100字范文 > 水布垭电厂 Shuibuya Hydropower Plant英语短句 例句大全

水布垭电厂 Shuibuya Hydropower Plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-16 12:08:27


水布垭电厂 Shuibuya Hydropower Plant英语短句 例句大全

水布垭电厂,Shuibuya Hydropower Plant

1)Shuibuya Hydropower Plant水布垭电厂

1.Auto-switch-over pattern of 10 kV reserve electric source ofShuibuya Hydropower Plant;水布垭电厂10kV厂用电系统备自投方式


1.Electric braking in application to generating sets of Qingjiang Shuibuya Hydropower Plant电气制动在清江水布垭电厂发电机组的应用

2.Treatment on oil throw fault in lower guide bearing of generator of Shuibuya Hydropower Plant水布垭水电站发电机下导轴承甩油问题处置

3.Overflow Cofferdam and Diversion Scheme Study for Qingjiang Shuibuya Hydropower Project;清江水布垭水电站过水围堰及度汛方案研究

4.Final archives management of Shuibuya Hydropower Project;水布垭水电站工程竣工档案的管理工作

5.Practice of disperse-resettlement for Shuibuya Hydropower Station;水布垭水电站库区移民分散安置的实践

6.Key technology for construction of anti-scour wall by shaft method on the left bank of Shuibuya hydropower station水布垭水电站左岸防淘墙竖井法施工关键技术

7.Analyzing stator windings main protection of generator for Qingjiang Shuibuya hydropower station清江水布垭电站发电机定子绕组主保护分析

8.Regulation quality parameter test technology of 460MW unit in Shuibuya Hydropower Station清江水布垭电站460MW机组调节品质参数测试技术

9.The PLC Controlling of the 500 kV Main Transformer Wind Cooling System in Shuibuya Hydropower Station in Qingjiang清江水布垭电站500kV主变风冷系统PLC控制

10.Analysis of Excavation Construction and Dynamic Response on the Shuibuya Power Station Tunnel;水布垭电站尾水隧洞施工过程分析与爆破动力研究

11.Application of PSTA Hydraulic Unit Condition Monitoring and Tracking Analysis System in Shuibuya Power PlantPSTA状态监测及跟踪分析系统在水布垭水电站的应用

12.Analysis of Problems and Defects of Electric Equipment of NO.2 Unit in Shuibuya Hydropower Station清江公司水布垭水电站2号机组设备缺陷问题及分析

13.A Feasibility Study of Hubei Qingjiang Shui Bu Ya Hydro-hinge;湖北清江水布垭水利枢纽可行性研究

14.Failure Mechanism of Muzhuping Landslide in Shuibuya Reservoir Area,Qingjiang River清江水布垭库岸木竹坪滑坡失稳探讨

15.Jiangya underground powerhouse has 33 chambers in different size.江垭电站地下厂房洞室群共有大小洞室33个。

16.Monitoring and analysis of surrounding rock mass of underground powerhouse chambers of Jiangya Power Station江垭电站地下厂房洞室围岩监测与分析

17.Shuibuya Hydropower Project is the first step of cascade development on Qingjiang River . The project is located across the border between BaDong county EnShi State and ChangYang County of YiChang City.水布垭枢纽工程是清江梯级开发的龙头电站,工程占地跨恩施州巴东县和宜昌市长阳县两县。

18.Construction Technology of Large Cross-Section Diversion Tunnel of Shuibuya Water Conservancy;水布垭水利枢纽特大断面导流隧洞施工技术


shuibuya hydropower station水布垭电站

1.The synchronizing point plan forshuibuya hydropower station to paralle in power system has been analysed comperhendively on technical and economic aspect,and the importance and rationalization of the synchronizing point plan was expounded.对水布垭电站接入系统主要落点方案进行了较为深入的技术、经济综合分析,阐述了落点方案优化的重要性和合理性。

2.A new 500 kV switch station will be build nearshuibuya hydropower station after the cutover design of shuibuya hydropower have been censored .水布垭电站接入系统设计(一次部分)通过审查后,在电站附近将新建500kV开关站。

3.The successful experiences and inadequacies in implementation of resettlement work of Shuibuya Hydropower Station are summarized;the thinking and suggestions on strengthening the management of resettlement work are proposed.总结了水布垭电站移民工作实施中的成功经验与不足之处,提出了加强移民工作管理的思考和建议。

3)Shuibuya Project"s underground powerhouse水布垭地下厂房

4)Shuibuya Hydropower Station水布垭水电站

1.Technology for installing base-ring and stay-ring of hydroturbine ofShuibuya Hydropower Station;水布垭水电站水轮机基础环及座环安装

2.On cracking treatment technique for facing concrete of concrete faced rockfill dam ofShuibuya Hydropower Station;水布垭水电站混凝土面板堆石坝面板混凝土裂缝处理技术综述

3.Key Points and Methods of Supervision Quality Control on Anti-scouring Wall Construction ofShuibuya Hydropower Station;水布垭水电站防淘墙施工监理质量控制及方法

5)Shuibuya Hydropower Project水布垭水电站

1.Design and Construction Methods of the Anti-scouring Wall forShuibuya Hydropower Project;水布垭水电站防淘墙设计与施工

2.Downstream anti-scouring wall design for flood spillway of Shuibuya hydropower project;水布垭水电站溢洪道下游消能防冲防淘墙设计

3.Overflow Cofferdam and Diversion Scheme Study for QingjiangShuibuya Hydropower Project;清江水布垭水电站过水围堰及度汛方案研究


1.Analysis on Safety Monitoring of theShuibuya Concrete Face Rockfill Dam;水布垭面板堆石坝安全监测分析

2.Anti-crack design for concrete slab ofShuibuya rock-fill dam;水布垭堆石坝混凝土面板抗裂设计与工程实践

3.3-D Stability Analysis on Emptying Tunnel ofShuibuya Project on Qingjiang River;清江水布垭水利枢纽放空洞三维稳定性分析


IGCC电厂(见整体煤气化联合循环电厂)IGCC电厂(见整体煤气化联合循环电厂)Aintegrated gasification combined cycle plantIGCC电厂bined eyele(integrated gasifieationConl一plant)见整体煤气化联合循环电厂。
