100字范文 > 俄国移民 Russian immigrants英语短句 例句大全

俄国移民 Russian immigrants英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-12 14:07:03


俄国移民 Russian immigrants英语短句 例句大全

俄国移民,Russian immigrants

1)Russian immigrants俄国移民

1.The thesis mainly discussed the relationship ofRussian immigrants and Harbi特别是在中东铁路修筑以后,俄国移民大批涌入哈尔滨,至民国时期,哈尔滨俄国移民文化已经系统化,在建筑、社会习俗、文化教育、思想以及语言等方面都占有十分重要的地位。


1.The Research on the Russian Immigration and the Development of Harbin Schooling in Modern Times.俄国移民与哈尔滨近代学校教育的发展研究

2.The Chinese Emigrant of the Russian Far East (1860-1917 Years);俄国远东的中国移民(1860-19)

3."Chinese Immigrant Problem":Different Views from China and Russia;“中国移民问题”:来自中俄的不同观点

4.New Chinese Migrants in Russia:A Phenomenon of Reality and Research Subject;俄罗斯中国新移民现状及其课题研究

5.Research on Illegal Immigrant for Law Control of China and Russia中国和俄罗斯非法移民法律控制研究

6.The so-called Chinese "immigration" problem in Russia"s Far East俄罗斯远东地区的所谓中国“移民”问题

7.The Reason of Russia Population Crisis and Russian Scholars Comprehensive Evaluation of Chinese Labor Migration;俄罗斯人口危机的成因及俄学者对中国劳动移民的综合评价

8.Analysis of the Influence of Chinese Immigrant Labor to Economic Security in Russia;试析中国劳动移民对俄罗斯经济安全的影响

9.The Role of National Security Factors in the System of Russian Immigration Management;国家安全因素在俄罗斯移民管理体系中的地位

10.To Decipher Chinese Immigrants in Russian Far East from the Angle of Geopolitics;从地缘政治角度解读俄远东地区中国移民问题

11.Overseas Chinese in Russia and the Russian Immigrant Policy;俄罗斯华侨华人与俄联邦的移民政策

12.My parents come to the united state with the latest jewish emigration from russia我父母与最近一批犹太移民一起从俄国来到美国

13.My parents came to the United States with the latest Jewish emigration from Russia.我父母与最近一批犹太移民一起从俄国来到美国。

14.An Analysis of Chinese Immigrants in the Far East of Russia from the Perspective of Historical Economics;从历史经济学角度分析俄罗斯远东地区的中国移民

15.Analysis of Influence of Chinese Immigrant on Economic Development in the Far East of Russia现阶段中国移民对俄远东地区经济发展绩效分析

16.Development of Russians into a Minor Nationality from a Group of Immigrants;从移民成为新疆少数民族的俄罗斯人

17.International Immigrant and National Image:Case Study on China s National Image in Russia;试论国际移民与国家形象的关联性——以中国在俄罗斯的国家形象为例的研究

18.On Russian Jewish Emmigration to Israel in the Late 20th Century;20世纪末俄罗斯犹太移民问题研究


Japanese and Russian immigrants日俄移民

3)Russian refugees俄国难民

4)Russian peasant俄国农民

1.Less land, heavy taxation,serfdom exploitation and lack of political rights had forcededRussian peasants to the bottom of the society both in economic and political status.20世纪初俄国农民运动取得了一系列伟大的成果,具有巨大的历史意义,它促进了俄国整个革命运动的发展,直接影响了沙皇政府的政策,加快了俄国资本主义改造。

5)the Narodniki俄国民粹派

1.Boththe Narodniki and the people\"s party movement occurred in the late of 19th century the same time.俄国民粹派和美国人民党运动是同时发生于19世纪末的民粹主义运动。

6)Russian narodnichestvo-ism俄国民粹主义


