100字范文 > 繁育体系 Breeding system英语短句 例句大全

繁育体系 Breeding system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-08 01:52:24


繁育体系 Breeding system英语短句 例句大全

繁育体系,Breeding system

1)Breeding system繁育体系

1.Systems analysis was used to evaluate the economic benefits of various breeding systems combined by three actual quality meat-type chicken lines.一个完整的繁育体系包含了育种群、扩繁群和商品群3个大的结构层次,它们相互关联、相互影响。

2.According to the cardinal principles of breeding system and a feasible route of technology, the author suggest the aim and contents of establishing animal breeding system of the A li area in Tibet, forecast the economic benefit.根据繁育体系建设原则及切实可行的技术路线,提出了西藏阿里地区繁育体系建设的目标及内容,并对繁育体系的建设进行了经济效益、生态效益及社会效益分析。

3.It becomes more and more important to study the breeding system of three-breed cross in order to improve the quality of our city s pigs and make local swine industry prosper.为进一步做大做强生猪产业,提高我市生猪质量,开展建立三元杂交猪繁育体系模式研究就显得尤为重要。


1.(4) A system of virus-free seed potato production be established on the aphid-free, cold mountainous areas over 3,500 m asl.(4)建立马铃薯脱毒良种繁育体系。

2.Framework and Function of Conservation and Breeding System for Tianzhu White Yak天祝白牦牛保种繁育体系构架与运行

3.The Establishment of Virus-free Breeding System for Strawberry by Combining the Heat Treatment with the Stem Tip Culture;草莓热处理结合茎尖脱毒繁育体系的建立

4.Establishment of Cross-breeding System among Huanong-Wenshi Well-bred Pigs of Guangdong Province;广东华农温氏良种猪杂交繁育体系建立的探讨

5.Situation and Countermeasure Ments for Constructing Orange Three Grade Breeding Systeem柑桔无病毒三级繁育体系建设现状及对策

6.The Position of Small Farming Regions in the Construction of Chinese Sheep and Goat Breeding System养殖小区在我国绵山羊育种繁育体系建设中的地位

7.Establishment of High Effect Regeneration System of Tissue Culture for Three Improved Clones in Paulownia fortunei“桐优1”等泡桐优良无性系组培高效繁育体系建立

8.Study on the Propagation System of Virus-Free and Industry Development of Potato;贵州省盘县马铃薯脱毒种薯繁育体系及产业发展的研究

9.Study of Virus-free Minipotato Production and Propagation & Growing System;马铃薯微型脱毒种薯生产及生产用种繁育体系研究

10.The Study on Duroc×Landrace×Yorkshire (or DYL) of Swine Breeding System in Mudanjiang City;牡丹江市杜长约(杜约长)三元杂交猪繁育体系的研究

11.Promoting the Rapid Development of Shanxi s Livestock Husbandry through Increasing the Input for the System of the Good Poultry and Animal Strains;加大畜禽良种繁育体系投入 促进山西畜牧业快速发展

12.Breeding Characteristic and Propagation System of Physocarpus Amurensis;风箱果(Physocarpus amurensis)繁育特性及繁殖体系研究

13.Preliminary Study on the Embryo Culture, the Rapid Propagating System of the Stem Segments and Ploidy Breeding in Punica Granatum L.石榴胚培养、茎段快繁体系及倍性育种研究初报

14.The Study on the Construction of the Potato Breeding of Better Stocks and Enhancing System in Dingxi定西市马铃薯良种繁育与推广体系建设研究

15.Kinship Analysis of One Broodstock Population of Large Yellow Croaker Pseudosciaena crocea养殖大黄鱼一个繁育群体亲本亲缘关系剖析

16.Genetic Diversity and Breeding Strategy of Cerasus Campanulata Maxim.福建山樱花群体遗传多样性、繁育技术体系和育种策略研究

17.To crossbreed or cross - fertilize.杂交繁育,异体受精

18.Endodeme is a deme composed of predominantly closely inbreeding but dioecious individuals.同系同群种是由近亲繁育占优势,但雌雄异株的个体组成的同群种。


the system of breeding,seed production and expansion育、繁、推体系

3)crossbreeding system杂交繁育体系

1.Three foreign line pigs, Duroc, Landrace and Large White, a local breeding line, Jihe White Specilized mother line B and a pure local line, Taihu pigs were chosen to buildcrossbreeding system on quality pigs through simulating biology ecnomics process.选用杜洛克、长白、大白3个国外引进品种,冀合白猪专门化母系B1个国内培育品系,以及1个地方品种太湖猪,模拟杂交繁育体系的生物经济学过程,构建了优质猪的杂交繁育体系,并以每头后备母猪平均每年的利润、每头标准化商品猪的利润、每1000头标准商品猪相对应的母猪头数和商品代出栏猪肌内脂肪含量(肉质指标)4个评价指标对杂交繁育体系进行了优化选择,结果在4种杂交配套组合中,杜洛克×(大白×冀合白猪专门化母系B)经济效率和商品代猪肉质最优。

2.The results show that the 3 most efficientcrossbreeding systems are Hamshire×(Yorkshire × Landrace), Hamshire×(Landrace× Yorkshire) and Hamshire ×(Yorkshire,Landrace)rot.在特定的繁育方法内,繁育体系的效率随着亲本品种数量的增加而增加;亲本品种数量固定时,终端杂交繁育体系的效率高于终端轮回杂交,而终端轮回杂交繁育体系的效率又高于轮回杂交繁育体系;同时条本品种组分对繁育体系的生产效率具有重要作用。

3.The understanding of the rate of disseminating genetic gain from nucleus to commercial herds is an important task in the establishment ofcrossbreeding system for domestic animals.遗传进展的传递速度是杂交繁育体系建设中的重要问题之一。

4)breeding and suppling system繁育供种体系

5)breeding promotion system繁育推广体系

6)breeding system of livestock家畜繁育体系


茶树良种繁育体系茶树良种繁育体系prapagating system of improved tea varieties茶树良种繁育体系(propagating systemof imProved tea varieties)把育成并经审定的茶树优良品种,投入生产的一系列组织和制度。它的任务是保持良种原有的优良种性和纯度,迅速扩大繁育良种种苗,有计划地进行品种更换和复壮,以满足生产上对茶树良种种苗的需要。茶树良种萦育体系的建立.应由国家根据茶叶自然区划,以及茶类和良种布局建立良种繁育组织和基地,各主产茶省区、地、县在统一布局下,相应地都应建立为本地区推广良种的繁育组织和基地.逐步实现以县为单位统一供种。茶树良种繁育体系应由三级单位组成,即原种场.良种繁殖场和生产单位.它们的关系如图所示:┌───┐┌────┐│原种场││生产单位│└───┘└────┘ ┌──────┐ │直接供应种苗│ └──────┘在健全茶树良种繁育体系的同时,要建立各项规章制度.在进行采种(采稼)、育苗(扦插)、出圃、包装、运输、种植等作业时,都要严格遵守繁育技术规程.以保证在良种繁育过程中,防止人为地机械混杂:采用有性繁殖时,对不同品种间要进行适当隔离,避免发生天然杂交.造成生物学混杂。为满足生产单位对良种的需要,根据茶树的特点.在繁育途径上可采用无性繁殖与有性繁殖相结合,以提高繁殖系数。(王融初)
