100字范文 > 炉管表面测温 Furnace tube skin temperature measurement英语短句 例句大全

炉管表面测温 Furnace tube skin temperature measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-08 20:13:11


炉管表面测温 Furnace tube skin temperature measurement英语短句 例句大全

炉管表面测温,Furnace tube skin temperature measurement

1)Furnace tube skin temperature measurement炉管表面测温

2)tube skin temperature炉管表面温度

3)measurement on surface temperature of pipe system管道表面温度测定

4)calorific intensity on the tube surface of heater炉管表面热强度

5)sheet billet surface temperature detection钢坯表面测温

6)prediction of shell temperature表面温度预测


1.A slab surface temperature prediction model based on least square support vector machine基于支持向量机的连铸板坯表面温度预测

2.The Applying Research of Soft Sensor Technology in Forecasting the Surfaced Temperature of Billet软测量技术在预测钢坯表面温度的应用研究

3.Finite Element Simulation of the Transient Temperature Field During Laser Surface Quenching and Forecasted Depth of the Hardness Layer;激光表面淬火瞬态温度场的有限元模拟及硬化层深预测

4.Determine the “absolute” surface temperature of an object.确定被测对象表面的“绝对”温度。

5.A Study on the Method of Non-Contact Skin Temperature Measurement;非接触人体表面温度测量方法的研究

6.Temperature and water vapour concentration measurements of CH_4/Air premixed flat flame based on TDLASTDLAS测量甲烷/空气预混平面火焰温度和H_2O浓度

7.A method to measure temperature of surface seawater and a certain depth seawater was presented.提出海水的表面温度及一定深度海水温度梯度的测量方法。

8.Design on Experimental Apparatus for Prediction of Surface Roughness工件表面粗糙度预测实验系统的研制

9.The spacecraft were not able to measure the temperature on the surface of Jupiter.探测器没有对木星表面的温度进行测量。

10.Application of soft sensor in the on-line measurement of the iron ore"s surface temperature软测量技术在铁矿石表面温度检测中的应用

11.Research on the Pressure and Temperature Numerical Simulation of the Variable-area Gas Well;变截面气井压力温度预测综合数值模拟

12.Application of Cold Disaster Monitoring and Predicting by Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature;遥感地表温度反演在寒害监测预警中的应用

13.Pyrometers, radiometers, bolometers are used for determining heat radiation and have applications for measuring the surface temperature of hot lavas.高温计、辐射计、辐射热测量仪用来测定热辐射和热岩熔的表面温度。

14.Measuring method for the surface temperature distribution of infrared heaterGB/T7287.2-1987红外辐射加热器表面温度分布测量方法

15.In this paper the on-line real-time detecting system of molder surface temperature of continuous casting is designed.设计了连铸铸坯表面温度在线实时测量系统。

16.Determination and Application of Surface Temperature Field on HSS Hot Work Roll高速钢热轧辊表面温度场的测定与应用

17.Billet Surface Temperature Measuring in the Thick Board Factory of Jinan Steel Group钢坯表面温度检测系统在济钢中厚板厂的使用

18.Research on the Heating Surface Metal Temperature Soft Sensor and Prediction in Super-critical Once-through Boiler Based on Artificial Intelligenc基于人工智能的超临界直流炉受热面金属温度软测量及预测研究


tube skin temperature炉管表面温度

3)measurement on surface temperature of pipe system管道表面温度测定

4)calorific intensity on the tube surface of heater炉管表面热强度

5)sheet billet surface temperature detection钢坯表面测温

6)prediction of shell temperature表面温度预测


表面温度测量表面温度测量surface temperature measurementbia以1,ian功旧ndu celiang表面温度测t(s urface temperatu二~uI’e-~t)指固体表面温度测量、两固相界面温度测量和液体表面温度测量等。广泛应用于冶金、石油化工、机械加工、生物医疗工程、航空航天等领域。主要特点是受传热面边界条件影响大,误差主要来源于测温元件供散热不平衡和接触热阻。另外,在辐射测温时,非黑体辐射的影响和气体吸收的影响也会给测量带来误差。表面温度测量可分为表面接触测量和非接触测量。表面接触测量中,被测物体表面和温度计相接触,由于破坏了表面温场,引人接触热阻,故误差相对较大。主要分为便携式表面温度计和固定式表面温度计,热敏元件常用热偶式或热阻式。非接触测量由于温度计和被测物体表面不接触,不改变物体表面温场,所以测量精度较高,而且可以测量运动物体的表面温度。主要分为辐射测温法、光纤测温法、电涡流测温法和感应测温法。(王磊)
