100字范文 > 絮凝物 flocculate英语短句 例句大全

絮凝物 flocculate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-23 02:23:20


絮凝物 flocculate英语短句 例句大全




1.Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses.絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西

2.Made up of or containing woolly masses.絮凝的由絮状物构成的或含絮状物的

3.Flocculating Mechanics and Flocculation Morphology of Bioflocculant微生物絮凝剂絮凝机理和絮凝形态的研究

4.Microbial flocculant is a new type of flocculant.微生物絮凝剂是一类新型絮凝剂。

5.Study on Flocculation Properties of Bioflocculant Produced by Complex Microorganism;复合微生物产絮凝剂的絮凝性能研究

6.Research on Flocculation Characteristic of Compounded Bioflocculant;复合型生物絮凝剂(CBF)絮凝特性研究

7.Research on the Flococculantion, Extraction and Mechanism of the Bioflocculant微生物絮凝剂的絮凝、提取及机理研究

8.Synthetic Characteristics of Bioflocculant by Flocculantproducing Bacteria and Parsing of Flocculating Active Substances产絮菌合成生物絮凝剂特性及絮凝成分解析

9.Study on the Production, Flocculating Efficiency, Structure and Flocculating Mechanism of Bioflocculant;微生物絮凝剂的研制、絮凝性能、物质结构及絮凝机理的研究

10.Preparation and the Flocculating Mechanism of Flocculant RL-2;RL-2生物絮凝剂的研制及絮凝机理研究

11.The Separation and the Study on the Bio-Flocculant Specificity of Microbial Bio-Flocculant Bacterium;产微生物絮凝剂优良菌的筛选及絮凝特性研究

12.Study on Development and Flocculating Activities of Microbial Flocculant BS-5;微生物絮凝剂BS-5的开发及其絮凝性能的研究

13.Screening of Flocculant-producing Microbe and Study on the Flocculability;微生物絮凝剂产生菌的选育及絮凝性能研究

14.Studies on Producing Condition and Characteristic of Microbial Flocculant;微生物絮凝剂的产生条件及絮凝性能研究

15.Screening of Microbial Flocculant-Producing Strains and Study on Flocculating Activity;微生物絮凝剂产生菌的选育及絮凝特性研究

16.The Production of Microbial Flocculant and the Research of its Flocculating Mechanism;微生物絮凝剂的制备及其絮凝机理的研究

17.Studies on the Production and Flocculation Characteristics of Complex Bioflocculant;复合型微生物絮凝剂制备及絮凝性能的研究

18.The Flocculation Mechanism and Experimental Study of Coal Slurry with Microbiology微生物絮凝煤泥水的试验及絮凝机理研究






1.Phenomenon of bio-flocculation in activated sludge of surfactant wastewater;表面活性剂废水活性污泥中的生物絮凝现象

2.Study on treatment of wool washing effluent by bio-flocculation process生物絮凝法处理洗毛废水的研究

3.The mechanisms of bio-flocculation,bio-sorption and zinc-removing by the metabolic product(H_2S)of sulfate reducting bacteria(SRB)are presented in detail.从失活生物体和活性生物体两个角度出发,介绍了目前应用微生物法去除废水中重金属锌的研究现状,详细阐述了生物絮凝、生物吸附和硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)的代谢产物(硫化氢)去除锌的机理。

6)biological flocculation生物絮凝

1.At the same time, by measuring the oxygen uptake rate, it proved that there was obvious bacteria activity in chemical andbiological flocculation system.通过工艺的对比试验,指出化学生物絮凝工艺去除效果要优于化学絮凝工艺,当投加相同量的絮凝剂和混凝剂时,前者比后者的去除效率提高了20%以上。

2.Results obtained show that (1) Effective EM rejuvenation is successful through the use of honey, molasses as well as high concentrated organic wastewater respectively; (2)EM addition to activated sludge system can improve the treatment efficiency of the system; (3)Rejuvenated EM solution exhibitsbiological flocculation characteristic.研究表明 :用糖蜜、蜂蜜及高浓度污水均能有效的复壮EM ;在活性污泥系统中投加EM液 ,可以提高系统的处理效率 ;EM复活液具有一定的生物絮凝性

3.The chemical-biological flocculation(CBF) process was used to treat municipal wastewater in Shanghai,and the effect of its return sludge on pollutant removal was studied through stopping chemical addition,simulating different return sludge ratio,and analyzing extracellular polymeric substances(EPS).采用化学生物絮凝(CBF)工艺处理上海市城市污水,通过停止加药试验、不同污泥回流比模拟试验、污泥胞外聚合物组分及含量的分析测定,研究分析污泥回流对污染物去除效果的影响。


