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絮凝法 flocculation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-19 06:45:23


絮凝法 flocculation英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on landfill leachate treatment byflocculation processes;絮凝法处理垃圾填埋场渗滤液的研究

2.Progress offlocculation applied to dyeing wastewater treatment;絮凝法在印染废水处理中的应用进展

3.The process and method of construction and manag ement of wastewater treatment for cottony pulp-papermaking byflocculation of p hysiochemistry is described. And the environmental benefit and economie benefit during the treatment are also discussed.Some suggestions and personal experie nces in construction and management are given本文通过使用物理化学絮凝法处理棉浆造纸废水设施的建设和运行管理过程、方法,分析了物理化学絮凝法在处理棉浆造纸废水中所产生的环境效益和经济效益,提出了自己在参与其建设、运行管理中的见解,对今后的工作具有一定的指导意义。


1.Treatment of Wool-scouring Wastewater by Biological Flocculation in Comparison by Chemical Flocculation生物絮凝法与化学絮凝法处理洗毛废水的比较

2.Treatment of Paper Making Wastewater with Coagulation and Fenton Oxidation and Flocculation Proess;混凝-Fenton氧化—絮凝法处理造纸废水研究

3.Experimental analysis of oily wastewater treatment by electrolytic and chemical flocculation technology电化学絮凝与化学絮凝法联合处理油田污水的实验分析

4.Separation of pancreatin with flocculation was studied in this thesis.本论文研究了絮凝法沉淀分离胰酶。

5.Research on Chemically Enhanced Flocculation Treatment of Coking Wastewater;化学强化絮凝法处理焦化废水的研究

6.The Experimental Study on Domestic Wastewater Treatment by Bioflocculation;生物絮凝法处理生活污水的实验研究

7.A Survey of Floccution to Purify the Waste Water from Papermaking Plants;絮凝法处理造纸废水现状与发展趋势


9.Treatment of low As-containing mine water by the precipitation-flocculation process沉淀-絮凝法处理低砷矿坑水的研究

10.Research Progress and Trend of Flocculation in Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater絮凝法处理印染废水研究进展及趋势

11.coagulation-flocculation jar test of water水的混凝、絮凝杯罐试验方法

12.Measurement Methods of Flocculation Process and Characteristics of Flocs in Wet-end of Papermaking造纸湿部絮凝过程及絮体性质的检测方法

13.deflocculation agent, deflocculating agent, deflocculant反絮凝剂,搞絮凝剂

14.Study on the Method of Floc Strength Evaluation and Characteristics of Al-Humic Floc Strength絮凝体强度分析方法建立及腐殖酸絮凝体强度特征研究

15.Methods: The Sodium Citrate be used ases the Defloculating agents.方法:加入枸橼酸钠作为反絮凝剂。

16.Refrigerator oils-Determination of floc pointGB/T12577-1990冷冻机油絮凝点测定法

17.Removal of Trace Arsenic from Water by Chitosan Flocculation-ultrafiltration;壳聚糖絮凝—超滤法去除水中微量砷

18.Waste Water Processing in Juice Manufacturing:Flocculentdeposit-ABR-SBR絮凝沉淀-ABR-SBR法处理果汁加工废水


flocculation method絮凝法

1.Treatment of wastewater from channel catfish slaughtering byflocculation method;絮凝法处理斑点叉尾鱼回鱼宰杀废水的研究

2.The Cr(III)was obtained by reducing Cr(VI)in the electroplating wastewater to Cr(III),which was converted to Cr(OH)3 by means of chemical precipitation andflocculation methods.将电镀废水中的六价铬还原成Cr(III),用化学沉淀法和絮凝法将其转化为Cr(OH)3沉淀,通过硫酸酸化,结晶为高纯硫酸铬,作为皮革工业的铬鞣剂。

3.The mixed waste water from beer production was pretreated by ferric sulfate-polyacrylamideflocculation method.采用硫酸铁-聚丙烯酰胺絮凝法对啤酒厂的混合废水进行预处理。


1.A method offlocculent using aluminum sulfate and polyacrylamide to is treat wastewater in milking dairy.研究了硫酸铝—聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)絮凝法处理乳制品厂废水。

2.The treatment of containing ABS wastewater by internal electrolysis of iron filings -flocculent process is presented in the paper.提出了用铁屑内电解-絮凝法处理含ABS废水的新方法。


1.Study onElectrocoagulation Treatment for Domestic wastewater;电絮凝法处理生活废水的研究

2.To eliminate the Cu2+ and Cr6+ contained in sample of simulated laboratory waste by the method of electrocoagulation,the factors influenced the removal rate of Cu2+ and Cr6+ were investigated and obtained the optimum experiment conditions: at room temperature(25℃),take the anode as iron,stainless steel for the cathode,the voltage is 4.通过电絮凝法去除模拟实验室废水样品中的Cu2+和Cr6+,研究了治理过程中各种因素对去除率的影响,并得到最佳去除铜和铬的实验条件。

3.Ultrafiltration,chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation are mainly introduced about their principles,advantages,disadvantages and applications.着重介绍了超滤法、化学混凝法、电絮凝法这3种废水处理技术在乳化液废水处理方面的原理、优缺点及其应用,最后对该类废水处理技术的发展进行了展望。

5)coagulation flocculation混凝絮凝法

1.Biological treatment of stabilised landfill leachates shows the effective removal of nonbiodegradable organic compounds in leachate generated from sanitary landfills by usingcoagulation flocculation.对经生化处理后的垃圾渗滤液采用混凝絮凝法进行后处理,结果表明:混凝絮凝法对难降解有机质的去除十分有效,COD去除率可达到60%以上,特别是微生物絮凝剂的用量少,不产生二次污染,可应用于垃圾渗滤波特别是给水难降解有机质的去除工艺中。

6)flocculate the law and take off the dust絮凝法脱灰


絮凝法工艺(sedimentation process)分子式:CAS号:性质:又称絮凝法工艺(sedimentation process)。沉降法是感光乳剂制造过程中常用的脱盐方法。在乳剂制备过程中,当硝酸银(AgNO3)与碱金属的卤化物(KX)作用生成卤化银微晶颗粒时,也生成了无机盐类(如KNO3)可溶性杂质。利用明胶蛋白质大分子的两性电解质特性,改变其pH值,使卤化银微晶颗粒随明胶一起凝聚沉淀,可溶性无机盐类则留在水相中而被除去。由于其为絮凝沉降,故而称为絮凝法或凝聚法。与传统的水洗法相比,此种脱盐方法的优点是节约用水、缩短时间和操作简便。
