100字范文 > 移民政策 immigration policy英语短句 例句大全

移民政策 immigration policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-11 03:26:46


移民政策 immigration policy英语短句 例句大全

移民政策,immigration policy

1)immigration policy移民政策

1.On the Factors Leading to the Success of French Immigration Policy before 1970s;20世纪70年代以前法国移民政策的成功因素

2.Discussion about the Influence on Chinese Struggle for Illegal Emigration under External Immigration Policy;浅析国外移民政策对我国打击非法移民的影响

3.Some suggestions on implementingimmigration policy are pointed out.在世行贷款云南城市环境建设项目移民的实践基础上,对移民政策与实践进行初步探讨,对云南城市环境建设项目移民工作将会涉及的问题进行浅析,提出在云南城市环境建设项目中开展项目优化设计,参与者活动,制定合理的移民行动计划,制定和执行针对贫困群体的优惠收费政策,施工期间安全和便利的维护,建设项目后续管理机制的有关建议。


1.International Research Institute for Immigration and Emigration Politics国际移民政策研究所(移民政策所)

2.inaugurate a new immigration policy.See Synonyms at begin创制新的移民政策参见

3.Research on the Comparison Between the China Immigration Policy and the Bank of Asia Immigration Policy;中国移民政策与亚洲银行移民政策的比较研究

4.The American Immigration Policies and Mexican Immigrants(1965-the 9-11-01 Events);美国移民政策与墨西哥移民(1965-9.11事件)

5.Immigration Policies of EU Countries and Their Influences on New Chinese Immigrants;欧盟国家移民政策及其对中国新移民的影响

6.Immigration Trends and Economic Impacts of New Immigration Policy of United Kingdom;英国新移民政策下移民态势及经济影响

7.Mental Acceptance with Resettlement Policies and Worries of Xiaolangdi Reservoir Relocatees;小浪底水库移民对移民政策的认同及顾虑心理

8.Discussion about the Influence on Chinese Struggle for Illegal Emigration under External Immigration Policy;浅析国外移民政策对我国打击非法移民的影响

9.The Comparison of the Law and Politics between the Three Gorges Emigration in China and the World Bank s Involuntary Emigration;三峡移民法规政策与世界银行非自愿移民政策之比较

10.Others are debating immigration policy.其他人在争论移民政策问题。

11.From Survival to Identity--Canadian Immigration Policies Studies从生存到身份——加拿大移民政策研究

12.The U.S. Immigration Policy in the Roosevelt Times, 1933-1945;罗斯福时代的美国移民政策1933-1945

13.A Study of the US Immingration Policies Towards China;美国对华移民政策研究(1848-2001年)

14.The Change in Immigration Policy in Canada and the United States after World War Ⅱ;二战后加拿大和美国移民政策的转变

15.The Kazak Immigration Policy of Kazakhstan;哈萨克斯坦的境外哈萨克人移民政策

16.Overseas Chinese in Russia and the Russian Immigrant Policy;俄罗斯华侨华人与俄联邦的移民政策

17.Paradoxes of Republican Model: A Study of French Immigration Policy;“共和模式”的困境——法国移民政策研究

18.The government opened up the policy on immigration.政府开放移民的政策。


resettlement policy移民政策

1.The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is not the same to the general water resources project,which needs establishing newresettlement policy and management system.南水北调工程不同于一般的水利工程,需要构建新的移民政策和移民管理体制。

2.It is shown by the survey data that the relocatees of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have higher mental acceptance to the stateresettlement policy during the process of relocating, but they also.调查资料显示:小浪底工程征地移民在搬迁安置过程中,对国家的移民政策具有较高的心理认同程度,但是,移民认识的局限和从自身的利益出发,又表现出较强的顾虑心理。

3)migration policies移民政策

1.Based upon a comparative study on different social and economic natures embedded in,and differentmigration policies adopted by China and foreign countries,the author believes that an extreme low proportion o.在中国和世界移民史的框架内,从中国的人口政策、经济发展战略、外资的引进和城市化与就业政策等角度,对中外社会经济性质及移民政策进行比较分析。

2.From different angles of urbanization,industrialization,migration policies,state policies,and economic development levels which have bearings on population flow,this paper makes a contrastive study of the population flow in three Asian countries,namely China,South Korea,and Malaysia.从对人口迁移有影响的都市化和工业化进程、移民政策、国家政策、经济发展水平等不同的层面,比较和分析了中国、韩国以及马来西亚等三个亚洲国家的城市移民之间的差异:韩国的城市化水平最高,其集聚经济效应也最高,人口迁移的驱动力较强。

3.The direct purpose of the transnational migration study is to improve the rational constitution of themigration policies so as to reach the harmonious development of the nations all over the world.国际移民学探索的直接目标,是在合理解读移民行为的基础上,推动移民政策的合法制定,进而达到移民个人或群体在大社会中的和谐生存与发展。

4)immigration policies移民政策

1.Immigration Policies of EU Countries and Their Influences on New Chinese Immigrants;欧盟国家移民政策及其对中国新移民的影响

2.Canada has its systematicalimmigration policies guard its door by selecting immigrants whom Canada aims to take, which firstly is for Canada s survival.加拿大作为移民国家具有一套系统化的移民政策,并运用移民政策作为杠杆对移民进行筛选,从而获得加拿大所需的人口和人才,首先确保加拿大的赖以生存的人力资源。

5)new immigration policy新移民政策

6)ecological immigration policy生态移民政策


