100字范文 > 炉管 furnace tube英语短句 例句大全

炉管 furnace tube英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-10 01:52:05


炉管 furnace tube英语短句 例句大全

炉管,furnace tube

1)furnace tube炉管

1.Butt welding of centrifugally castfurnace tube of HP45NbTi;离心铸造HP45NbTi炉管的对接焊接

2.Welding method of replacedfurnace tube used in cracking furnace;裂解炉辐射段炉管更新焊接

3.Application of dry ice cleaning in heatingfurnace tube of petrochemical atmospheric pressure and decompression;干冰清洗在石化常减压加热炉炉管清灰技术的应用


1.oil-still tube supports石油蒸馏炉的炉管支架

2.Calculation method of tube thickness in tube heaters for petrochemical enterprises石油化工管式炉炉管壁厚计算方法

3.The Design of the Boiler Pipe Leakage Dectection System;锅炉炉管泄漏检测系统的设计与实现

4.CDQ Waste Heat Boiler“Stove Pipe”Corrosion and Protection干熄焦余热锅炉“炉管”的腐蚀及防护

5.Welding Technology of G-X45NiCrSiNb45-35 Steel Tubes of Ethylene Cracking Furnace乙烯裂解炉炉管G-X45NiCrSiNb45-35的焊接工艺

6.Small-scale Ethylene Cracking Furnace Tube Radiation Paragraph Domestic Reform小乙烯裂解炉辐射段炉管国产化改造

7.Failure Analysis of Cr5Mo Tubes in Vacuum Furnace and Protection Measures减压炉Cr5Mo炉管失效分析与防护措施

8.Analysis on Cracking Reason of 1Cr18Ni9Ti Steel Furnace Tube1Cr18Ni9Ti钢炉管开裂原因分析

9.Engineering technical requirements for expansion joining of refinery heater tubes炼油厂管式加热炉炉管胀接工程技术条件

10.Test Research on HF Welding Boiler Pipe Substitute Seamless Boiler Pipe高频焊锅炉管替代无缝锅炉管的试验研究

11.The shell and cover of the radiation tube heating furnace.辐射管加热炉的炉壳及炉盖;

12.hybrid boiler (fire tube and water tube)混合式(火管和水管)锅炉

13.Carbon ramming material is used on the spacer,the bottom of blast furnace and some other parts of the blast furnace.高炉炉底垫层、炉底和炉缸环行碳块与炉壳间的间隙,炉底水冷管以上到炉底钢板。

14.The No.5 Blast Furnace of Xuanhua Steel Operation Management and the Status of Antegrade Furnace宣钢五号高炉的操作炉型管理与炉况顺行

15.Babcock-Johnson boiler一种有圆形炉膛的二鼓筒水管锅炉

16.a tank or pipes set at the back of a fireplace or in the firebox of a stove.在壁炉或火炉后部的罐或管。

17.Research on Intensifying Heat Transfer in Square Tubular Furnace;方箱管式加热炉炉内的强化传热研究

18.Modification Design on High Temperature Flue Duct of 410 t/h Boiler410t/h锅炉高温炉烟管道的改进设计



1.The Failure Probability Analysis of Ethylene Cracking Furnace Tube Based on Risk;基于风险的乙烯裂解炉炉管失效概率分析

2.Failure Analysis of the Tubes of Ethylene Cracking Furnaces;乙烯裂解炉炉管失效分析

3.Risk-based inspection for cracking furnancetubes;裂解炉炉管基于风险的检验

3)boiler tube炉管

1.Corosion of Boiler Tube of Crude Oil Heating Furnace and its prevention;原油加热炉炉管腐蚀与预防

2.The failure analysis of a 304 stainless steelboiler tube used in a medical waste incinerator for less than one year was conducted by using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM).对医疗废物焚烧装置中使用不到1年而爆裂的304锅炉管进行了宏观形貌、金相组织、断口形貌及腐蚀产物的分析。

3.To find the cause of perforation corrosion in aboiler tube, the chemical composition, mechanical properties, microstructure of tubes, the corrosion product and the water quality have been analyzed.通过对稠油开采设备热采注汽锅炉炉管的力学性能和化学成分的测定以及对显微组织、腐蚀产物与给水水质的分析,找出炉管发生腐蚀穿孔的原因。

4)furnace pipe炉管

1.The mechanical expanded joint method is usually used in rehabilitatingfurnace pipe and big pipe board of waste heat boiler.废热锅炉是合成氨装置的重要设备之一,其炉管与大管板焊缝受高温高压及介质腐蚀,运行一年后会产生裂纹,影响装置的正常运行。

2.Aimed at the welding difficulty arising from complexfurnace pipe structure and narrow space between pipes,and analyzing the chemical composition,mechanical property and weldability offurnace pipes,the rational welding procedure and method are establishe.吉林石化分公司15万t/a乙烯装置节能改造项目,其裂解炉炉膛温度高,使用条件苛刻,辐射炉管材质为高温合金钢ZG40Ni35Cr25NbM。

3.All butt welds offurnace pipes were done by manual argon tungsten arc welding with welding wires of ERNiCr-3.4万m3/h制氢装置的炉管材质为UNSN08810(Incoloy800H),通过对UNSN08810材质的化学成分和可焊性进行分析,制定了合理的焊接工艺。

5)heater tube炉管

1.An experimental research on the Alkylbenzeneheater tubes material which has been operated for about 100 thousand hours is carried out.对已服役近10万小时的烷基苯加热炉炉管材料进行了试验研究,并对炉管腐蚀产物进行电子探针分析,探讨了加热炉炉管的腐蚀机理。

2.his paper researches on life extension ofheater tube (9Cr1Mo) after operation for about 100,000 hours at elevated temperature in metallographical analysis,visual defect,test of conventional mechanical properties,test of creep and lasting properties,etcThe results show that a lasting life is expected from the heater under normal operating conditions if only creep damage is considered本文从材料的显微组织、宏观缺陷、化学成分、力学性能等方面,对已服役近10万小时的9Cr1Mo炉管进行了延寿分析研究。

6)boiler tube锅炉炉管

1.The feedwater quality was examined and the corrosion mechanism of theboiler tube under present condition was probed into.对稠油开采设备热采注汽锅炉破损炉管的材料进行了宏观检查、化学成分分析、金相分析、常温力学性能分析,并检测了给水水质,探讨了锅炉炉管在当前条件下的腐蚀机理。


