100字范文 > 水布垭工程 Shuibuya Project英语短句 例句大全

水布垭工程 Shuibuya Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-19 12:05:11


水布垭工程 Shuibuya Project英语短句 例句大全

水布垭工程,Shuibuya Project

1)Shuibuya Project水布垭工程

1.Rational Allocation of the Construction Mechanical Equipment of Earth-rock Works of theShuibuya Project;水布垭工程土石方施工机械设备的合理配置

2.Allocation of earth-rock volumes by computer forShuibuya Project and its results;水布垭工程土石方调配的计算机实现及结果

3.Research on Properties of Face Plate Concrete forShuibuya Project;水布垭工程面板混凝土性能试验研究


1.Practice of Involvement of Owner in Reservoir Resettlement of Shuibuya Hydroelectric Project;水布垭工程业主参与库区移民工作的实践

2.Bringing Project Owner s Leading Role into Play, Building Green Environmental Shuibuya Hydroproject;发挥业主主导作用 建设绿色环保水布垭工程

3.Countermeasure for Resettlement Work of Shuibuya Hydroproject & Realization about It;水布垭工程坝区移民问题、对策及几点认识

4.Leakage Evaluation of Karstic Rock Based on Stochastic Structure Model and It"s Application in Shuibuya Dam;基于随机结构模型的溶蚀岩体渗漏分析在水布垭工程中的应用

5.Final archives management of Shuibuya Hydropower Project;水布垭水电站工程竣工档案的管理工作

6.Analysis of Excavation Construction and Dynamic Response on the Shuibuya Power Station Tunnel;水布垭电站尾水隧洞施工过程分析与爆破动力研究

7.Construction Technology of Large Cross-Section Diversion Tunnel of Shuibuya Water Conservancy;水布垭水利枢纽特大断面导流隧洞施工技术

8.Key technology for construction of anti-scour wall by shaft method on the left bank of Shuibuya hydropower station水布垭水电站左岸防淘墙竖井法施工关键技术

9.Shuibuya Hydropower Project is the first step of cascade development on Qingjiang River . The project is located across the border between BaDong county EnShi State and ChangYang County of YiChang City.水布垭枢纽工程是清江梯级开发的龙头电站,工程占地跨恩施州巴东县和宜昌市长阳县两县。

10.Closed-type Management & Vehicle Auto-distinguishing System at Construction Site of Shuibuya Hydro-project;清江水布垭工区封闭管理和车辆自动识别系统

11.New construction technology for Shuibuya Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam水布垭高混凝土面板堆石坝施工新技术

12.Study on Construction Technology with Observational Method and FEM Anasys of Shuibuya Big Span Tunnel;水布垭导流大跨度隧道信息化施工及有限元数值分析

13.A Feasibility Study of Hubei Qingjiang Shui Bu Ya Hydro-hinge;湖北清江水布垭水利枢纽可行性研究

14.Failure Mechanism of Muzhuping Landslide in Shuibuya Reservoir Area,Qingjiang River清江水布垭库岸木竹坪滑坡失稳探讨

15.Hunan jiangya Dam undertaken by Bureau of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power Construction of Liaoning Province is one of the national priority projects of China during the Nineth Five-year Plan.由辽宁省水利水电工程局承建的湖南江垭水库,是我国九.五期间重点工程。

16.Variable economical factors in construction of Jiangya dam;江垭大坝工程施工中变化的经济要素

17.Overflow Cofferdam and Diversion Scheme Study for Qingjiang Shuibuya Hydropower Project;清江水布垭水电站过水围堰及度汛方案研究

18.Practice of disperse-resettlement for Shuibuya Hydropower Station;水布垭水电站库区移民分散安置的实践


Shuibuya hydroproject水布垭工程

1.The principle, technical standard and manufacturing process of female sleeve joining technology of ribbed reinforced-bar in construction ofShuibuya hydroproject are described.介绍了带肋钢筋的剥肋滚压直螺纹钢筋接合新技术的原理、技术标准与制作工艺及其在清江水布垭工程中的应用情况。

2.Under the guiding idea of protecting Artifical slopes in site and making the site ofShuibuya hydroproject to be a garden townlet, the excavated or filled slopes in situ are planned to be treated synthetically by planting trees, bushes, grass, flowers and other engineering measures, the economic effectiveness are also analysed.按照现代基本建设过程中对环保的要求 ,从生态环保措施与工程措施出发 ,依照水布垭建设公司领导提出的将水布垭建设成为花园式电站的设想 ,对水布垭工程建设中所形成的人工边坡提出了防护与绿化的综合治理措施 ,并作了宏观经济效益的对比分析。

3.Briefing of Technical Consult of CIPM Co. on Shuibuya Hydroproject;清江水布垭工程地下厂房位于软岩地层中 ,断层、裂隙发育 ,岩体整体稳定性差 ,技术十分复杂 ;泄洪流量大、落差高 ,且消能区地质条件差 ,确保两岸防淘墙稳定的难度大 ;提高施工期的技术管理水平迫在眉睫。

3)construction site of Shuibuya hydro-project水布垭工区


1.Analysis on Safety Monitoring of theShuibuya Concrete Face Rockfill Dam;水布垭面板堆石坝安全监测分析

2.Anti-crack design for concrete slab ofShuibuya rock-fill dam;水布垭堆石坝混凝土面板抗裂设计与工程实践

3.3-D Stability Analysis on Emptying Tunnel ofShuibuya Project on Qingjiang River;清江水布垭水利枢纽放空洞三维稳定性分析

5)Shuibuya project水布垭

1.Aiming at the problems of the Shuibuya Project s wide grading anti seepage material,the method of filter design is researched.针对水布垭宽级配防渗料,研究了反滤设计方法。

2.On the background of ShuiBuYa Project,by means of FLAC,the field pressure-bearing slat tests on compound rock mass includingsingle soft rock formation are simulated by computer.本文以清江水布垭工程为背景,采用FLAC方法,对合单一软岩层的复合岩体进行了现场承压板变形试验的计算机模拟,研究了软弱岩层埋深、变形模量以及承压板直径对复合岩体宏观力学参数的影响。

6)Jiangya project江垭工程

1.International and internal bidding management forJiangya project;江垭工程项目国际与国内招标管理


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