100字范文 > 正当化理由 justifying reason英语短句 例句大全

正当化理由 justifying reason英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-09 15:35:11


正当化理由 justifying reason英语短句 例句大全

正当化理由,justifying reason

1)justifying reason正当化理由

1.Firstly, the public opinions, like legal standards, arejustifying reasons, so that they could be the ground of judicial decision-making.以"公众意见能够取代法律标准"为核心的裁判可接受性概念,实际上是以下两个方面的统合:一方面,公众意见能够被转化成正当化理由,因此才能取代法律标准成为裁判依据;另一方面,司法民主化要求司法裁判必须反映公众意见。


1.A Probe on the Proper Excuse in the System of Limitation of Actions;民事诉讼时效制度的正当化理由探析

2.owe a person a grudge(有正当的理由) 怀恨某人

3.in an uncalled-for manner.以没有正当理由的方式。

4.He gave a good reason for it.他举出其正当理由。

5.To have a cause for complaint有提出抗议的正当理由

6.an action or a suit or just grounds for an action.诉讼或诉讼的正当理由。

7.considered misgovernment to Be a justification for revolution.把对国家治理不当看作是革命的正当理由

8.The Procedure Guarantee and the Justification of Judge s Adjudgement Power Freely;程序保障与法官自由裁量权的正当化

9.in justification of...作为表明…正当的理由,作为…的辩护

10.You have no grounds for Backing out of the contract.你们没有正当理由背弃合同

11.an event used to justify starting a war.作为发动战争正当理由的事件。

12.any just cause why these two people任何正当理由说明这两位

13.His illness excuses his absence from, school.生病是他不来上课的正当理由。

14.He must have had a good reason to have killed Tybalt.他杀死提伯特一定有正当理由。”

15.anger that is justified By the circumstances.被事实证明是有正当理由的愤怒

16.Serving as justification.用作正当理由的,用作借口的

17.(i) The obligee refuses to take delivery of the subject matter without cause;(一)债权人无正当理由拒绝受领;

18.There can be no justification for using nuclear weapons.使用核武器是没有任何正当理由的。



3)A bon droit以正当理由

4)without any just cause无正当理由

5)A good reason.正当的理由

6)justified act正当化事由

1.To actor,Consent of victim that is effective isjustified act.被害人承诺成立之刑法基点在于刑法的公法性和谦抑性;被害人承诺之刑法成立条件分为基础性条件和限制性条件;被害人承诺之刑法后果因其有效性的范围不同而异,全部有效成立的被害人承诺,对行为人而言是正当化事由,当然阻却犯罪,而无效承诺中的部分无效的被害人承诺对于定罪与量刑也有着相当的意义。


