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繁育 Breeding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 19:00:27


繁育 Breeding英语短句 例句大全



1.Characterization of Growth Indices andBreeding of Inbred SX1 Mice;SX1近交系小鼠生长繁育主要指标的测定

2.Breeding and Character of a Hairless Mouse Strain;无毛小鼠繁育及其特性的初步观察

3.Study on Heredity andBreeding of Human Scavenger Receptor-AI Transgenic Mice;人SR-AI转基因小鼠遗传与繁育的研究


1.Breeding Characteristic and Propagation System of Physocarpus Amurensis;风箱果(Physocarpus amurensis)繁育特性及繁殖体系研究

2.rare and endangered species Breeding center珍稀濒危物种繁育基地

3.To crossbreed or cross - fertilize.杂交繁育,异体受精

4.Study on Breeding and Propagation Methods of Artemisia annua L. in Yunnan黄花蒿良种选育和繁育技术初步研究

5.Study on Seedling and Cutting Propagation of Quercus virginiana弗吉尼亚栎种子育苗和无性繁育技术

6.A novice might conclude that the breeding hasn"t taken and try to rebreed the queen.一个繁育新手可能会由此断定繁育并没有成功,并且会试着再次对母猫进行繁育。

7.BREEDER-JUDGE: Someone licensed to judge dogs of their breed.[繁育裁判员:具有授权的评判犬类和其繁育后代的人。

8."Large farm for Breeding and raising cattle, sheep, or horses."用于放养和繁育牛、羊或马的大型农

9.This is a book about human reproduction.这是一本关于人的繁育的书。

10.an animal usable in or suitable for a breeding establishment.用于或适用于繁育中心的动物。

11.Breeding is not a profit-making activity.繁育并不是一项可以赚钱的活动。

work on Animal Production and Health Biotechnology for Latin America拉丁美洲家畜繁育和卫生生物技术网

13.Studies on Breeding Technology of Bumble Bee (Bombus Lucorum) in Captivity熊蜂(Bombus Lucorum)的人工繁育技术研究

14.Try to have one similar leg in the pedigree.繁育时应该尽量延续血统的特征。

15.The winner horse was bred in Ireland.获胜的马是在爱尔兰繁育的。

16.tomato plants growing in a propagator在繁育场中栽培的西红柿植株.

17.The goal of breeding, after all, is to produce a better dog.繁育的最终目的,是培养更优秀的犬只。

18.Producing of young by animals(动物的)生育,繁殖,生殖



1.Study on the SeedlingPropagation Technique of Ternscroemia kwangtungensis;华南厚皮香苗木繁育技术研究

2.Propagation and Utilization of an Endangered Rree Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb.Et Zucc.;濒危物种连香树资源繁育与开发利用

3.In the meanwhile,the propagation of some endangered tree species was made and the protection propagation countermeasures were put forward.位于秦岭西段的小陇山林区有丰富的植物资源,有国家保护植物数十种,经过调查,基本摸清了珍稀濒危树种在本林区的分布情况,并对一些濒危树种进行繁育,扩大分布范围,同时提出了保护繁育对策。


1.This thesis discusses the problems in thebreeding of the trees and extraction and utilization of natural d-borneol.着重介绍了龙脑樟树的繁育、天然d-龙脑的提取及其应用等问题。

2.In order to protect and use the natural resources of the Elaphe carinata effectively, the authors researched on feeding the young snakes andbreeding the sub-generation snakes artificially in August 1998 to August .为了更好地保护和利用王锦蛇的自然资源,于1 998年8月~2 0 0 3年8月对王锦蛇幼蛇的饲养技术和子一代的繁育技术进行了研究。


1.The paper introduces the fine variety types, variety selection and arrangement,techniques forreproduction of tea seedlings and construction of a new tea garden according to the research results and productive practice in detail.根据研究和生产实践,详细介绍了茶树良种类型,品种选择与搭配,茶苗繁育及新茶园建设技术。


1.Germplasm Resource of Atriplex Plants and ItsMultiplication Techniques;滨藜属植物种质资源及其繁育

2.The standardized head-line multiplication:the key techniques for elite varieties of rice;水稻良种“穗系标准化繁育”关键技术的研究

3.In the sametime,tube seedlings multiplication,detoxified seedling of cutting openly and the industrialization,of micro-potato were studied.研究筛选出了适宜于马铃薯试管苗工厂化繁育的、制备方便的、成本低廉的简化培养基,并在试管苗扩繁、脱毒苗开放切繁、微型薯原原种工厂化生产方面进行了一些探索,解决了马铃薯微型原原种工厂化生产过程的关键问题。

6)Reprouduction breeding繁殖育种


繁育繁殖培育:~虾苗 ㄧ~优良品种。
