100字范文 > 理由 reason英语短句 例句大全

理由 reason英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-30 20:41:25


理由 reason英语短句 例句大全



1.Describe thereason for editing GB5216-85 standard, the contents and emphasis, and put forward some suggestions.主要谈为什么要修订GB5 2 16 - 85标准、修订内容重点、怎么修订。

2.The paper expounds thereasons,analyzes the object for such management and puts forward measures.目前我国的广告管理,常常忽视或漠视道德管理,本文阐述了广告道德管理的理由,分析了广告道德管理的对象,提出了广告道德管理的措施。

3.Thereasons that our country may become the production base of automotive micro-motor in the world are expounded.本文详细阐述了我国成为全球汽车用微电机生产基地的充分理由。


1.for some unaccountable reason由于某种不可解的理由

2.ostensible reason表面的理由[籍口]

3.And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you" ve got heroin?理由呢?没有理由,理由不能拿来爽,有了海洛因,要个鸡巴理由?

4.insufficient justification理由不足效应理由不足效应

5.This reason preponderates over all others.这个理由较所有其他理由重要。

6.for some incomprehensible reason由于某种无法理解的理由

7.There were no grounds for ousting the prime minister.没有理由把总理赶下台

8.He had a legitimate reason for being late.他迟到有合理的理由。

9.reissued for technical reasons由于技术上的理由重新印发

10.He favored withdrawal for both these reasons.由于以上这两点理由,他赞成撤军。

11.The subject matter of the case, the litigant"s request and the facts and reasons in dispute,案由、诉讼请求、争议的事实和理由,

12.What" your justification for being late ?你迟到的理由是什么?

13.His excuse sounds unconvincing.他说的理由好像不可信.

14.The wolf finds reason for taking the lamb .叼羊的狼总有理由。

15.it is quite reasonable to regard the sea-floor,因此完全有理由把海床,

16.You have given him cause for anger你使他有发火的理由。

17.She gave no reason for her absence她没有说缺席的理由。

18.Both sides have some justice in their claims.双方的要求都有些理由。



1.Practical Reasons, Authority and the Sources Thesis;实践理由、权威与来源命题

2.From the visual angle of critical thinking,the legal argument should usually be composed of the claimer,argument target,target audience andreasons etc.从批判性思维的视角看,司法论证通常应由主张者、论证目标、目标听众、理由等要素构成。

3.There are fourreasons to regard the enactment as a new type of crime: it is an addition to Clause 162, with the intention of independent legislation; it specifies the subject of the crime; it describes the specifications of the crime and the specifications conform to those in the Accounting Law of the PRC.认为刑法修正案第一条是规定新罪的理由有四点:它是在“第一百六十二条后增加一条”,具有规定新罪的独立立法意图;它规定了该罪的犯罪主体;它专门规定了该罪的法定刑;它的规定,是和《中华人民共和国会计法》的规定相适应的。

3)truth reason真理理由

1.We draw a necessary distinction between belief reasons andtruth reasons,and consider the fundamental cause of Gettier s counterexamples is separation of the two former reasons.我们对信念理由和真理理由做出了必要的区分,认为葛梯尔反例产生的根本原因在于信念理由和真理理由的分离。


5)reasons of seeking medical advice就诊理由

6)anticipatory reason预期理由

1.Therefore,the errors in logic,such asanticipatory reasons,blurring propositions,complicated interrogative languages inability to infer,and ambiguous propositions should be avoided.为此,侦查人员在讯问中必须杜绝预期理由、混淆论题、不正当的复杂问语、推不出、论题含混等逻辑错误。


理由事情为什么这样做或那样做的道理:~充足 ㄧ毫无~。
