial stage of the New Literature, Zhou Zuo-ren carefu lly studied what the New Literature was and would be , and the relationships bet ween the New Literature and the Traditional Literature.中国新文学之初,周作人在考察新文学是什么、将是什么时,对新文学与传统文学的关系做了深入的探讨。

3.This thesis studies Xu Xu s works with the background of his life experience and the historical context, to expound and prove his views onthe new literature and his literary creations.本文以1930-40年代的中国文坛状况为背景,以徐訏的文学活动、心路历程及个体心性为参照,着力于论析徐訏的新文学观及其创作的独特品性,以揭示徐訏的新文学观和创作个性的形成动因及其文学史意义。

3)new-vernacular literature新文学

1.The works of the third decade medium-length novels in the-20th-Centurynew-vernacular literature demonstrate new characteristics and pluralistic orientation both in the thought content and in the art form and aesthetic style.20世纪新文学发展第三个十年(1937--1949)的中篇小说创作,无论在思想内容,还是在艺术形式和美学风格上,都表现出新的特色和多元化趋向;特别是一些成功之作在艺术形式和美学风格上的通俗化追求,使中篇小说开始为一般民众所了解和接受;走向民间,走向大众,已逐步成为一种创作趋势和发展方向。

2.This paper study the expressionism in thenew-vernacular literature of 1920s and 1930s ,which is after the May Fourth Movement.本文探讨研究了“五四”以后二、三十年代新文学中的表现主义。

4)prose of new literature新文学散文

5)news literature新闻文学

1.Yet,the situation ofnews literature is changing with the transference and evolution of the supplement.本文通过对报纸副刊与新闻文学的发展历程及其关系进行研究,考察了报纸副刊的转型对新闻文学的影响,分析了报纸副刊的出路和新闻文学的处境,提出了只有坚守先进文化的阵地不动摇,高举新闻文学的大旗不动摇,才能确保报纸副刊与新闻文学的稳定、繁荣与发展。

6)literature pioneers文学新军


