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人际传播 interpersonal communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-10 23:48:47


人际传播 interpersonal communication英语短句 例句大全

人际传播,interpersonal communication

1)interpersonal communication人际传播

1.The "Xiangtu relation" in city life:an analysis of peasant migrants life mode from the angle ofinterpersonal communication;都市生活中的乡土关系——对进城农民工生活方式的人际传播视角解读

2.Relational assumption ofinterpersonal communication in ancient China;中国古代人际传播思想中的关系假设


puter-mediated Interpersonal Communication and Re-tribalization of Communication;网络人际传播与传播的“部落化”回归

2.From Blog to Podcasting to See How Mass Communication Return Back to Interpersonal Communication;从博客到播客看大众传播回归人际传播

3.About the Interpersonal Communication and Interpersonal Harmony in QQ Context;试论QQ语境下的人际传播和人际和谐

4.Spiritual Practice of Interpersonal Communication--Review on Interpersonal Encounters一种人际传播研究的境界与期盼——读《人与人的相遇——人际传播论》

5.On the Function and Application of Personal Communicationin Advertising Communication;人际传播在广告传播中的作用及其应用

6.Research Review of Computer-mediated Interpersonal Communication(CMIC);当前网络人际传播研究述略——从网络言语传播与非言语传播谈起

7.A Two-way Dialogue:Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication-Translatology in the Perspective of Communication Science;内向传播和人际传播的双向对话——论建立传播学的翻译观

8.Bridges Not Walls: A Book about Interpersonal Communication人人之际:我与你的传播——读《是桥不是墙一本关于人际传播的书》

9.Research about Influence of Dissemination among Persons to Peasant s Political Participation;人际传播对农民政治参与的影响研究

10.Relational assumption of interpersonal communication in ancient China;中国古代人际传播思想中的关系假设

11.Study on Interpersonal Communication of the Characteristics of Mobile Telephone"s Short Message手机短信语言特色的人际传播学解读

12.Interpersonal Communication: A Comparitive Research on Symbolic Interactionism with Social Exchange Theory;人际传播:符号互动论与社会交换论的比较研究

13.A Study of the Characteristics of Interpersonal Communication in Groups and the Influence on Society Development;圈内人际传播特征及对社会发展影响的研究

14.The Research about Interpersonal Communication of Amway in China;安利(中国)日用品有限公司的人际传播研究

15.The Theory of "Looking-glass Self" in the Interpersonal Communication and the Ideological and Political Work among College Students;人际传播的“镜中我”理论与大学生思想政治工作

16.When Campus SNS Sparks Reality --Xiaonei net s Computer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication;当校园SNS照进现实——校内网的人际传播模式探讨

17.The Characteristics of Personal Communication in Network-Based Learning Community and It s Inspiration to NLC Design Application;网络学习社区人际传播特征及对NLC的作用

18.The Role of Interpersonal Communication Theory on Political Thought Work;人际传播理论在思想政治工作中的作用


personal communication人际传播

1.As a learning mode and organizing form in modern Learning-Typed society,personal communication in Network-Based Learning Community(ab.网络学习社区(NLC)作为现代学习型社会中的一种学习方式和学习组织形式,其人际传播特征具有独特性:社区成员的背景信息不再是阻碍学习交流的主要因素;社区成员能够最佳地表现自我;社区中人际传播的双向、互动和不平衡传播性质有助于学生知识构建和能力提高;社区中的传播反馈有助于强化教师与学生、学生与学生学习和交流的效果。

2.Personal communication does not play the chief role in advertising information communication,So in current advertising researches, people usually ignore the function ofpersonal communication when they pay special attention to mass media and its communication pattern.由于人际传播在广告传播中不占主导地位,因而在当前的广告研究中,人们对大众传播媒体及其传播规律的关注相对较多,而往往忽视人际传播在广告中的作用。

3)super-interpersonal effects超人际传播

1.This article analyzes the cause offormation about thesuper-interpersonal effects.这便是电脑媒介的“超人际传播”效果。

4)interpersonal linguistic communication人际语言传播

1.Starting from the practice ofinterpersonal linguistic communication, this paper constructs a pattern for the generation of information gap in the course ofinterpersonal linguistic communication by means of which to discuss the causes for the formation of information gap.根据人际语言传播的实际,为人际语言传播中的信息差的生成建构一个模式,并据此模式论述了它的生成原因。

5)internet interpersonal communication网络人际传播

1.The uniqueness ofinternet interpersonal communication links up the frontier research of two branches of learning: communication and rhetorics.网络人际传播是借助大众传播媒介互联网联结的人际交流,这一新兴的人际传播方式为传播学与修辞学提供了边缘研究的契合点。

6)interpersonal communication study人际传播研究

1.This paper analyses systematically to the important branch of communication research that isinterpersonal communication study.本文对传播学研究的重要分支——人际传播研究在我国大陆地区的现实状况与发展前景进行了系统的分析。


